Avatar With A System

Chapter 7 - 7: Southern Air Temple

Soren heard Katara's words and decided to follow them as he slowly sat up to see everyone. Soren saw both Katara and Sokka staring at him with a bit of confusion while Aang was still passed out and unresponsive for the moment, and when Soren registered the time of day with the sun starting to set he knew it would soon be night.

[What's up?... Why are you looking at me like that?]: soren

[You were blasted with a fireball and came out without a single scratch… Not even your clothes were affected...]: katara

[Only Firebenders can do that!]: sokka

Katara was interrupted by Sokka who seems to have a bit of disdain in his voice when speaking, but when Katara gave him a dirty look Sokka immediately shut up and let Katara continue.

[But you're an Earthbender, so there is no logical way that you could have come out unscathed in that fight so we were just a bit curious as to why you were unaffected by that attack]: katara

Soren was torn between telling both Katara and Sokka about his ability, but he didn't want to be looked at like an outcast because he was able to do stuff others couldn't, and he felt if it were to be known that he can bend 2 elements, and in the future bend the other 2 as well, he would be looked at like he was some kind of hero meant to take over to place of the Avatar.

[I don't really know… I was caught off guard and in the next second I had passed out only to wake up here… So what happened to Aang?]: soren

Soren quickly pushed the topic towards the one about Aang's current condition as he seemed to be unconscious, and when Katara heard Soren change the subject she just followed along as she looked towards Aang with a worried look.

[He went through some kind of transformation and used Waterbending to form a big water monster around him and destroy that Fire Nation ship… After that he passed out and still hasn't woken up, but I think he will wake up soon]: katara

Soren nodded towards Katara's words and decided to close his eyes for a bit while waiting for Aang to show any sign of waking up. Soon the sun set and the night rolled on in as Katara and Sokka began to head to sleep, and Soren also fell asleep, while Aang had just woken up after having some kind of nightmare that snapped him awake.

... Time Skip ...

A couple of days later, Aang, Soren, Katara, were packing up their camping equipment on a small Island preparing to leave and head towards the Southern Air temple, and Aang was getting excited to show both Soren and Katara his home, while Sokka was sleeping in his water tribe style sleeping bag.

[I can't wait to show you guys the Southern Air temple and home to the place I grew up… It's one of the most beautiful places in the world]: aang

[Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been 100 years since you were last there]: katara

[Aang, what I think she means to say is that a lot can change over 100 years, and you should prepare yourself to what might have happened over that time]: soren

[I know, but I need to see it for myself]: aang

Aang then floated down to the ground and walked over to Sokka while shouting for him to wake up, but he refused to do so, so the next best thing to get someone to wake up was a harmless prank. Aang found a stick and picked it up before walking closer towards Sokka and began poking him all over while dragging the stick across his body and shouting.

[Sokka! Wake up!... There's a Prickle Snake in your sleeping bag!]: aang

Once Aang said those words Sokka jumped up while shouting and trying to remove his sleeping bag from his body.

[Ahhhh! What!... Where! Get it off me, get it off me!]: sokka

[Hehe… Great you're up… Let's get going!]: aang

Both Katara and Soren began chuckleing towards Aang's actions, and soon after that they were flying in the sky on Appa again and started heading towards the Southern Air temple.

... Elsewhere in the Fire Nation ...

[Uncle, I want repairs done to the ship as soon as possible… If we stay too long we risk losing his trail, and I don't want that happening]: zuko

[You mean the Avatar-]: iroh

[Don't mention his name on these docks!... Once word gets out that he's alive, every single Firebender in the Fire Nation will be scouring the globe for him, and I don't want anyone getting in the way]: zuko

AS Zuko finished his sentence, a voice from behind spoke up as he was quite curious as to who Zuko was talking about.

[Getting in the way of what? Prince Zuko]: ???

Both Zuko and Iroh turned to see a middle aged man with Graying hair pulled back into a top knot and mutton shops down the sides of his face keeping his chin at a clean shave. The man was wearing the standard issued Fire Nation uniform for a Commander, and when Zuko saw him he immediately spoke up greeting the man by his name and former title.

[Captain Zhao]: zuko

[It's Commander now… and General Iroh, great hero of our Nation]: zhao

Zhao greeted Iroh with a slight bow to show respect to which Iroh bowed back and spoke.

