Perhaps the director is still interrogating relevant personnel.

He did not reply to Chen Fan immediately.

Look at the iron nail inserted into Zhang Guoqing's head.

Mai Mai said:"Could this be the reason why Zhang Guoqing died?"

At this time, Chen Fan did not answer Mai Mai directly.

Instead, he took out a toolbox.

Maiimai walked over curiously and took a look inside when Chen Fan opened the tool box.

There are electric saws and electric drills inside. and other various tools.

It looks like they are all for decoration.

Mai Mai said:"Chen Fan...don't you want to do you use these tools? Can't you just use a knife?"

Chen Fan directly took out an electric saw and said:"Yes... These tools are needed only for dissection……"

Mai Mai was stunned and said,"Huh?"

Chen Fan took the tool and came to the body of the deceased Zhang Guoqing, then pointed at Zhang Guoqing's head and cut open Zhang Guoqing's head with a chainsaw.

This moment.

Mai Mai was stunned...

Oh my god...

Is Chen Fan going to cut Zhang Guoqing's head directly? ? ?

This is the first time Mai Mai has seen this situation.

She never expected... It turns out that dissection is not only about cutting open the human body, but also about opening the human brain.

【Cut open your skull... I'm cracked... cut the uterus... Ben Qiu's head hurts so much…】

【Don't tell me...if I hadn't known that Chen Fan was a forensic doctor...I would have thought that Chen Fan was a pervert.……】

【Upstairs...your reflex arc is too long...when Chen Fan was perverted...haven't you seen it a long time ago?……】

【Mai Mai was so scared... When I saw Chen Fan cutting open his head with a chainsaw, I felt my head hurt so much.……】

【As we all know... when you use a chainsaw to cut open human bones, you will smell a special smell... that is the smell of bone chips.……】

When someone is popularizing science in the live broadcast room.

Mai Mai really smelled a special smell.

But when Mai Mai wanted to go over and ask Chen Fan what it smelled like.

The sound of the chainsaw stopped.

The head in front of Chen Fan immediately split into two halves.

Brains and the like were also presented in front of Mai Mai.

Mai Mai suddenly froze on the spot.

After a few seconds.

With a yue sound...

Mai Mai spit it out directly.

This is a human head...

Mai Mai is a girl who has just grown up... How can you possibly bear it? but.

Chen Fan had looked at the human head countless times.

He could even look expressionless and then start examining Zhang Guoqing's head.

Chen Fan said:"First of all... Zhang Guoqing had a hematoma in his head, and there was obvious brain damage where the iron nails were inserted.〃 "

After saying this.

Chen Fan cut another slice of Zhang Guoqing's head and put it under the microscope to look at it.

While watching.

Chen Fan discovered some details.

Because the scene was being broadcast live, Chen Fan still felt the need to explain.

He pointed to the picture on the computer and said:"If there is hematoma in the epidural mater and more fibrin is found in the slices under the microscope, it means that Zhang Guoqing has cerebral hemorrhage and fibrous exudation, combined with congestion at the edge of the scalp skin wound. A series of inflammatory reactions such as redness and swelling indicate that the deceased Zhang Guoqing suffered brain damage during his lifetime."

Although the audience did not understand the professional knowledge of forensic medicine.

But after Chen Fan's explanation, everyone clearly knew one fact

【He suffered brain damage during his lifetime...Does that was the insertion of the iron nail that caused Zhang Guoqing's death?】

【So who inserted that iron nail into Zhang Guoqing's head?】

【By the way...Although Zhang Guoqing passed out from drunkenness, it was impossible for him not to feel when someone inserted a nail into his head...If he called for help, someone should hear him.……】

Everyone is guessing.

After resting for a while.

Mai Mai finally stopped vomiting, but he no longer dared to look at Zhang Guoqing's head.

Mai Mai walked up to Chen Fan from the other side and asked inquiringly:"How... have you found any clues?"……"

Chen Fan nodded and said:"The clues have been found...but there are still some mysteries that have not been solved."

Mai Mai continued to ask:"What mysteries are there?"……"

Chen Fan did not answer, but glanced at the time, and then said:"Okay... it's time to get off work... I'm going home.……"

? ? ?

Mai Mai was confused.

Time to get off?

Mai Mai glanced at her phone and saw that it was indeed six o'clock in the afternoon.

That's not right...

Chen Fan has always been a workaholic... How could he get off work on time...

That would have to make Mai Mai think wildly.

Mai Mai said:"Don't you want to get along with me?"

Chen Fan looked at her:"How could that be possible... It's most comfortable to get along with a little fool like you...……"

Mai Mai nodded, really feeling that Chen Fan was praising him.

But think about it carefully.

Little fool... she is not a little fool!!!

But when he came to his senses and went to find Chen Fan to argue, Chen Fan had already put the corpse into the special corpse refrigerator in the autopsy room.

After doing this.

Chen Fan and Mai Mai walked out of the unit

【Today ended so early... I have reason to suspect... Chen Fan did it to go home early to be with Boss Yang……】

【Boss Yang keeps such a big beauty at home... He wants me to go home very early too……】

【I really envy Chen Fan...surrounded by so many beauties……】

Before the two separated, Mai Mai hesitated for a long time and then said:"` 」Chen Fan...if...I mean have a girlfriend like me...what time will you go home?……"

This confused Chen Fan.

Chen Fan said:"Do you think... if I were your boyfriend... what time would you go home every day?"

Mai Mai said without hesitation, almost without thinking,"Then I definitely don't want to go out every day.……"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and said:"That's alright... Okay... I'm going home first... Goodbye……"

Chen Fan immediately left the scene without looking back.

Mai Mai was left alone, still stunned.

What Chen Fan means...could it be that...with a girlfriend like her...he also comes home early?

No, no, no...

Mai Mai immediately rejected him...

Chen Fan is not such a person.

Under the director's urging, Mai Mai left the door of Chen Fan's unit while thinking.

After a long time.

Mai Mai finally understood what Chen Fan meant.

What Chen Fan means is that now his girlfriend, Chen Fan, is Boss Yang, so he can't wait to go home. this relationship.

Just as if her boyfriend was Chen Fan, she would not be able to wait to go home.

In other words...

Chen Fan felt that she was not as good as Boss Yang.

At this moment when she thought clearly... Mai Mai felt very lost.

After all, she is not Jiang Shuying, and she has no qualifications to compete with Boss Yang...

But Mai Mai believes... that one day, she will also have a place in Chen Fan's heart.

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