
Lydia clapped her hands to emphasize her excitement.

“Human beings can be created without a sexual intercourse​!?”

It was a straightforward impression of Lydia, who’ve heard the outline of the Angel Project.
Lydia also recieved sex education, so she has a good understanding of the process which lead to humans birth.

“Onee-chama…” Rapha cheeks dyed. “In such a loud voice… how shameful.”
“Shameful? Why?”

Lydia slightly tilted her head.

“Hmm… that’s, that…”

Rapha was cornered. And in the end, turned her gaze towards teacup.
It seemd unlikely to have chatter​ with it, yet Lydia also looked at the teacup.
However even so, teacup was being silent.
Well, that’s right, thought Lydia, and moved her eyes to Yuuyami.

“Hey, Yuuyami, why is it shameful? By what means​ it shameful, humans produce a new humans? It’s fantastic to create something, right?”

Yuuyami has plenty of knowledge. Therefore Lydia knew that if you ask Yuuyami, you could comprehend most of the things.
Naturally, there exists things which even Yuuyami couldn’t grasp.
For instance, the reason of world’s collapse.

“Let’s see.” Yuuyami declared indifferent. “Essentially it’s really wonderful thing. However, frequently numerous humans had a sexual act for the sake of pleasure…”

“The objective was changed?”
“Right. That’s right. It was excessively common for sexual activity to satisfy one’s desires, and with that being the case, typically was considered as immodestーunrefined, shameful.”
“That how it is.”
“That’s right.”

Lydia nodded deeply, and Yuuyami nodded a little.

“Not only that. Humans have something to be ashamed of. However ‘AD’ doesn’t have it.” Rapha glanced at Yuuyami: “Does that means an act of showing to the other person oneself’s nudity?”

Lydia nodded, as recollected​ some of the movies used for sex education.

“That’s is the reason.”
“What do you mean by that?”

Lydia has no idea.
What does it mean to show one’s nudity?
Lydia loved clothes, so she just wear them, she didn’t thought that she has to wear them separately from others.

“Maiden shouldn’t lightly expose her nudity, Onee-chama.”
“Even if there is no one in the world?”

Lydia slightly tilted her head.

“Yes, even if no one. In addition, don’t say loudly things regarding the act. That’s how maiden must behave.”
“Even if no one is listening?”
“Yes, even if no one listening. You don’t remember, Onee-chama, so it may be unavoidable, however please be careful from now on?”

Lydia wasn’t convinced.

“Lydia.” Said Yuuyami. “Rapha-san just asking you, because it’s uncomfortable for her.”
“Ah, I see.”

Lydia clapped her hands.
If so she cloud say that from the beginning that she hates sexual intercourse, so let’s don’t speak about it.
Lydia judged that she was a roundabout child.
At that time, Ohan went up the stairs with a chair in right hand.
Ohan seemed to be awfully large and strong, metal skeleton was glittering. Lydia’s impression was that he looks cool.
Moreover, Ohan’s visual sensor resembled a vermilion jewel, very beautiful.
Ohan leisurely and boldly walked next to Lydia.
When Lydia raised her eyes​, Ohan focused his sensor on Lydia.
After that uttered:

“Here you are.” And placed chair down.
“Thank you.” Answered Lydia.

However, Ohan did not say “You are welcome” or “I’m glad you were pleased”, but unhurriedly moved to Rapha’s back. And thus, stopped operate right there.
Lydia guessed that he didn’t run out of energy, but there seemed to be Ohan’s home position.

“Nee-chama, for what purpose do you showing gratitude​ to ‘AD’?”

Rapha showed exceedingly​ mysterious facial expression on her face.

“Since he brought me a chair.”

Lydia sat down on a chair while saying it. Stool wasn’t very comfortable to sit on, however it better than standing all the time.

“That was because I ordered it.” Said Rapha with a slightly stuffy look. “Therefore, if you want to, say it to me instead, okay?”
“Uh-huh. Thank you too, Rapha.”

Lydia set afloat a smile, however Rapha remained stuffy.

“Me ‘too’?”
“Uh-huh, Rapha says…” Lydia looks at Ohan. “Because chair brought… Well, I’d yet to hear his name, right?”
“It’s Type・Ohan.”

She was aware about that. Yuuyami mentioned it when they was riding a motorcycle.

“It’s a type, what about name?”
“It don’t possesed a name. I don’t have any particular attachment to it, there’s no point to append a name. Well, I guess it’s okay to apply one to an ‘AD’ that is so valuable as Yuuyami.”

Lydia felt slightly unpleasant​ by Rapha’s wording.
It was as if Ohan has completely no value. However, Ohan carried her a stool. Also the exterior looks attractive.
Lydia considered he has plenty of value.

