Actually, Alexis's cock is more of a stretch than a rise.

Valencia looked at the pecker that had emerged from under the armor and backed away with a startled look on her face.

「Eh, what is this?!」

Her tone of voice came out unintentionally.

「Oh, I didn't tell you. That's what my dick looks like. Here, say hi to him. How are you?」

Alexis tried to act as comfortable as possible and made a bowing motion with his cock in front of Valencia's eyes.

Valencia's cheeks turned red and her eyes became black and white.

「Ugh, are you kidding me? Is it possible for a man genital to move so freely?」

Seeing Valencia's reaction, Alexis says, "Oh, you're one of those guys who don't know what a standard penis is?".

(It seems... I can't scare her off even if it just shows her...)

"I wonder if I move my dick can scare her," when Alexis was beginning to feel uneasy, Valencia said.

「I-I put this in my mouth, right?」

Valencia reached for Alexis' object with trepidation. But when she sees it move, she pulls her hand back with a start. She looks like she is about to cry.

(...Oh, does it work?)

Alexis continues to watch him.

As Alexis continues his observation, Valencia's fingertip finally touches Alexis' glans.

When the glans jerked up involuntarily, Valencia hurriedly withdrew her hand from it.

As she did so, she mumbled.

「...oh, it's warmer than I thought...」

Alexis responds to Valencia's nervous voice, "Well, it's a human skin".

「I-It's also very smooth... and surprisingly comfortable to the touch, maybe...」

Valencia reaches out her hand again and touches Alexis' object this time.

She grips it fearfully with her palm as if she is touching something fragile, and asks, "Are you all right?".

「Is this much... does it hurt?」

「Yes, it's fine. I'd rather have it a little harder than this.」

Hearing Alexis' reply, Valencia's chest heaved with relief.

Then she muttered, "Sure...".

「It's a little bit flaky... I should just lick it off, right...?」

Valencia closed her eyes tightly and reached out the tip of her tongue to touch Alexis's penis.

However, no matter how much she closed her eyes, she couldn't cover up the peculiar smell.

(Uuu. I-It smells funny...)

Valencia felt a sense of uneasiness, but at the same time she also had a strange feeling.

Excited, elated, but also scared and anxious... such strange feelings.

At last, the tip of her tongue touched it. But the cock trembles in her hand, and Valencia backs away in a hurry.


She still feels afraid of the presence in front of her.

It is not strong. It does not attack her. She know that, but is it instinctive?

「You don't have to do this if you don't want to, okay?」

That's what Alexis had told her.

「Even if it is not necessary for you to do something bad, I have Fransisca」.

「No, I'll do it... Isn't this what you want me to do?」

With tears in the corners of her eyes, Valencia once again reached out with her tongue to touch Alexis' cock.

This time she used the belly of her tongue to lick away the salty taste.

「...Mmm... fuuu. W-Weird taste...」

Alexis laughs as the words come out of her mouth.

「It tastes bad, doesn't it?」

「Well, I wouldn't go that far... it's a little bit out of place, but... But...」

Valencia once again extends her tongue and runs it over Alexis's member.

「Mmm, mmm.... ...N-Not as much as I like. Lick... Puha... But it smells funny...」

「It smells bad, right?」

「Hmm... not that much. Well, it's a strange smell. But...」

Valencia's cheeks turned bright red as she pressed her lips to the side of Alexis's penis.

「Mmm... somehow, I'm getting a bit dizzy... because of this...」

「Oh, ohh...」

Alexis couldn't help but salivate at the sight of Valencia's eyes gradually becoming more and more rounded.

Alexis noticed that the urethra at the tip of the glans was oozing Cowper's fluid.

And Valencia seemed to notice it immediately.

「Ah... It's starting to sweat again, even though I'm cleaning it up...?」

Valencia complained a little.

「Then, clean the sweat from me」

Alexis urged her.

「Uuu... ...It's dirty, but it's unavoidable...」

Valencia let out a sigh and sucked on Alexis' glans.

*Suck, suck...! She sucked the urethra and the cowper.

Her throat moved very fast.

After a while, Valencia exhaled, "—Huuf," and Alexis' cock twitched with an unexpectedly good feeling.

"—Ah," Valencia murmurs.

「It's overflowing again... Ugh. How long are you going to make me do this cleaning?」

Despite her complaints, Valencia still suck it with her mouth.

