Avatar With A System

Chapter 10 - 10: Kyoshi Island

Appa reacted to Aang's question with a slight growl that one could interpret as an "I'm okay", but after Aang said the same question again while poking Appa with his elbow and gave a wink, Appa knew what was going on and played along as well.


Aang pointed towards Appa to show Soren, Sokka, and Katara that Appa was tired, and Sokka decided to put in his two cents while Katara just seemed conflicted, but Soren was not paying attention in the slightest as he had just received a notification and zoned out.

[Yeah, that was really convincing… Still, it's kinda hard to argue with a 10-ton magical monster]: sokka

Just as Sokka said that, two gigantic fish hopped out of the water as Aang began to undress and began running towards the water while shouting.

[That's why we're here!... To ride the Giant Koi fish!]: aang

While Aang ran into the water, Soren was still looking at his system notification as it displayed.

{Ding!... Quest: Kyoshi Island - Description: You have arrived on Kyoshi island sooner than required… The Quest to defeat the Unagi has updated from a slay quest to a conquer quest. - New Description - Conquer the Unagi by riding it for 3 hours… Fail: The Unagi eats you, or you fall off it's back} (A/N: I forgot about Aang using the Unagi to put out the village fire, so I can't kill it off)

When Soren finished reading the quest update he noticed Aang riding one of the Koi fish and decided he was going to join in as well and hopefully find the Unagi.

[This is so stupid!... We should be heading towards the Northern Water tribe, not riding fish… And the fish is doing all the work!... Right Sore-]: sokka

Sokka then watched as Soren ran right past him in nothing but a pair of undėrwėȧr as he jumped into the freezing cold water and began swimming out towards where Aang was, and soon after waiting for one of the fish to swim by him he caught it by one of its fins and climbed up to ride on top of it like Aang.

[Whoooooo!... This is quite fun!]: soren

Soren was riding the fish while it was swimming around trying to lose it's rider and after a few minutes of surfing the waters on the back of such a giant beast, the other fish began to scatter as only Soren and Aang were left on their fish as Aang began to question what happened.

{Warning Soren… The Unagi has arrived}

Just as Nina informed Soren of the appearance of the Unagi, Aang was launched off his fish as it was dragged under water and quickly eaten, and seconds later a gigantic Black fin sprouted out from the surface of the water as Aang freaked out and began running as fast as he could as he basically ran on water making the Unagi chase him.

'I think maybe I should rethink trying to ride that thing… Just for now at least': soren

Soren quickly made his fish swim towards the shore while Aang was still running for his life, and as soon as Aang reached the shore the Unagi turned to where Soren was, but he was long gone as well as the fish he was riding on.

[I don't know]: aang

[Well I vote we don't stick around long enough to find out]: sokka

[I don't know… I kinda wanna ride it]: soren

When Soren spoke up everyone looked at him as if he were crazy for saying such a thing, but Aang also thought about it for a moment before shaking his head while dismissing the thought.

[I think Sokka's right, it is time to leave]: aang

Just as Aang said this, their entire group was surrounded by warriors with painted faces as they took out Sokka first, then Katara, and finally Aang, but Soren didn't want to get caught and tried to protect himself with Earthbending as he launched some rocks towards his opponent before someone snuck up behind him and whacked him in the back of the head effectively knocking him out.

[Or... We could stay awhile]: sokka

When Soren woke up he could tell many things had happened, and the first being he was cuffed with metal shackles around his hands and feet, while he was also strapped to a pole with a statue at the top of it along with Aang, Sokka, and Katara. Sokka was being grabbed by the collar by one of the women who ambushed them and brought them here, and they were being called Fire Nation spies by an old man, presumably the village chief.

[Umm… We aren't Fire Nation spies, so can you let us go]: soren

As the chief said this, Aang had a few things click in his head as he came to a realization and began to speak.

[Kyoshi?... I know her!]: aang

[Impossible!... Avatar Kyoshi was born here over 400 years ago and has been dead for centuries]: village chief

[Well, I know her because I'm the Avatar]: aang

When the village chief heard Aang's words his face showed an expression of shock and disbelief while one of the warriors next to him shouted at Aang.

[That's impossible!... The last Avatar was an Airbender who disappeared 100 years ago]: warrior

[Yup!... That's me!]: aang

The village chief became furious at Aang's claims of being the long lost Avatar and with a look of anger on his face demanded.

