
Chapter 112 - My Roommates | 112

"So you're implying that..?" The department head urged Otto to continue. The carefree tone in his voice was long gone, replaced with a serious one.

"He might be a spy," Otto said carefully. He didn't want to wrong Song Lei but that was indeed possible. They were one of the biggest organizations in the London underworld. They had a lot of enemies that would do everything they could to bring them down.

"That's indeed a possibility," the department head said.

"What should we do about him?" Otto asked.

Hearing Otto's question, the department head closed his eyes and thought for nearly fifteen seconds. Seeing him thinking deeply, Otto didn't dare to interrupt. He just kept waiting for the department head to come to a conclusion.

"Don't do anything for now," Otto said while spinning a black pen around his hand. "Keep a close eye on him and watch every one of his actions. I want all of his achievements and actions reported to me. If he is indeed a spy, we can take him out. However, if he isn't, we'll have a great human-weapon in our hands."

"You're right sir, however, Boss wouldn't be happy if he heard you using the human-weapon word again," Otto said. The department head's indifferent expression was back on his face.

"Is that so? Are you trying to warn me?" The department head asked. For less than a second, there was a flash of light in his eyes. "Or are you threatening me?"

"That's up to you to decide sir," Otto said while adjusting his necktie. Compared to the first time he had entered the room, he seemed to have become much more daring. "I will take my leave now. I will send reports about Lewis to your room every day."

"Leave then. Go. Don't disturb me anymore," the department head urged Otto to leave the room. He then turned around in his chair without listening to another word from Otto.

Seeing that the department head was back to his usual self, Otto smiled faintly and left the room...


After trying to find his way by using the map for more than twenty minutes, Song Lei managed to reach the medical section. It was easy to find where he had to go from that point on. There were lots of signs that showed where he had to go.

After taking a few turns, he managed to reach the doctor's office. He knocked on the door and started waiting. After less than thirty seconds, a flustered man's voice came from the room.

"C- Come in!"

Hearing the man's voice, Song Lei opened the door and entered the room. It was an average doctor's office with all kinds of tools. Of course, because of the date, the technology on these tools wasn't good.

There was a desk to the side of the room with the doctor sitting behind it. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a shapely nose. Any person would be able to tell that he was a very handsome man just by glancing at him.

Standing next to him was a woman with black hair. Her casual clothes were disheveled. Their faces were flushed red. After Song Lei came in, the woman timidly ran out of the room. Song Lei didn't think much of it and walked up to the doctor.

"Sorry for that..." The doctor said. He lightly coughed. "What are you here for? I'm seeing you for the first time."

"Umm... No problem," Song Lei shrugged it off. He took the forms that Otto had told him to make the doctor fill in and gave them to the doctor. "I'm indeed new here. Otto told me to bring these to you and get a medical check-up."

"I see..." The doctor muttered while looking at the contents of the forms. After reading for some time, he got up from his place. "Come here," the doctor said. Song Lei went to his side. There were different kinds of measurement tools aligned side to side.

One by one, the doctor checked things like his height, weight, flexibility, and so on. When they were done with the measurement, the doctor would note down his results. After Song Lei went through every measurement, the doctor signed him to sit down on a chair. After that, he made some medical check-up with his stethoscope and other tools.

"You seem good to go. However, your body is too weak for someone your age. You should get proper nutrition and work out. From what I can see here, you're assigned to the A section, however, you'll go to section B every day to go through some rehabilitative training," the doctor explained in one breath. After he was done filling the whole form, he handed it to Song Lei. "There are professionals on these kinds of things there. They'll take good care of you. Make sure to give that forms back to Otto."

Song Lei nodded and took the forms into his hands. After that, he left the room and headed back to Otto's shack. Otto was sitting there just like before, with a blank expression. Song Lei had felt that there was something wrong with Otto. However, he didn't pry further. After entering the shack, he handed him the forms.

"Good job. You can go to your dorm now. Your dorm room number is 1407. You will live together with three other trainees. Your uniform will be ready tomorrow. Don't forget to ask your friends about the stuff here," Otto said. He pushed Song Lei out of the shack and closed the door.

After Otto had thrown him out, Song Lei sighed and went to the dorms.

'Room 1407 huh...'

After searching for five minutes, Song Lei managed to find his floor. By the time he was there, the sun had already set and every trainee had gone back to their rooms. Song Lei was the only person who was trying to find his room. Finally, he managed to find the room and opened the door.

"You see. That guy i- Oh?"

As Song Lei entered the room, the person that was talking stopped and looked at Song Lei with a surprised expression on his face. Shortly after, the surprise was replaced with a wide smile.

"Welcome welcome! You must be our new roommate!" the guy said. He was a slightly chubby, black-haired teenager with brown eyes. He had a really big frame with probably a height that was around 1.85 meters. "You look really thin!" The guy said while grabbing Song Lei's arm. He was trying to measure it with his finger. "Your wrist is as wide as two fingers of mine..."

'This guy is strong...' Song Lei thought. Although he was in a weak situation right now, it wasn't hard to guess that this chubby person was really strong. He could probably lift Song Lei with a single hand.

"Hello everyone. I'm Lewis. I hope we get along well," Song Lei greeted his roommates.

"Welcome, Lewis. My name is Clark," a guy that was sitting on one of the two bunk beds of the room. He had yellow hair with brown eyes and freckles on his cheeks. "That guy who is too dumb to introduce himself is Rufus," Clark said while pointing towards the chubby teenager that was still measuring Song Lei's arms.

"And that is Aston. He is a bit shy, so don't mind him," Clark finished introducing themselves by pointing at the other person that was sitting against a deck and playing with some tools. He had a buzz cut and a relatively small stature. Although he wasn't as small as Song Lei, he was definitely smaller than Clark and Rufus.

"Nice to meet you, everyone," Song Lei said. "Which one is my bed?"

"That one," Clark said while pointing towards one of the bunk top beds. Song Lei nodded and tried to shake his wrist free from Rufus. Noticing he was trying to break free, Rufus let go and scratched the back of his head.

"Hehe... Sorry," Rufus said in a shy manner. Song Lei smiled and didn't say anything. He would rather go up to his bed and lay down.

"So? Aren't you going to ask us anything?" Clark said. Song Lei sat down and started thinking about what he could ask.

"First of all, what is our schedule? When do we wake up and what do we do during the days?" Song Lei asked.

"That's a nice question," Clark said. "First of all, we wake up at 5:00 a.m. After washing up and getting ready, we have physical training from 5:20 to 8:00. When that's over, we have breakfast in twenty minutes and go to class at 8:20."

"Class? What class?" Song Lei asked. He wasn't sure what they would teach these teenagers in this place.

"There are different kinds of classes each day of the week. There are ones about science, survival, medicine. A lot of practical things basically. You'll come to learn them eventually," Clark said.

"We have several classes that last till 13:00. We then have firearms training that lasts for three hours. After that, we have an hour of free time that you can spend on anything you want. Right around 17:00, we have CQC training for three hours. Finally, we have dinner at 20:30. Curfew is at 22:00. So you are free to do whatever you want till then," he explained. It was to the point with no extra details.

"Thank you very much," Song Lei thanked Clark for the explanation. Shortly after, a bell rang and the lights of the room went out.

"It's the curfew. We can continue talking tomorrow," Clark said before laying down on his bed.

The other two also laid down on their beds and quickly went to sleep. Seeing that there wasn't anything left to do, Song Lei decided to sleep.

This was the start of his hellish training days in the Eye Orphanage....

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