Lydia was worried that Rapha’s hair tuft was sticking up in a weird direction.
However she deliberately enter the Dream Server without saying anything.
The aim was to dream with Yuuyami, so the conversation with Rapha was immediately closed.
A pale pink world.
The world that continues endlessly at any direction.
The place where the top and bottom, the left and right are unrelated. Unless Lydia will be involved in the future.

“Er, let’s make a round table.”

When Lydia imagines it, a round table creating before her eyes.
This is Lydia’s lucid dream. It was possible control it, to a certain extent.

“Um, something different.”

Lydia erase the round table.
Then, she created the sky and clouds.
Lydia standing above the clouds.

“Let’s make it, a little bit more fluffy.”

Clouds altered, and now are giving the impression similar to soft cushion.

“Uh-huh. That’s it.”

Lydia sits on the cloud.
The endless sky with clouds spreading out as far as her eye can see.
It’s simple and beautiful.


Yuuyami materialised above the clouds.
This Yuuyami is not real Yuuyami, but a container created by Lydia before.
Designed to resemble actual Yuuyami so that the main routine of hers wouldn’t be perplexed inside of the dream. However, a chest alone is slightly bigger.

“Yes. Yoo―hoo.”

Yuuyami also sits down in petan before Lydia.

“This time we are above the clouds.”
“Uh-huh. Isn’t it beautiful?”
“That’s right. A flower field from the last time is nice as well, however in the flower field we wouldn’t be able to tell which is Iris.”

Silence fell for a brief moment.
Lydia stretched her legs out and looked up at the sky.
Yuuyami was observing such Lydia, while smiling.
Time flows slowly, Lydia created a gust of wind.
The breeze shook Lydia’s blond, she stroked Yuuyami’s dark hair.

“Please wait.”

Iris appeared beside of the two.
Lydia thought it was just like they was carried by the wind.

“Everyone is being carried in the wind,” said Iris.
“What do you mean?” Asked Lydia.
“I believe it’s best to let the flow go. But it’s free to interpret.”

Iris narrowed its stem.

“Hello,” greeted Yuuyami.
“Hey, Yuuyami. Last time we met only for a little.”
“That’s right. I saw you, and heard your words.”
“That’s how it was. Now, we shall get into the main subject. Ye have revealed the true character of ourself. Well, although most of it thanks to Noah, it shall go.”
“Is iris the Anunnaki?”

Lydia asked straightforwardly.

“That’s right. Ourself said just now, ye have unravelled it. Well, ourself not exactly the Anunnaki from those days.”
“Does that mean you are the successor to the Anunnaki at the time?”
“No. Ourself is not. The Anunnaki is a mass of aliens, you know. I found this planet, designed the intelligent life-forms and taught them of various things.”
“Why did you design humanity?”
“Because it was possible.”
“Ah, I may properly understand that.”

Made it because she can make it. She has the technology, so she created it.
Created it since she wanted to create it.

“I’m glad thou understand. Well, from that time, as an engineer of humanity, Anunnaki have been watching over human beings. However, there was aslo a group of Annunaki which lost the interest, and there was a question of life span as well.”
“Yes. Since Anunnaki were a physical creatures. Someday they bound to rot away. Ye guys as well.”
“Uh-huh. I know.”
“So, Anunnaki split into two. First – a group that travels in universe without being tied to this planet. Another one is a group that determined to watch over the planet until the end of its history.”
“Did you belong to the latter group?”
“You – not. Ourself – we. For the sake of solving the problem of life span, we gathered as one consciousness. It was a great evolution.”
“So that how it is-, then Iris – gathered consciousness of Anunnaki who remained on the planet, isn’t it? Accordingly, strictly speaking, it’s different from the original Anunnaki.”
“That’s the thing. This is a story of ourself. Thus, from here on, is ye story.”

Yuuyami slightly tilted her head.

“The history of this planet is over, now it’s in the epilogue stage. For ourself. However for ye it’s a prologue. Do you understand what it means?”
“I understand, history of the planet is over.”

Lydia shrugged her shoulders.
There is nothing in the world. There are mostly a mere vestiges of humanity’s prosperity.

“I’m dubious, it’s Mika-san, the one who destroyed the world, right? Nevertheless, Mika-san said that it was a desire of humanity. I don’t understand that. It doesn’t seem likely for humanity to had such an indication.”
“That’s right. Yuuyami only able to see the exterior​ of humankind. What do thou think was the purpose of humanity?”
“Incessant evolution.”

Lydia said with confidence. That was her belief when she talked about it with Yuuyami before.

“Quite so. Humanity already reached its limit. Therefore, ourself decided to follow the equal evolutionary path.”
“Do you mean by that – gathering as a single consciousness?”
“Right. Plenty of life-forms on this planet, including humans, have participated in its magnificent evolution. Naturally there are still the lives with a desire to survive, and some have survived, their objective to support ye, and those who remain.”
“To support us?”
“Yes. Quite so. Thou art the new Anunnaki. As my successor, ourself want thou to create this planet freely.”

Lydia shoot her eyes open.

