Chapter 36 I poke, I poke, you hit me!

“Boy, hand over all the money you have, this woman will hand me over, and the uncle will spare you one today!”

“Yes, the boss is right!”

After trailing the Elt three to the sparsely populated block, 10 pirates who were either holding a musket or carrying a weapon, bet the Elt three.

The headed bald pirate with a mace and an X-shaped scar on his chest seemed to be pitying Elt, looking at the three indifferently.

“Why are there always a bunch of dragons to die!”

“Obviously, Laozi has let you go!”

And Elt’s self-talk was also heard by a pirate next to him.

“Hey! Boy, what are you talking about, don’t think about running away, see if I have a gun in my hand.”

“Hurry up and hand over the money to the woman next to you, or you will be killed!”

The pirate with a musket pointed the gun at Elt with a fierce look.

“Hey! What is in your hands!”

The pirate suddenly saw the steel claws in Teach’s hand, held the gun against Teach’s temple, and even tilted Teach’s head.

“You’d better put the gun away, otherwise my eldest brother will be angry!”

Such an insulting action, poking a gun in Teach’s head, is definitely something to be proud of. Of course, the premise is that you can survive and you can brag in the future.

“Hahaha! I just poke him, what’s the matter, I poke, I poke again, kid! I’m quite grumpy!”

The pirate who didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter laughed brazenly, poked Teach’s head with a gun, and showed off vigorously.

In the sight of Elt, Teach’s face had gone completely dark.

“Hahaha! Tucker, you kid shouldn’t be scared to be stupid! You…”


Tucker, the pirate who poked Teach’s head with a gun, was like a rooster pinched around his neck, his laughter stopped abruptly, and his throat kept groaning.

At his throat, Teach, who was just ridiculed by him, had inserted the iron claw in his hand into his throat, and blood kept coming out of his mouth and throat, his eyes protruding.

“The sea has never been a place where you mentally retarded can stay!”

Tucker’s face was full of horror, and he kept grabbing his throat with his hands, trying to remove what was inserted into his throat. His strong desire to survive made him struggle constantly, what he wanted to catch!

And the other pirate who was still talking was sprayed with blood when Teach’s steel claw was inserted into the throat of that named Tucker.

Then I saw the light of a spatula.


The bloody human head rolled to the feet of the bald boss holding a mace.

Naturally, it was Alte who had the knife. When everyone was in a daze, he directly swung his knife at the pirate closest to him, and there was the scene just now.

And Tian Yueshi also pulled out the saber around her waist, clasped her hands tightly, and confronted the pirate.

The bald pirate who was laughing just now became full of hideous faces immediately. Killing people in front of his face is to provoke his majesty!

“Asshole, go together, kill them for me!”

I thought it was a little cabbage chicken, but suddenly turned into a grizzly bear!

“It’s really a bunch of idiots who don’t know what fear is. You can’t be called a pirate at all! It’s just a bunch of rubbish!”

Teach, pull out his steel claws, swing his left fist, and hit the abdomen of a pirate who was sneaking behind him.

The immense power made the pirate feel that his gall was about to be broken, his mouth was full of rust, and the next moment he spit out a big mouth of blood, and there were even fragments of internal organs.

Then, like a prawn, he knelt down with his abdomen in his hands, arched his body and raised his eyes.

Elt also directly slashed the pirate in front of him with the sword, into two parts.

Then I saw the pirates, and saw that the situation was not good, and rushed towards Tianyueshi with a knife.

When Tianyue was originally only able to withstand a pirate, he ignored it, raising the long knife in his hand and rushing towards the pirate in front of him, trying to solve the pirate in front of him first.

At this time, Tianyueshi didn’t call Alter at all. She didn’t want to distract Alter because of herself, and then get hurt.

“Really a woman who can’t worry about it”!


Elte, who was still on the battlefield, disappeared, and his location was directly cracked by the huge counter-shock force.

Airt, who suddenly appeared behind Tianyueshi, kicked in the air, making a sound of breaking through the air, and kicked the pirate who attacked Tianyue on the head.


When the pirate rushing forward collided with the armed color kicking backward, the pirate’s head twisted from the very beginning, then shattered, and finally exploded directly.

The headless corpse that maintained its inertia even ran forward a few steps before hitting the ground with a puff.

Blood was constantly coming out of the bloody neck, staining the ground red.

As Tianyue killed the last pirate in an embarrassing manner, Elt found that the bald pirate boss at this time was actually running.

“I’m so fierce, I still ran and hid first!”

“You can’t run away”!

The bald-headed pirate boss, who was running wild, heard the sound behind him, and when he looked back, he found that Elt was actually approaching him constantly.

Every time Elt disappeared, when he appeared the next time, he was closer to him.

After a few breaths, Elt, who appeared behind the pirate, swung his knife and slashed away, not beeping with him at all, there was no sign at all. *

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