At the moment Rapha arrived to the Woodland, she began retching.
Yuuyami sighed while stroking Rapha’s back.

“That’s why, I said you don’t have to follow me.”

As for Yuuyami, she wished to depart to Lydia as soon as possible.
However, since ethics subroutine functioning normally, it’s impossible to leave Rapha who feels bad.

“Uuh… It’s bad that Yuuyami’s medicine… doesn’t work…”

Before departing from the library, Yuuyami reproduced an anti-motion sickness medicine for Rapha to take.
Actually, she wanted to leave Rapha and come alone, however Rapha said that she would go with her no matter what.

“No, you’ve made it this far, so I guess it’s quite effective.”

Without a medicine Rapha would probably vomit within two hundred meters after riding the motorcycle.

“Even more effective medicine… should be reproduced…”
“It’s a pretty good medicine. Inasmuch as it’s highly effective and has a seldom​ side effects.”
“Does… Yuuyami says that, I’m to blame?”
“I haven’t said that much. Merely saying that the drug is worked.”
“First and foremost, it’s insane, to use a motorcycle… regularly.”
“That’s Lydia’s preference, so please tell it to Lydia.”

It was Lydia who offered to produce a motorcycle.
For Yuuyami it was irrelevant whether it’ll be motorcar or an aircraft. Any vehicle that can move faster than by foot would’ve been fine.

“Excuse me for troubles.”

Noah, who had been standing silently for a while, said so.

“In case if you truly think so, could you tell onee-chama to remove the tires and adopt an Angie?”
“It’s pointlessness.”

Yuuyami shrugged her shoulders.
There appears to be no particular pretext, however Lydia loves motorcycles.

“…It considerably calmed.”
“Is that so?”

Rapha stood up, so Yuuyami ceased patting her back.

“Well now, I’m going to hit that blasted jerk who made Ohan destroy himself.”

Rapha bravely took a step forward and then, just like that, nearly fell down.
Yuuyami hurriedly caught her.

“Are you alright?”
“I’m alright. I have to avenge for Ohan’s death.”

Rapha pushed away Yuuyami’s hand and stood on her feet properly.
When they rescued Lydia, Yuuyami believed that she would repair a floor immediately.
By all means, Rapha likes Ohan. If she didn’t have any feelings for them, she wouldn’t have said so.

“For Ohan, not Lydia?”

Yuuyami said in a slightly teasing tone.

“When onee-chama in crisis, usually onee-chama gets what she deserts. Like when she was on inch from death at the beach because been foolishly cooling Yuuymai down with her own body.”

Rapha responded seriously.

Right then,

“Please wait a moment. Lydia was close to death​?”

Yuuyami opened her eyes widely to the shocking fact.

“Eh? You didn’t hear?”
“Yes, please explain.”

At that day Lydia merely said: “Yuuyami didn’t hurt me, you know. Since you properly released me before shutting down.”
After that, she asked Rapha for support. That was what she heard.
Yuuyami haven’t perceived that she was about to die.

“Well, it isn’t such a big deal. From my point of view, it’s a sheer stupidity​.”

Rapha slightly shook her head and explained events that took a place after Yuuyami’s shut down.


Yuuyami was truly, earnestly wishing to meet Lydia right now.
What Lydia did certainly wasn’t a praiseworthy conduct. It was practically meaningless. No wonder Rapha described it as a sheer stupidity​.
nevertheless, Lydia put on top Yuuyami’s life and tried to save her.
She did everything she could at that time.
Important thing isn’t a result but that action.
The conduct of Lydia is so lovable that Yuuyami was about to have a runaway once again.
However, by receiving all that love, she has to be able to retain her sense​s. That’s what Lydia taught her.
Tonight, Yuuyami thought. If she wished to enjoy the process of making a child, this night is perfect.
Inasmuch as right now, she overflowed with love for Lydia.

During Prico’s cleaning of the library, she felt that something was lacking.
Not in this library.
Since the reboot and until now, she feel as if there has been a hole in her storage.
Something is missing. However she don’t know what it was. Even that has been missing.
And yet, she believes it was very important.
Purico has no heart, but Quantum Brain screams.
I’m deficient.
Current herself is not the actual one. That sort of uncomfortable feeling haunt Prico.
Was it since Prico, an SA series, was forced to work as LM series?
Prico slightly shook her head.
Not so simple. Substantial thing. For instance, right, the level of discomfort which is directly related to her very existence.
She’ve been continuosly pondering about that. She feel something is weird, during acting according to her program.
While recognising Lydia as her master, she feel that she isn’t her actual master.