[The Fire Lord's brother and son are welcomed guests anytime… So what brings you to my harbor?]: zhao

[Our ship is being repaired]: iroh

Iroh then pointed Zhao towards the ship's main deck to show off the great amount of damage done by both Soren and Aang when they went on their rampages.

[That's quite a bit of damage]: zhao

[Yes, you wouldn't believe what happened… An Earthbender and 2 of his friends came in and ambushed our ship… He was able to bend metal like it was the earth below our feet right now]: zuko

Zuko was able to find a person to blame for most of the damage leaving the part about the Avatar out of the conversation, but just as Zuko implied, Zhao couldn't believe it one bit as it was unheard of for an Earthbender to bend metal much less go to the South pole.

[An Earthbender you say?... And he was able to bend metal?... That does sound unbelievable… How about you tell me all the details over a few drinks?]: zhao

[Sorry, but we have to go]: zuko

Just as Zuko began to walk off he was stopped by Iroh who couldn't let the chance for a free drink slip by him.

Both Iroh and Zhao began walking off to discuss while Zuko followed behind in a grumpy mood due to his disdain for the Commander.

... Back with Soren ...

Appa was flying through the sky while Sokka's stomach was growling due to not eating after waking up late, while Soren and Katara were listening to Aang talk about all the fun times he had back in the Southern Air temple.

[Hey! Which one of you ate all the Seal jerky!?]: sokka

[Huh?... Oh, that was food?... Sorry Sokka, I used it to start the campfire last night]: aang

[You what!?!?... No wonder the flames smelled so good... That was all my food]: sokka

Sokka then began to sulk as his stomach was protesting not being fed yet leaving Aang to go back to his conversation with Soren and Katara, but it didn't last long as Aang soon shouted.

[We're almost there!... This is the Potola Mountain range!]: aang

[Aang, before we get to the temple, I want to talk to you about the Airbenders]: katara

[Well… I just want you to be prepared for what you might see… The Fire Nation is ruthless… They killed my mother, and they could have done the same to your people]: katara

[Just because nobody has seen an Airebender before doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all… They probably escaped]: aang

[I trust Aang… They must have escaped]: soren

[I know it's hard to accept, but-]: katara

[You don't understand Katara, the only way to get to an Air temple is on a Flying bison, and I'm sure the Fire Nation doesn't have any of those… Right buddy]: aang

Aang said the last part towards Appa while rubbing the top of his head making him purr a little. Aang had evaded the conversation from dragging on any further and by doing so Katara stopped prodding at the ever looming reality while looking towards Soren with a glare for agreeing with Aang even though the entire world knows that the Fire Nation had killed off the Airbenders to try and keep the Avatar from reincarnating again. Soon they flew above the clouds and got a complete view of the Southern Air temple and all its glory, Katara, Sokka, and Soren was awestruck seeing it in person, and were getting a bit excited to go explore it, but that knowledge held by them about the eradication of the Airbenders made it a bit hard to show how excited they were about seeing this place.

[It's so big!]: soren

[It's beautiful, Aang!]: katara

[Is there food!?]: sokka

... Fire Nation ...

[And by years end, the Earth Kingdom will finally be under our rule, and the Fire Lord will have complete victory and put an end to this entire war]: zhao

[If my father things that the rest of the world will follow him willingly, then he's a fool]: zuko

[Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue… So, how's your search for the Avatar going?]: zhao

As Zhao was trying to prod at Zuko, Iroh was messing around with some of the weapons in Zhao's tent and dropped them all making a loud bang as the sound of clashing metal was heard when they hit the ground.

[Ehh… Sorry, my fault entirely]: iroh

[We haven't found him yet]: zuko

[Did you really expect to?... The Avatar died 100 years ago along with the rest of the Airbenders… Unless you found some evidence that proves the Avatar is alive]: zhao

[No… Nothing]: zuko

[Prince Zuko… The Avatar is the only one who could put a stop to the Fire Nation winning this war, so if you have any information on the Avatar, spit it out now]: zhao

[I haven't found anything… It's like you said, he died 100 years ago… Come on Uncle, we're leaving]: zuko

Just as Zuko tried to leave he was blocked as a soldier began to speak up making Zuko's worst fear come true.

[Commander Zhao… We interrogated the crew as instructed and found out that Prince Zuko had the Avatar in custody and let him escape along with a man who could bend metal like it was earth]: soldie

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