【Sure enough, as Chen Fan expected, Zhang Dalin killed Ma Yunxin who refused to give birth to his child just for revenge! too disgusting!!!】

【The murderer is also a killer. He forced Ma Yunxin to do it. How could she want to give birth to his child? However, in his self-report, he seems to think that Ma Yunxin is his wife.】.

【Wow, this murderer is pretty cool. Nowadays, it is impossible to marry a wife without a bride price. An old man in his 40s actually looks like a teenage girl! Disgusting!】

【The murderer does not deserve sympathy. He just wants to base his happiness on the pain of others and hopes that the law will punish him quickly!】

【It turns out that the organs that Wang Xiaoli didn't find were eaten by Zhang Dalin... How disgusting... Can such a person still be called a human being... Worse than an animal?……-】

Mai Mai looked at these self-reports and couldn't help but said angrily:"Zhang Dalin is so inhumane! Even if Ma Yunxin doesn't want to give birth to his child, doesn't he already think that Ma Yunxin is his wife? How can he directly What about killing Ma Yunxin?"

Chen Fan said nothing.

But Lao Song said from the side:"Actually, for Zhang Dalin, he would only treat Ma Yunxin as his wife when Ma Yunxin was useful to him. When Ma Yunxin aborted his child, it also hurt him." He did not hesitate to kill the wife he once thought was his wife."

Haha, Ma Yunxin probably didn't expect that this murderer was actually here and would sometimes regard her as his wife.""

【It's so disgusting... Ma Yunxin doesn't want it... Who wants to be the wife of such a murderer!】

【I really feel sorry for Ma Yunxin! In fact, even if the murderer had a real wife, he would kill her without hesitation when her wife violated his interests!】

【Ma Yunxin is so pitiful...the eight girls who were killed are also pitiful, and so is Wang Xiaoli……】

【Stop saying anything and just take Zhang Dalin to court! Let him be punished by law and make amends to all the people he killed! 】

This document also said:

After Zhang Dalin killed Ma Yunxin, he followed his previous habit and dragged the floor of the hospital all over.

Because Zhang Dalin, who had long been accustomed to killing people, was very fast, he was not discovered by the nurses and doctors patrolling in the hospital.

He was just caught on camera. later.

After killing Ma Yunxin, Zhang Dalin seemed to get another pleasure, so he saw the couple in 0518 in the live broadcast. Having said that he once saw himself killing someone, Zhang Dalin became murderous again.

Soon he came to Chengwan Community again and attacked 0518's couple.

But it was precisely because of his revengeful mentality that Chen Fan guessed it.

That's why he was caught by the police.

After watching all.

Mai Mai suddenly thought of something and asked:"But Zhang Dalin refused to say anything before, why did he take the initiative to say it after watching Chen Fan dissect Ma Yunxin?"

Old Song shook his head and said:" I am not sure as well……"

Chen Fan said at this time:"Obsessive-compulsive disorder……"

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

Maimai repeated these three words in confusion.

Chen Fan continued:"Didn't you notice that after Zhang Dalin commits a crime, he will clean up the traces he left at the crime scene. One reason is because he is too Too cautious, on the other hand, because he has obsessive-compulsive disorder"

"Among all the people he killed, their organs had been taken out. Only Ma Yunxin was in the hospital at the time. He could not complete all the procedures in a short time."

"To be precise... he didn't finish it... When I was dissecting Ma Yunxin's body, I found that he only took out part of the organs."

Maimai felt very shocked by this answer.

There are also people who use obsessive-compulsive disorder in this way!

【The murderer actually has obsessive-compulsive disorder!! No wonder there is no trace of him in all the crime scenes, and they are all cleaned up.……】

【I see!!! So after Ma Yunxin was dissected, he died without regrets?】

【It's terrible... This kind of person wants to experience pleasure. Why don't you cut your own flesh? Didn't go to Huo Huo others? Well now... 10 girls died in his hands... 10 bright and brilliant futures, just gone.……】

Chen Fan continued:"In his eyes, completing the dissection is equivalent to having done everything. That's why he was willing to answer, otherwise... he wouldn't have said anything even when he was executed."

· 0 flowers requested· ·········

"In fact... he is an extremely perseverant person, and he is also very demanding of himself, but this kind of perseverance and requirements are used in the wrong place."

Listening to Chen Fan's words, Mai Mai felt even more horrified.

Why did she feel that Chen Fan seemed to admire this murderer?



How could Chen Fan sympathize with such a cruel murderer?

He just treated him with fairness. Just treat this murderer according to your opinion.

But... this murderer doesn't deserve it!

Mai Mai suddenly remembered the suggestion made by the netizen and said:"Chen Fan, is it possible... that we can see Zhang Dalin get what he deserves?" punish?"

0. 0

Chen Fan lowered his head and looked at Mai Mai and said,"You mean... you want to apply to the court... to see Zhang Dalin executed by firing squad?"

Mai Mai nodded fiercely.

【I also want to see!! I want to watch Zhang Dalin die with my own eyes! I believe that the 10 girls who died in his hands were also willing... Their souls will definitely come to the scene!】

【Hiss... Can you please talk to me upstairs? So scary……】

【Yes... we want to see it... hurry up and apply to the court! A heinous person like you should be reviled by everyone! 】

Chen Fan shook his head and said:"Where are you in the court? Are you here to broadcast live executions?"

"Although Zhang Dalin killed so many people, he was not shot just because we said he was going to be shot... He had to go to court and be tried by a judge to know his final punishment."

Maimai's head drooped immediately and said:"Okay.……"

【What a pity...I really want to see Zhang Dalin die!】

【Sigh... It's right if you think about it carefully. The court is not a TV station. We can watch whatever we want.……】

【It doesn't matter... As long as Zhang Dalin can be punished as he deserves, we will be happy……】

Now that Zhang Dalin has taken the initiative to admit his crime.

This case is finally settled. the other side.

Inside Boss Yang’s office.

Boss Yang and Reba are watching the live broadcast.

Hot Bar looked at the live broadcast room impatiently and said:"This Mai Mai... why is he always so close to Chen Fan?……".

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