Chapter 309 King’s Entry, Kaido’s Rage

At the same time, as time passed, more and more forces knew about the Baixiang Island incident.

For example, the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the BIGMOM Pirate Group…

These big pirate groups don’t just read news from the outside world. They all have their own news channels. The importance of information is not generally important to these turfed forces.

I understand everything I understand.

Time forward a little bit, three days ago!

What happened on Baixiangdao Island, Bao-kun must have known before other forces, and only the BIGMOM Pirates knew each other faster. After all, it was hailed as the number one intelligence in the sea.

Wanokuni, the base camp of the storm-kun Pirates!

Stussy wore a miniskirt uniform, flesh-colored garter stockings, white glasses, and long golden wavy hair draped behind her back, with a gloomy face exuding low air pressure all over her body, as she rode down the elevator all the way down.

After leaving the office, I went to Wanokuni’s general shogunate.

Many people are scared along the way.

That cold aura is not something everyone can bear.

As long as a fool can feel the icy aura.

Although Stussy’s strength is not necessarily the second person of the storm-kun pirate group, but in terms of status, it is in charge of everything about Wanokuni.

No one knows what exactly is the relationship between Stussy and Elt.

“Let everyone come back!”

And the calm before the storm.

I don’t know if it was an illusion. When Airt fought with Garp Kaido, the atmosphere on the sea was suppressed.

Zhe Lili!

Marineford, the usual clear sky is not seen, and the gloomy sky is raining heavily on this day.

As the person reporting all kinds of information to the Marshal, Brannew was in a hurry at the moment, but there was a trace of anxiety on his face.

Some kind of rush.

Pushing away the Marshal’s office, Brannew held a piece of information in his hand.

“As a Marine, you must have the spirit of being in danger, what is the news?”

The current Marine Marshal Sengoku raised his head, put down the quill in his hand, and took the information a little bit puzzled.

Now, what’s the big thing in this situation that can make Major Brannew so rude?

Looking down at the intelligence in his hand, there are still several photos covered.

But looking at it, Sengoku’s face has gradually changed, from serious to solemn, frowning tightly!

“Crane Vice Admiral and Garp Vice Admiral met Marshall·D·Alter and Kaido”

“The cause is that Garp Vice Admiral and Crane Vice Admiral met a giant Sea Kings lantern fish”

“Enough, I know!”

Before Brannew could finish speaking, Sengoku interrupted him. The reason was obvious, although I don’t know what caused Elt and Kaido to appear.

But this is not important anymore. Now that Elt appeared alone and confronted Garp, what else could be said.

The fighting between the two sides is affirmative.

And a lantern fish, plus the keywords Sea Kings, Sengoku naturally guessed a little.

Rather than making a lot of noise and being known by the group of Celestial Dragons, it is better to pretend not to know.

“Notify Sakazuki to come back, and smile,”.

Sengoku didn’t hesitate. Whether it was Garp and Crane’s comfort, or his duty as Marine, Marshall D. Airt was a shame to him. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a black spot during his administration.

Let’s not talk about other grievances, it’s the shameless killing of Marine Admiral and Impel down, which made Sengoku intolerable.

Whitebeard Pirates!

“Hey! Joz!”

“Daddy is going to the Baixiang Island! Are you going to kill the two guys named Marshall D Alt and Kaido!”

At this moment, Ace, who turned into a son, has been completely subdued by Whitebeard, squatting on the side of the ship, looking at Joz next to him, with a look of excitement!

“Now, Ace, Elder Elt is not going to seek revenge, but we are going to help! As for the reason, of course I will talk about it later!”

Joz looked at Whitebeard standing on the prow of the Mobi Dick, his coat dancing wildly behind him, holding Cong Yunqi in one hand, his sharp eyes were full of condensate.

This is the man he has been following.

“However, Ace, this time Marine will definitely go there too, although I don’t know why you keep going to the trouble of that Marine Admiral Fujitora smile, but this time, I hope you can restrain yourself!”

Admiral “It’s not as simple as you think!”

And when Ace and Joz were talking, on the sail, Marco, whose wings turned into an undead bird, also slowly fell, looking at the new brother who joined the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Since the last time Marshall D. Alter had a fight with a blind swordsman called Yi Xiaoxiao, Ace knew that if it hadn’t been for Whitebeard, this guy would have rushed towards Marineford.

Even Marco doesn’t know that these two are not the same people at all, what is the deep hatred!

“That guy, I must kill him!”

But in the face of Marco’s persuasion, Ace gritted his teeth. No one knew that his brother Yasuo was dead. He died under the man named Fujitora with a smile.

But he carried Yasuo’s dream to continue sailing.

Time goes back to now in a few days!

“Dragon Stars!”

With the sound coming from the sky, the next moment, whether it was a spectator or a refugee, all of them opened their mouths and looked towards the sky.

A scene from the Arabian Nights appeared.

