Autopsy of a Mind

Chapter 21: I Can Handle It

"Now he is so flighty. Always tells me that he is sick of the job."

"Ran away?" I asked surprised. The elder man nodded. "How long ago? Didn't you report him missing?" I knew nothing about the existence of this so-called brother.

"He had been telling everyone how much he hated living at the farm and that he wanted out. It was a matter of time before he ran away… I fear this one will pack up and leave soon, too." He huffed.

I silently stood as the man busied himself, asking me if I needed anything else. Still waiting for other guy, I hung out.

He did have a good cabbage in his hands and as he showed it to me I saw his eyes flash towards something past me. I saw his expression change and as he stumbled backward.

A quick glance over the shoulder revealed cops in uniform making their way towards the stall. Sensing what came next, I snapped back to look at him. The accusation in my eyes must have alerted him. He bolted. As fast as the wind, I saw him getting further and further away.

I heard shouting from everywhere.

I couldn't let him go free.

My body moved as if it had been prepared for the chase. I glided through the crowd, faces flashing by, mumbles and grumbles of people I push away to make way. In the distance, I could see him getting further. I pushed through faster, my feet stinging as I got closer and closer to him.

'I must not let him go.'

'I must not let him go.'

'I must not let him go.'

The crowd parted in front of me. It was possibly my expression and lithe form which reeked of danger. At that moment, I was a dangerous being. I had locked onto my prey. I was going to bite.

And I was not going to let go.

He was my prey.


He needed to be punished for the pain he inflicted.

He had to die for his crimes.

My body collided into his with brutal force. He stumbled but kept balance. His arms swung away, trying to aim for my head, but I had already delivered a crushing blow to his stomach. He doubled over, reaching out his hand in surrender.

'But why? Why should I stop? He deserves the pain. He deserves it ten thousand times over.'

I grabbed onto the offending limb, pulling him closer. He managed to hit me on my side. My blood boiled as I felt the pain seeping through my bones.




I was screaming inside. My voice drowning out all rational thought. I pinned him to the ground in one motion. I trapped him to the ground with my leg and secured his hand behind him. Taking a sudden decision, I stood on his back with one foot and pulled on his arm.

'Why not just tear him from limb to limb? Just like he did to them.'

And it sounded like the perfect plan. Punishment must be delivered.

I heard a distant voice call me.

"Evie!" called the oddly familiar voice.

"Evie!" My head snapped towards the source. As my eyes focused, rational thought rushed back to my head.

"It's okay, we're just going to cuff him. He won't run away." I looked between the figure of Mr. Butler and the murderer I had under me.

There were people rushing towards me.

No… rushing towards the killer. And he was being taken away from me.

The sound of cuffs being put on, the sound of protest, and the sound of footsteps coming towards me assaulted my senses.

"You were right." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I shivered and moved away instantly. We stood face to face, silent. My eyes were glued to the floor, head hung in shame as I realized that I had almost given in to the monster.

"You came," I whispered. My voice sounded hoarse—like I had run through a desert.

"I couldn't lose to you. You did well. The other team rescued the kid. He is safe."

"He is safe?"

"He is safe." I finally looked up at him. "You did so well today." The praise made me tremble. My heart constricted in my chest.

Had he not seen me planning to kill that man? Had he not seen me trying to rip his arm from his body? Had he not read in my eyes how I had succumbed to the darkness? How could he pat me on the back and tell me how well I had done? How could he ignore the signs when the monster was standing right in front of him?

"I asked someone to take you home. Would you mind handing me the key?" I struggled to understand him.

"Will you not go back with me?" my voice trembled.

'Please don't leave me.'

'Please don't let me slip.'

"You need to get some sleep. I have an errand to run," he explained gently.


I did not associate that word with the man standing in front of me. His tall structure, the nearness of his body, and his lulling voice had almost lured me into dropping my guard.

"Are you going to the dungeon?"

He sighed.

"I will go with you," I pled.

'Don't leave me.'


He took my hand in his and led me away from the crowd. People stared as I passed. I quivered at their horrified gazes.

'They know,' I gasped.

I felt Sebastian's hand squeeze mine. I concentrated on the warmth, the feeling of human connection.

The slow drive to our destination, the cool breeze on my face, and the abnormal lack of stares from Sebastian… they bothered me.

He pulled up in front of a dilapidated housing complex. I looked over to him as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Stay here," I heard him say when I reached over to open the door to my side. I turned to him with a sullen expression.

"Why, you showed me the body. Surely you would not have a problem showing me the location the crimes took place." My words would have sounded firm if not for the slight tremor in my voice.

His face marred with reluctance.

"I can handle anything you throw at me," I told him, putting on what I hoped was a stern face. I didn't want to be left behind.

He looked at me with an expression I couldn't recognize, but my gut told me that he was searching for something.

"Okay," he mumbled. He quickly exited the car and waited for me to make my way to him. He was awfully composed. All signs of worry that shone on his face previously were wiped clean.

The sound of cameras shuttering and the scratchy noise of plastic crime scene shoes filled the hallway to the apartment. As we passed the policemen I saw them bow their heads towards us in acknowledgment. I ignored them as best as I could.

"You've completed taking the crime scene photos?" What the other person said, I don't know, but I saw Mr. Butler nod his head at the man and make for him to leave the hallway.

His hand pressed on the door and as he was about to push it open, I heard him speak.

"It's not too late to go back." I mulled over his words.

What could be in there that could be worse than what I had already done? The remnants of bodies? Splatters of blood all over the walls? It was something I had experienced before.

"I can handle it." He gave me a nod and then pushed the door open.


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