[Throw the imposter to the Unagi!]: village chief

[Aang!... Do some Airbending!]: katara

Aang understood their situation and quickly jumped off the ground while using the air around him as little air blades that cut the ropes and he backflipped over the statue of Kyoshi, and slowly floated down to the ground as the winds carried him down gently.

[Wow *Gasp*... That's amazing!]: surrounding village people

[It's true!... You ARE the Avatar!]: village chief

[Yeah!... Now, check this out!]: aang

Aang then took 3 marbles from a pocket sewn in his clothes and placed them between his hands as he used the air around them to make them float and spin in a circle in a fast rotation causing everyone in the village to freak out in awe as one guy began foaming at the mouth as his screams of joy and excitement rang throughout the village before he passed out. After the misidentification of the Avatar and his friends being called Fire Nation spies was over, they were all released, and when one of the warriors went to release Soren from the shackles he stopped her and spoke.

[I got this one]: soren

Soren then used Earthbending to remove the metal restraints surrounding his wrist and ankles as he now became free, and this shocked the warrior to her core as she wondered if all Earthbenders could do such a thing, but before she could ask, Soren was already gone as he wanted to explore the village and prepare himself for the task of riding the Unagi.

... Information spreading time ...

[Huh?!]: fisherman

The Fisherman then took his fish and went out to sell them to the Earth Kingdom where he found a close friend and began talking and telling the story about the Avatar's appearance on Kyoshi.

[Yeah!... He and his friends stopped by a few days ago… He's amazing with his mastery over the air… Hope you can sell these fish like last time as well, we fished up a lot of them]: fisherman

The fisherman then went back to Kyoshi while his friend began selling the fish in his market, and when he saw an old friend he began talking about the Avatar.

[Yeah… You couldn't believe when my friend came from Kyoshi and told me that the Avatar is there… I wanted to stop everything here just to go meet him... So, how is your new job as a chef going?]: shop owner

The man shopping for the fish gladly spoke with his friend before leaving with the fish and going back to the ship he worked on to prepare that night's dinner for none other than Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation.

[Prince Zuko… I found word that the Avatar is staying on Kyoshi Island as of right now]: chef

When Zuko heard that he quickly got up and shouted.

[What!?... The Avatar's on Kyoshi Island!?... Uncle, ready the Rhinos, we're going to Kyoshi island… He's not getting away from me this time]: zuko

Iroh was about to grab the chop sticks and begin eating Zuko's food seeing as he was walking out the door, but Zuko quickly turned around and grabbed his plate and shouted at Iroh.

[I was going to save it for later!]: zuko

Zuko then walked out with his plate of food leaving Iroh to sulk about not getting to eat it as he was still hungry even after eating his share.

... Kyoshi Island ...

It had been a week since Soren had finally reached Kyoshi Island, and his Quest timer was still ticking down as he only had a few days left to complete it, and today was the day he was going to ride the Unagi. Soren had a change in clothing as he no longer wore his dirty Green tunic with Brown pants and Black shoes, and instead he wore a Blue tunic with a White fluffy collar and a pair of Black baggy pants along with Brown boots with animal fur sticking around the cuff of the boot. They were winter clothes that were needed since their end game destination was to go to the North pole and get Katara and Aang, a teacher from the Northern Water tribe, so winter clothes were a must have for their journey.

[Katara, Sokka… I'm going to go out to the cove for some swimming… Where's Aang?]: soren

[I don't know… He said he was going to ride the Unagi before rudely leaving]: katara

[I see… Lover's quarrel]: soren

[We're not lovers!!!!]: katara

Sokka saw how angry his sister got and decided to play on it as he spoke.

[Totally lovers… Hehe]: sokka

[Sokka!]: katara

Soren quickly left the house as he didn't want to be caught in the path of Katara's rage, and Sokka soon left as well, but he had a few lumps on his head where Katara hit him for messing with her.

[*Sigh*... I hate girls when they're angry]: sokka

[Hehe… Better luck next time Sokka… But I need to go ride the Unagi]: soren

[What!?... You too, Soren?... But why? It seems so dangerous]: sokka

[I'm all for danger, but if I happen to die in the process I wanted to tell you guys where I was going beforehand so you don't keep looking for me… Hehe, I hope I see you guys later]: soren

Soren quickly left Sokka before he could say anything else, and Sokka just sighed before he went towards the location of the Kyoshi Warriors to talk with them and show off how manly he was in front of him as his sėxist attitude began showing.

'Alright Nina, is there any way you can tell me when 3 hours are up?': soren

{Sure can Soren… I'll set a timer for you}

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