I saw a burst of flames suddenly lit up in the sky, and then a huge roar came from my ears, and when everyone saw the flames, their eyes protruded and they got up.

“That is, the cadre of the storm-kun Pirate Group, King!”

“Run! Guy wants to kill everyone!”

Looking at the indiscriminate attack, there is also that almost half of the sky is illuminated by the fire.


“Tempest Kick.

Seeing the enemy’s attack enveloping the warship, Vice Admiral naturally stood up on Marine’s side. After the ghost spider Vice Admiral chopped the pirates to the ground with a single knife, he looked at the fast falling fireball and snorted coldly. Scream!

No other moves were used.

Instead, he used his feet.

Both feet kicked out one after the other, and in an instant, two crescent arcs crossed to form a cross and slashed to the ground. The area almost covered the entire sky, which was an integer multiple of the so-called meteorite fireball.

However, the ghost spider is not so kind to help everyone block it, he only solves an area above Marine.

Into the eye.

The dense meteor shower fell.

With the screams of countless people, the violence was officially announced-the people of the Kun Pirate Group also arrived!

“Hehehehe! It seems that the boss’s situation is not good!”

The person here is not someone else, it is Moria, who is pierced with an onion, falling from the sky!

Wearing a black shirt and a punk jacket on the outside, with the appearance that allows children to stop crying, it immediately attracts most people’s attention.

So far, the people on Elt’s side have finally arrived, but there are only three people, Moria, Yan, and World!

After all, Wanokuni is too far away, light clothes and simple hair are Stussy’s requirements!

“King, you guy, dare to show up! Are you looking for death! Bastard!”

When Hate appeared, Kaido was the first to be noticed. There was a trace of madness in his sharp eyes. Although the smell of smoke seemed to become more mob, he felt that it was impossible to admit his mistake.

The emperor who made his own from scratch actually betrayed him, and also followed the enemy he most wanted to kill. One can imagine how angry Kaido is.

At this moment, Kaido even gave up the fight to continue drinking Akainu for the appearance of the traitor.

“King, you guy, do you know what you are doing? Answer Laozi!”

The Kaido prisoner stared, and the ground under his feet cracked directly, disappearing in an instant and appearing in front of Chi who had just landed.

The sturdy fist slammed into the air, made a harsh crackling sound, and suddenly erupted to produce an overwhelming horrible force

r|| Kaido!”

No matter what it was like before, it doesn’t matter, now, I belong to Marshall·D·Alter’s partner!”

In fact, Chi had known his problem a long time ago, but for him, it didn’t matter anymore. No matter what he was like before and who he was a partner with, but that memory was long gone.

Now he is just a cadre of the violent-kun Pirate Group!

“You know what you’re talking about! Asshole, it doesn’t matter if you take such words back to Laozi!”

“Thunder Eight Trigrams!”

Kaido was so angry that he appeared in one fell swoop and smashed the almost semi-beastly stick.

“Emission Fire Dragon Seal”!

Even if he knew that his predecessor belonged to Beasts Pirates, facing Kaido’s attack, he still didn’t keep his hands, and crimson eyes flashed with craziness.

The force of terror covered the entire sky, and burst out in an instant, and the force that destroys everything went straight to the back.


The deafening wind whistle swept through, although Kaido raised his hand to block Kaido’s attack, but the huge power still caused him to move backwards.

“Momo Tenfold Punch!”

Just when Kaido was about to take advantage of the victory, there was no sign, World that jumped from behind the smoke appeared. Under the blessing of Momoguo, even Kaido’s complexion was condensed and he forcibly pulled out his left (good king) arm. Stop in front of you.

Kaido also knew about the kind of guy like World, and even he had heard of the power of Momo Fruit long ago.

With a click, World’s fist blasted into Kaido’s chest, causing Kaido to spurt blood from the corner of his mouth on the spot, leaving a gap in the ruins forcibly.

And the Akainu who is at war with it will not watch the scene. He is not interested in the bitterness between Kaido and Marshall D. Elt. Whether it is from the Beasts Pirates or the Violent-kun Pirates, neither It doesn’t matter, because he is a pirate.

The deep hatred for the pirates made him unable to watch the group of pirates do harm to the sea.

Almost at the moment Kaido was beaten by World, Akainu shot.

“Dark Hound cited!”

Sakazuki’s lower body melted into lava, lava dripped on his face, and the lava on his right hand continued to swell.

The right fist blasted out to form a magma fist, and the unmatched power erupted in an instant, melting the surface and boiling water.

“Dark Hound!”

The huge explosion swelled in the semi-open space, and the billowing magma became unstoppable. Then Kaido turned into a cannonball and entangled in black smoke.

Facing Lava-Lava Fruit with the strongest attack power, Akainu didn’t even keep a punch. Even Whitebeard knocked out half of his head with one punch. Of course, it was impossible for Kaido to strike without injury.

Because the opponent is Marine Admiral Akainu!

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