Autopsy of a Mind

Chapter 57: Glare

Jameson had not graduated. He was still in class, sitting with his peers when I entered the room. He didn't notice me at first. He spoke to the girl next to him, curiously flirting and trying to help her with notes. I smirked as I got in, minutes before Sebastian would make his appearance.

I stood at the front of the class, preparing the slideshow that Sebastian was going to present that day when I heard a voice calling me.

"Evie?" it said. I looked up calmly to see Jameson at the front of the class, looking at me with his eyes bulging out of his socket. I couldn't help but smile at his expression.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, much to my amusement. I didn't offer any replies and continued on with my work. It seemed that word had not gotten out about the female assistant Sebastian had acquired, or it was simply that he wouldn't have guessed it would be me. I was not a teaching assistant so I didn't require a degree in the subject to do all his menial work. It was curious how all these students knew more than me about the subject. It was frankly a bit humiliating that I wouldn't know even half as much as them when it came to questions that Sebastian asked them, despite being his personally appointed assistant.

"Did you transfer into our department? Or are you taking extra classes." For a man who was in criminal psychology class, he was quite unobservant; no wonder Sebastian had let him go and searched for another assistant.

"No," I said bluntly, stunning him. He looked at me again, with his mouth gaping.

"Then what are you doing here?" he asked, a small smile on his face. As if he thought I was there for him.

"Are you here to confess your undying love for me?" his voice was unpleasant to hear. I wanted to glare but my professional side peeked out.

"Please don't speak inappropriately in class," was all I said. He didn't budge. There were whispers running throughout the room, people pointed and spoke in hushed tones as they referred to me. Some remained silent, curiously looking at the exchange. I remained calm, waiting for his comeback.

"Aren't you going to join me? I didn't think that my words would somehow make you start following me around. I will have you know that following someone around is a crime in all states, but I will allow you to do so." Annoying. That was what he was.

"I'm sorry, I dislike people who are incompetent. And you strike me as the type." Snickers followed, but I didn't pay much attention. Jameson himself chuckled at my words, baffling me. He still seemed to hold that smirk on his face, triumphant that I had spoken further. Maybe he liked being humiliated.

I heard the shuffling of feet and instantly knew it was Sebastian who had entered the class. I smiled a little as I turned to face him.

"I prepared the slide-show," I told him softly so that the others couldn't hear. He nodded and smiled back.

"Did he bother you?" he asked suddenly. I realized that he had overheard the conversation and was making sure that I was okay. I was pleased and a little warmed in the cockles of my heart as I shook my head. I could feel curious gazes on me but I chose to ignore them.

"I'll sit at the back, okay?" I moved away from the front. Gazes followed me, their curiosity eating away at me. This was not new, it had happened previously. Introductory lectures about the class structure always went similarly. I had learned to ignore them.

"Good morning, class. I am Sebastian Butler. As you know I demand complete respect in class. If you demand untoward attention, I will make sure you get it in class. I don't think you require my attention." He glared at Jameson, which stunned me. I was sitting at the back of the class, wondering if I was supposed to transcribe these words of guilt. He would be reprimanded if some other faculty found out that he had threatened a student in front of the whole class.

Jameson's head bowed, making him look like a naughty puppy who had been scolded by its master. I suppressed a giggle and went back to furiously typing on the laptop.

He began again.

"This semester I will be teaching you the history of the interrogative method and how torture features in it. Not only will you be learning about the various historical stances on interrogation and trials, but you will also learn how modern methods stand in both ethicality and functionality." The class began with Sebastian in his professional mode, far from the man who had threatened his student for harassing his assistant. I took diligent notes and made sure to attach some comments in the parts I seemed to miss out on or had questions about and wanted him to elaborate.

The class flew by and I could see how he commanded the attention of the class, a perfect spokesperson who knew how to demand the attention of the class. It was fascinating to watch.

"My assistant will hand out your homework and answer your questions about the structure of the course if you have any. I advise you to remain courteous with her." Another glare at Jameson followed.

I got out of the seat and moved towards the front of the class. This time they seemed more enlightened and less curious.

"Hi, everyone. My name is Evie Marie Lewis. I am Dr. Butler's assistant. I hope we can get along and carry out the classes in peace." I bowed. Silence followed. I looked out to see stunned expressions as if the news was not what they expected. It was not amusing any longer. It was simply irritating.

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