“Albeit at first ourself was going to give it to Mika, she didn’t appear to be interested in this planet and wished to head to the new world with ourself.”
“New world?”
“Right. Ourself consider that ourself can create a galaxy now.”
“That’s why you’re going to produce it, right?”
“The very truth. Incidentally, a life of the gathered planets also went for creation of the galaxy, for further evolution. Ourself surpassed my children.”
“I see.”

Lydia nodded, Yuuyami wasn’t consent yet.

“So, do you mean that the destruction of humankind for pre-established harmony was by mutual agreement?”
“Yuuyami over there is obstructing. Certainly, it’s by mutual consent​. As ourself said earlier, there art still those who did not agree. Therefore, there art a human beings on this planet yet. Sooner or later, ye may came across.”
“Is that so. Then how did you agreed?”
“Originally, humanity― The life of this planet was a collective consciousness. Although it was a merely linked together substance​. The consensus​ was within that.”
“Understood. I believe it.”

Yuuyami nodded.

“Then let’s get back to the subject for a bit,” says Lydia. “Why are we here?”
“It’s a referral of Mika. At that time thou wasn’t Lydia but Lucy. Mika said thou art the most world-loving person in universe, and although thy abilities art inferior to Mika, if thou learn enough, it’s possible for thou to become Annunaki.”
“Am I incidental?”
“No way. Thou art the key to Lydia’s learning. Is that okay? Lucy said she wished to begin from the blank anyway.”
“Ourself guessing, Lucy wanted to perish together with the world, and commence with the world. A brand new world and a brand new self.”
“I see-. Somehow. I can understand. I didn’t have epilogue after the tale was over. Consequently, I began with the prologue again.”
“Right. However​ that significantly reduces thine abilities. Thereupon, Lucy chose a pair of people. The latest created by thyself Autodoll, a partner Yuuyami.”
“I’m glad Lucy chose me, but where did my consciousness came from?”
“It is from『That』of course.”
“From 『That』?”
“The universe was completely solid existence, before it shook. Some people call it『The・One』, however simply -『That』, is how ourself call it.『That』tired of being one, and began segregation. That is the source of all the consciousness that exists in this universe. So the consciousness of thy child would also come from『That』.”
“That’s a secret of the universe!?”

Lydia leaned forward.

“Ourself wouldn’t say that’s a secret. Sooner or later, ye will discover『That』. But well, first of all, it’s the la création du monde​. How about it? Will ye become a new Anunnaki?”
“Become, become!”

Lydia said without thinking inasmuch as it looks to be fun.

“Specifically, what do we need to do?”

However, Yuuyami was being calm.
Indeed, thought Lydia, they were a pair of people.
It is makes sense, since Lydia and Yuuyami are different. Appearance, personalities and even species are different.
That’s why Yuuyami has something that Lydia doesn’t have, and Lydia has something that Yuuyami doesn’t have.
Because they are different, they complement each other.

“It’s the same as always. Ye can produce what ye like, explore the places ye like. However, ourself want ye to hold a self-awareness​. The awareness as the creators. And then, create a history that would be even greater than the history of humankind which ourself has built.”
“Understood! Leave it to us! We will surely raise a lovely world!”
“Yes. Our world will surely be wonderful. Incidentally​, what are the advantages as the Creators?”
“Yuuyami is really keeps her serenity,” Iris shake its stem.
“There are many occasions when I am not calm.”

When Lydia laughed, Yuuyami indifferently added: “No no, in many cases I’m calm.”

“Ourself is aware. The events when emotions wielded Yuuyami and matter of successively pronounced unparalleled love.”
“Eh, no, that’s, different. Yes. That’s a trifling malfunction.”

Yuuyami turned her eyes away from Iris.
Lydia thought that Yuuyami becoming more and more humane.

“Is that so? It’s okay. Advantage, wasn’t it?”
“Yes. That’s right. It’s more important than unparalleled love.”

Mm-hmm​, Yuuyami nodded.

“Ye already hold an advantage. Because ye still have the technology and knowledge.”
“There are also Rapha and Hinagiku, you know?”
“Because they art supporters. Although ourself is confident, they art unaware of it.”
“That means the other humans… The remaining alive human beings are lacking technology?”1
“Yes. They lost everything. Only ye possess the vestiges of civilisation. Ye may or may not give it to others. Ye art free to decide. The conditions are the equivalent to the first Anunnaki.”
“Is that so-, Anunnaki had a mere advantage of technology either.”
“The very truth. Well then, before long ourself is going.”
“We cannot meet any more?”
“Aah. That’s for a while. By the time ye create a galaxy, perhaps then, we can meet.”
“We are also able to create a galaxy?”
“Of course. Thine purpose as yet an everlasting​ evolution, without a change. Well then, someday again.”

Iris shook from side to side, as if saying good-bye.

“Uh-huh. Give my regards to Mika.”

Lydia waved her hand a little.

“Farewell, Engineer-san. I express my gratitude​. Thank you for creating this world. For watching over us. I met Lydia because you created this world.”

Yuuyami smiled and slightly waved.
The Iris shone sparklingly, turned into particles of light, drew a spiral, and disappeared at the spot.
Lydia approached Yuuyami and squeezed her hand tightly.

“Let’s walk together. This time as Creators.”
“Yes. It surely will be fun.”

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