She seems to be getting used to it. After all, her hesitation is becoming less and less, and instead, her tongue movements is becoming more rhythmical.

(Ugh... oh no, this is not good...)

Alexis had a sense of urgency. He can't let Valencia learn any more oral skills.

So, He quickly decides to interfere.

「Oh, no, you can't do it like that. In the first place, you can't clean the tip only by licking the tip, right? You should do the sides properly, too.」

「Eh? —That's true, and the dust, too, right?」

Valencia speaks like that with her mouth full, but Alexis pushes through, saying, "That's right".

「Uh... Okay...」

For some reason, Valencia complains and does as Alexis says.

As expected, Valencia's tongue is sloppy as she licks the sides of the cock.

(Well, I can stand it here for a while...)

Alexis was thinking like that.

「...Hey, Alexis-sama... I didn't know you were here...」

Fransisca came running to him from the other side.

Before Alexis could think, she came very close to him.

「I was worried that you had met a monster since you had not come out of sight. But you seem to be all right, don't you? Thank God.」

Fransisca doesn't say anything when she sees the situation, on the contrary, she is relieved and pats her chest.

Alexis wonders if this girl has a heart of steel.

On the other hand, Valencia's cheeks turn bright red and she quickly removes her mouth from Alexis'.

「Y-Your Highnesssss?! This is, you know...!」

Valencia seems to feel that she should not be seen.

「I was only doing it because I had to! I swear! I didn't steal Alexis-sama from you, Your Highness!」

It's been a long time since anyone has taken this situation as a proper situation. Thinking about it, Alexis looked at her with a faraway look.

And he was right, Fransisca kept smiling.

「Yes, I know, Valencia. Alexis-sama is this kind of person.」

"Oh... She sound as if she was saying that she had adapted because of me," Alexis thinks to himself.

Well, Alexis is not surprised again if Fransisca comes up next to Valencia and says, "Alexis-sama is a good person".

「When you serve Alexis-sama, you should do this here to make him happy」

Fransisca then kneels down in front of Alexis' crotch and gently takes hold of Alexis' cock and puts it in her mouth.

「Mmm, mmm... puha, slurpp, kiss... mmm... See, this is where Alexis-sama feels good...」

Fransisca ran her fingers along the underside of Alexis's rod, and she said "This area will please him, too".

「Ugh... hey, Fransisca!」

After a few chills, Alexis hurriedly scolds Fransisca.

But Fransisca was dumbfounded.

「Eh? I'm just teaching Valencia how to serve you, aren't I?」

「No, well, it's just that...」

Alexis was puzzled.

It felt strange when she said so, and he didn't like to say it to her because it was too intrusive.

As he thinks about it, Fransisca's hand takes Valencia's and grabs Alexis' ball sack.

「—Here. He'll be happy here too. When he's pleased, Alexis-sama's penis will twitch. See, it moves now, doesn't it? It's going to be like this, then...」

Fransisca bites the tip of the cock and sucks the cowper juice from the tip of the cock and twirls her tongue around it.

「Uhhh. Haah, haah...」

Alexis couldn't stop his breath from coming in ragged gasps.

(Damn. Fransisca's oral technique had been taught to me...)

He's not sure what's going on here, but he's sure it feels good.

Just as he was thinking that, Fransisca pulled her mouth away and said.

「—See, if you do this, he feel good, right?」

Fransisca smiled innocently at Valencia.

In response, Valencia looks at her with an impressed look, "I-I see".


Alexis has a flash of inspiration.

In front of Fransisca, Alexis said, "Well, would you like to try it this time, Valencia?" and he is giving up his own thing.

「Y-Yes, I'll try my best!」

Valencia decided to do it, and then she took Alexis' cock in her mouth again, just like she had seen Fransisca do.

「Mmm, mmm. Mmmmmm....」

The tongue action shows much more effort than before. But of course, she can't surpass Fransisca overnight.

Still, Alexis says to Valencia, "Oh, yeah, that's good. That's enough".

「I know you're working hard. Still, Fransisca is good enough for me. Come on, Fransisca, you can take over.」

When Alexis says this, Fransisca's eyes light up.

「Is it okay?」

「Yes. Valencia can go now.」

Valencia took her mouth off as Alexis said this.