“After all Apricot’s master wears a white coatー”

Quantum brain make a noise.
She felt as if she found a fragment of her recollection in that noise.
Nevertheless, fragments are nothing but fragments.

“White coat?”

Prico tilted her head in puzzlement.
Prico doesn’t understand why such a word came out.
Although data of the white coat is included, she have never actually worn a white coat nor she remember meeting a person wearing it.
Even so,
faintly, vaguely, like an apparition​,
a black-haired female​ in a white coat came to her mind.
A woman whispered: “I love you,” as caressed Prico’s head.


Although Purico has no heart,
although Purico has no consciousness,
for some reason, she felt exceedingly​ sad.

“Well, albeit Yuuyami sometimes say malicious things, she’s actually thinking about me.” Lydia puts her hands on cheeks and wriggling her body. “Ah, I’m dissatisfied with Yuuyami, in most cases, I’m the one who started kissing her. Consequently, I believe it would be okay to have more intense and active courting from Yuuyami. Hinagiku thinks so either, right?”

It was just endlessly.
Hinagiku was endlessly told by Lydia about her love affairs​. Wasn’t listening. Was told.
Nothing is more depressing than someone else’s love stories.

“You think so, right? Even so, I have no other complaints. Yuuyuami is the most beautiful in the world, the most pleasant in the world, the tenderest in the world, the most charming in the world and her bosom is the best in the world, as well as her figure; there is no bound to the strong point​s of Yuuyami.”

Hinagiku didn’t even nod.
Was she consent or not, it’s irrelevant for present Lydia.
There is saying – love is blind, but this is too cruel. As one would expect, Hinagiku was anxious about Lydia’s mental condition.
And the reason is because Lydia’s partner is an AD.

“May I meddle in?” asked Hinagiku.
“Uh-huh. Okay? What else do you want to know about Yuuyami?”
“No, that’s enough.”

Said Hinagiku, she got enough of it.
Lydia’s story was so sugary that Hinagiku felt like she had a heartburn.

“Is that so? Then what is it?”
“Lucy, AD behaves only as it programmed. That is to say, every single word and deed​ of Yuuyami are emulation.”

For Hinagiku herself, it took many years to recognise that.
Apricot behaved as if she loved her, esteemed Hinagiku.
However, that’s completely virtual. It wasn’t genuine. In unexpected serenity when she noticed that, Hinagiku was so sad that she deserted Apricot in the Woodland.

“Ahー, right, sorry. I forgot to mention a crucial fact​. In Yuuyami dwell consciousness.”
“There is no practice of an AD having consciousness.”
“I’ve had a lot of controversies with Rapha in this regard, so I won’t do it any more, you know? If Hinagiku doesn’t believe it, that’s fine. However, Yuuyami certainly conscious.”
“If, supposing, that is truth…”

Hinagiku covered her head with right hand.

(You commit an outrageous mistake.)

Moss, which was lying on the floor, said so.

“I… Apricot…”
“Apricot?” asked Lydia.

However, Hinagiku did not respond anything.

(Even if it was a fib at that time, it might have become genuine someday.)

The tone of moss was pitying.
Hinagiku impulsively pressed the muzzle of revolver against her temple.
Nothing but wrong. Nothing but failure. Hinagiku can not believe herself any more. Her every single judgment was wrong.
At present there’s no days when she was praised as a talented woman.

“I don’t like Hinagiku. But don’t like that as well. I do not wish for this sort of conclusion​.”

Said Lydia,
and then, simultaneously​, a sound of knocking was heard.

(Someone has come to pay a visit once again. Most likely Yuuyami, to take Lydia back.)
“I haven’t locked. Come in.”

Hinagiku pointed the muzzle at Lydia.
In case if that truly was Yuuyami, it would be meaningless to point a muzzle toward the door. She can’t hurt an AD with such an antique weapon.
However it’s enough to injure​ Lydia.
If Lydia and Yuuyami genuinely in love with each other, it would be imprudent for Yuuyami to perform anything dangerous.
Hinagiku wanted to make sure​.
Is there dwelling a consciousness in that AD?
Does Yuuyami truly​ loves Lydia?

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