“Hey, you.” Lydia tells Ohan. “Do you wish to have a name?”
“I don’t understand.”

Ohan answered unconcernedly.

“Are you posses consciousness? Or else, nothing but cool?”

Lydia tilted her head slightly.

“Huh?” Rafa distorts her visage. “Onee-chama, do you have a brain disorder? After you erased your memory, did you have a prognostic symptoms?”
“Eh? What do you mean?”
“Apparently, you wouldn’t say that an ‘AD’ is conscious, unless you a greatly mad person.”

Lydia guessed it wouldn’t be strange to dwell consciousness in Ohan, since Yuuyami has it.
Even if Ohan didn’t hold consciousness at the moment, there is always a possibility that he will get it in the future.
However, she a little hesitated whether to say it or not.
Rapha’s repudiation was so strong, it felt like a quarrel would be unavoidable.

“Well, from now on, I’ll educate Onee-chama and bestow her proper knowledge. So, it’s okay, be crazy for now.”

A gaze full of pity. A disdain tone.
Lydia felt immensely unpleasant.
She has been already a proved full-fledged individual. Rapha repudiate​ not only Lydia, but also the education which Yuuyami gave her.

It was a very, very unpleasant.

“I waited for Onee-chama for three months, you know? When I woke up, Onee-chama wasn’t there for some reason. We supposed to wake at the same time. Right in a moment, I became desperate.”

Suddenly Rapha began narrateing.
Lydia was listening Rapha, however her heart was longing for returning to library.
Talking to Rapha was somewhat tiring, and didn’t felt nice.
The long-awaited human she met ー moreover, it was her sister, and yet, at present, she wasn’t happy in the slightest.

“But I believed, I waited. Onee-chama surely will come back. And finally, today, you made it. Now, Onee-chama, let’s enjoy a la création du monde,1 with me.”

Rapha suddenly put out her left hand.
She want her to take this hand, if Lydia comprehend it correctly. However, she didn’t touch it.

“Onee-chama, if I put out my hand – grasp it. Firstly, of course, please take off your gloves.”

Rapha shook her head a little, saying: “Good grief.”

“I’m going home now.”

Lydia stood up and turned on her heels.


The sound made Lydia realize – Rapha stood up in panic​ and turned over chair.

“Yuuyami, you drive home?”
“Yes, of course.”

Yuuyami showed a smile.
Her voice truly bring peace of mind​.
It wasn’t the disdain nor compassionate tone, but sincerely and tender.

“Please wait, Onee-chama. What do you mean?”
“No matter what you say…” Lydia to looked over her shoulder. “…all I will do is to return home.”
“Have you forget something? Then I’ll send Ohan to pick it up. Now, Onee-chama, you don’t have to go anywhere, right?”
“I want to go to various sorts of places, you know?”

Lydia smiled a little.
Exploring the world together with Yuuyami.
Even if there is nothing in world, that’s fine.
After all, in a world of nothing, you can create anything from now on.
There are numerous projects for Lydia and Yuuyami. Which comprise plenty of creations.

“I don’t know what you mean. Onee-chama, didn’t you promised to create a new world with me? You erased your memory in order to start over from scratch, and then you will lead me, didn’t you said that? ”
“Did I tell you?”

It was a fact. Lydia now don’t remember to make this promise.
For Lydia, the beginning of the world was when she woke up in the library. Before that – nothing.

“I told you.”
“Hmーm, that was former me, right?”
“Such a thing doesn’t matter, Onee-chama is always Onee-chama.”
“Well, that’s…” Lydia smiled. “I want to be friends with Rapha, however I’m going home today, okay?”
“To put it bluntly, I believe it’s because Rapha says nothing but an unpleasant things.”

She wanted to leave Rapha for the time being.
Lydia already felt worn out.

“Unpleasant things..?” Rapha tilted head. “What was I said?”

Rapha, earnestly asked a question with widely opened eyes.
Lydia didn’t know what to do.
Yuuyami, who always by her side, was very logical, she never said anything unpleasant, and she understand good and bad points of Lydia.
For Lydia, Rapha appeared to be a very complicated creature.

“Well, er, that will be a Rapha’s project – to ponder about that, alright?”

Although it was a makeshift, Lydia wanted to settle this conversation somehow.

“Right. I’ll come back again. Until then, okay?”
“When is ‘until then’?”
“Well, a week later?”

Answered Lydia. Rapha showed a slightly thoughtful posture.

“One week, is it? Understood. I’ve been waiting for three months. I’ll wait for another week.”
“While you’re waiting, earnestly think about it, alright?”

Next time they meet, Lydia wished to not be so exhausted.

“Naturally. I have an excellent ability in completing projects.”

Declared Rapha. However, somehow Lydia didn’t worried too much about it.

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