Valencia looked sad, so Alexis put his hand on her head to follow her. It was not his intention to make her more sad than she needed to be.

「You don't have to be so eager to take over, okay? You and Fransisca have different roles to play. Just think of it that way.」

Alexis says in a light tone of voice, "B-But," Valencia says, tears slowly welling up in her eyes.

「I-I've never felt so unworthy...!」

"Was it worth crying about?" Alexis flinched.

「Well, don't be so hard on yourself. I'm telling you, everyone's role is different.」

「Auuu— I understand...!」

She seems not to understand at all, as she is already shaking her head while nodding her head.

「Oh, um... Is it okay...? Alexis-sama, I think you'd better give her the white one in Valencia rather than me...」

Fransisca is puzzled. She doesn't know what's going on either.

But, Alexis decided to force his way through both of them.

「I want to be you!」

Fransisca's cheeks flushed bright red when she heard Alexis' words.

「O-Okay. I-If Alexis-sama says so...」

Fransisca glanced at Valencia anxiously, but eventually knelt down in front of Alexis and took a deep breath.

She then put her hands on Alexis' ass and began to suck his cock it with a fascinated look on her face.

While doing this, Fransisca says in a mellow voice, "I'm so happy, Alexis-samaaaa".

「Y-You want me to do it... With me... Hehe...」

Seeing the expression on Fransisca's face as her mouth relaxes, Alexis realizes the meaning of her words and actions.

(That's like saying you're fine...)

He blushed at the thought, but suddenly realized that Valencia was still here.

「How long are you going to stay? I said you could come back, didn't you?」

「Yes. But I want to study for later.」

Valencia seemed to have stopped crying when she said this, but her eyes were watering again at Alexis' words.

Alexis thought that it would be troublesome to make her cry if she was asked to go home.

(Which study is this?)

He thought so, but he answered "...Well, you can do whatever you want then."

「Yes, I'll do whatever I want.」

Valencia was staring at him, and Alexis felt uncomfortable.

But it was true that Fransisca's oral skills were quite pleasant.

But more than that, he likes Fransisca's aroused look, her eyes drooped down and when she sucked on the object with her well-defined lips, which was very intriguing.

「Haah, haah... okay, I'm going to cum.」

Alexis strokes Fransisca's head, and Fransisca nods her head, then takes Alexis' cock deeper into her mouth.

「...Yes, I'm ready to drink...」

As she spoke, Alexis spit it out into Fransisca's mouth.

Spurttttt! The white gunk was spurting into Fransisca's mouth.

Fransisca swallowed it with a slurping sound, as if it were delicious.

—As the liquid poured into her mouth in an uncharacteristic manner, she could not drink it all, and it dripped from the edge of her lips and spilled down to the ground.

「Oh, dear, that's not good... I'll take the rest of it, then...?」

Fransisca stood up and lifted up her skirt, pinching the hem with her lips.

Then, with one hand, she pulled down her panties, and with the other hand, she guided Alexis' still-ejaculating cock to her secret place.

The tip of Alexis' cock was shallowly inserted into Fransisca's vaginal hole, but Alexis' cock seemed to flow steadily into her vagina, and Fransisca was trembling with ecstasy in her eyes.

「Mmmm... haah, it feels good...」

Fransisca was shaking with a sweet numbness in her body and was receiving all the remaining semen in her vagina.

Alexis also exhales at her sight.

After a while, Fransisca leans her weight on Alexis' body and moves her breasts up and down with her eyes closed.

「Hehe... having Alexis-sama cum in me makes me so happy...」

Fransisca said, and then she looked back at Valencia and squinted her eyes.

「How is it? Did you have a good study?」

「Huh?! —Y-Yes...」

Valencia's face turns bright red as she nods her head, and her expression becomes somewhat dazed.

Seeing Valencia's expression, Fransisca's smile deepened.

「Are you embarrassed? But don't worry. You will get used to it. Alexis-sama will help you get used to it. Once you get used to it, all you have to do is to feel good. Alexis-sama will make you feel good.」

「Hey! Don't teach her anything strange!」

Alexis held Fransisca's head and Fransisca looked at him with a puzzled look.

「...What? But, Alexis-sama, you were planning to make her a slave as well, weren't you?」

「No, it's not that. It's just...」

"How can I clear up this misunderstanding?" Thinking about this, Alexis was troubled in his mind.

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