Su Ming was silent, and most of the people outside the video were also silent.

Watching Su Ming have an epiphany in a rain, the Dao God Overlay in his eyebrows changed from one to two!

“Ra… Rasu, are we really living in your dreams? Are we all your friends??! ”

In the Wushan tribe, Lei Chen’s eyes flashed with horror, completely unbelievable, the purple-haired shawl, between his hands, holding endless thunder and lightning, the stubborn man was his partner in front of him.

“But… But if we are in his dreams, then why do we pinch ourselves? So what is our existence? Could it be that the dialogue between us is really Su Ming’s imagination alone? ”

“Nope… Impossible, right?! I feel that I am so real, I have my thoughts, I have my life, how can it become someone else’s dream? ”


Many clansmen whispered, looking at the thin young Su Ming in front of them and feeling a terrible strangeness.

Imagine how horrible it would be if you were just dreaming of someone else’s dream, and you can’t imagine it.

“Am I the second prince of the ancient burial country with the intention of disturbing Su’s name??! That’s impossible?! This seat is Di Tian, the emperor of the immortal race of the Daochen True Realm, and the Xuan Zun of the Daochen True Realm, how can I be someone else’s soul…? ”

In the Dao Chen True Realm, Di Tian’s aura erupted, and he said in a calm tone.

But in the video, the second prince of the ancient burial country and his appearance and breath are almost the same, and even the other party’s cultivation is countless times stronger than him.

This made him constantly suspicious.

Although in the video, he himself firmly does not believe in this kind of thing, but at the moment, everyone has to feel a little lost.

And at this moment, Su Xuanyi in the Dao Chen True Realm was also a little stunned, and even a little completely stunned, the situation in the video was too different from what he had mastered.

He is the royal family of the Underworld clan, and Su Ming has always been just a pawn for him, a pawn to resurrect his son.

And from the perspective of the future, Su Ming has grown to a point where he completely surpasses him.

“The Soviet war … How can your son grow to that point? I really didn’t expect it! ”

“Even your heirs can grow beyond the unspeakable, but can he really escape this reincarnation??”

“And the burial… I can’t imagine that there are still cultivators in the world who can come this far??! ”

He was a little stunned, he never expected that someone would be able to cultivate his will and Dao to this step.

Or even more than just a burial.

Even Sanhuang was shocked.

He had only taken away the Xuan Zun of the Dao Chen True Realm.

And the other party has now lost most of the Sangxiang world.

It turned out that every time the Tribulation of Desolation Annihilation caused countless cultivators to fall.

But it was just a search by the Three Wilderness for the remnants of Sang Xiang’s will.

That’s incredible, isn’t it?!

And Yu Xuan of the Hades True Realm, Xu Hui, the Holy Daughter of the Wind Gate of the Daochen True Realm, and Fang Canglan who was still in the Tianhan Sect at this moment, were all stunned.

“I… We live on the wings of a butterfly??! ”

“Every time Sang Xiang flies in the vast space and his wings overlap, it is a big ??! for us”

“The Tribulation of the Three Wilderness… It was a monk named Sanhuang in ancient times who took over this butterfly named Sangxiang??! ”

“This… That’s incredible, isn’t it??! ”

At this moment, they were all stunned and completely unbelievable.

Especially through the video released by the Lord of Gray Mist, it can be seen that they all have feelings for the man named Su Ming.

It’s just incredible!

Simply stunned!!

“I… I became a fourth-generation brute concubine… How is this possible?? Fang Canglan’s eyes widened, and her face was incredulous.

And at the moment in the ninth peak.

Many of the monks were also completely shocked and sweating.

The cultivators in the Heavens and Realms outside were still easy to break away.

And they are still immersed in the fact that they live on the wings of a butterfly.

“Hara… It turned out that the Three Desolate Great Realms, which included the Dao Chenzhen Realm, the Yin Death Land, the Yin Saint True Realm, the Hades True Realm, the Spirit Hell True Realm, the Fifth True Realm, the Divine Source Star Sea, and many Starry Sky Ancient Kingdoms, were only the left wing of the Sang Xiang butterfly??! ”

“Oh my God! How small should we be??! ”

“And Sang Xiang has four wings, and each Zhang Hehe is an overlap of eras, so this is the truth of the world?? Is it really cruel?? ”

Many monks had cold sweat breaking out on their faces, and some even fell to the ground, preferring not to know these things.

“And we will eventually be destroyed… Only the monk named Su Ming remained… Is he a child of the Age of this world? ”

“Not necessarily, maybe our Sangxiang world has been destroyed for countless years, we are just a conjecture of the third prince of the ancient burial country, and when he wakes up, we may disappear


“It turns out that the last cultivator named Su Ming will become my little junior disciple? His’s really strong… Stronger than Master. Huzi on the ninth peak looked at the video curiously, and then asked strangely: “Master, what realm are you??” Why are you still in the ancient burial country? ”

The eyes of the Heavenly Evil Son seemed to penetrate the heavens and realms, and he slapped the tiger’s head, making him hurry up.

But no matter what, all the creatures in the entire Sangxiang world were in shock.

Many people who watched this video were speechless.

I fell into that great fear and horror.

And at this time inside the video,

After regaining the four wills that he had originally stored in the Sang Xiang World, Su Ming’s whole body underwent a terrifying change.

And Su Ming, who cultivated the Ninefold Dao Yin, who would definitely become a Dao Venerable, was also taken to meet a person by the Great Elder of the July Sect.

That person was Gu Hong, one of the only three Ninefold Dao God powerhouses in this world!!

(Write this story today, speed up, ask everyone for some flower evaluation votes, the next wave of desolate sky // what do you think?) )

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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