Single City University.

Freshman Hall.

"Lin Haibin, the system activation failed, and the soul awakening failed!"

"Chen Yunhao, the system activation failed, and the soul awakening failed!"

"Pan Yi, the system activation failed, and the soul awakening failed!"

"Luo Zhao, the system activation is successful! Awakened Soul: Excavator! Physics: Grade B, Magic: Grade E, Field Control: Grade C... Overall rating: C. "

Finally, some students successfully awakened their souls, which finally ignited a trace of morale among the freshmen in the hall who had been in a dull and depressed state!

After all, dozens of people passed, and only one successfully awakened. But at least it also gave the students behind a glimmer of hope.

And the student who woke up successfully was already excited and cheered, and his face was red and bragged with the classmates next to him, as if he had reached the peak of his life.

The strong man who was responsible for recording the list of trainees snorted lightly with disdain: "Hmph, the quality of the freshmen in this class is really ridiculously poor, and dozens of talents awaken a total grade C waste, and they are happy to become this virtue." "

Shi Qiu was sitting in the midst of the freshman crowd.

It's been a week since I traveled to this world, and Shiqiu has basically figured out what kind of world this is.

In general, this is a big systematic world! In this world, almost anything can be digitized.

After the age of eighteen, everyone has the opportunity to successfully awaken their soul and system!

The soul can be anything, life, elves, spirit beasts, even any item such as swords, guns and swords, or it can be an ancestral heroic figure, or even air, bacteria, and so on that you can't see with your naked eye.

Anyone who awakens the soul can acquire a special ability in a certain aspect.

For example, if you awaken the magnet soul, you can control the surrounding magnetic field to control the metal.

There is also the awakening of the instrument Qisoul, and playing a piece of music casually can help your teammates increase their combat power.

The soul and the system are often awakened together, and the soul can also be said to be the soul of the system, and once awakened, the two will be bound to each other.

The system will digitize the host's soul to help the host better strengthen the soul and help the host obtain more powerful abilities.

In this world where the cracks in the space door are disordered, foreign races are constantly invading, and foreign enemies are rampant, the status of soul contractors in human society is transcendent, while ordinary people have almost no status and human rights, nor any ability to protect themselves.

If you want to get ahead, you can only successfully activate the system and awaken the soul.

"Next, Meng Hao, Wang Feng, Lin Qiang... Time and autumn. "

The sect finally read Shi Qiu's name.

Shi Qiu stood up, slowly walked out from the crowd, and walked to the stage with several other freshmen who were called.

Several students stood on the stage nervously, only Shi Qiu looked calmer, after all, he was a person who died once in his previous life.

Many girls were bright, and couldn't help but focus their eyes on Shi Qiu's body, because he was indeed very handsome, handsome and handsome, and quite temperamental.

Then, several pillars of light fell from the air and descended on several freshmen on the stage, including Shi Qiu.

A few seconds later.

"Meng Hao, the system activation failed, and the soul awakening failed!"

"Wang Feng, the system activation failed, and the soul awakening failed!"

"Lin Qiang, the system activation failed, and the soul awakening failed!"


The chief teacher couldn't help but scold: "Zhente has seen the ghost..."

"Is our school a garbage collection station this year?"

The freshmen on the stage heard the prompt sound of their awakening failure, and they were disappointed, and some cried directly on the stage.

At this time, Shi Qiu, bathed in white light, suddenly felt a burst of comfort in his body.

Consciousness seemed to sink, as if there was a steady stream of energy pouring into his body!

It was at this time that the pillar of light that shrouded Shi Qiu suddenly changed!

I saw that faint white pillar of light suddenly turned into a terrifying black light! Moreover, it burst out in all directions in an instant, and even almost enveloped the entire freshman hall!

All the freshmen in the hall looked horrified, and they didn't know what was going on.

The black light completely blocked their vision, and they could not even make any sound.

Only inexplicable, unspeakable fear and palpitations linger in everyone's heart!

The mournful strings, the roaring and crying, and the crow call... It seems to be close to the ears, and it seems to come from a distant sky....

I saw that in the darkness, two scarlet eyes slowly lit up.

It was a skeleton mask... Person? Or maybe he's a skeleton himself!

The skeleton was hidden under a shadow-like black robe, holding a cold scythe in his hand, and appeared in the black light...

Even the chief priest was startled by this vision, and the cigarette butts in his mouth fell.

"This is ... What's the situation? "

That's right! This is the vision that only occurs when the S-class soul system is awakened!

The instructor's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed.

I didn't expect that today's freshmen in the school had a soul that could awaken S-grade! You must know that the entire empire will not appear a few throughout the year!

Such talents will definitely be sent to the capital for development in the future! And it will definitely become the object of competition among major forces!

I don't know how long it took.

The black light finally faded slowly, and all of it was concentrated on Shi Qiu alone, and then gradually absorbed by him.

Finally disappeared completely.

The freshmen in the hall were shocked one by one, and they had not completely recovered their strength.

Just now, they seemed to see death!

"That... What the hell is that? The freshmen were pale and sweaty, and a few of them were even scared to sit directly on the ground.

"Shiqiu, the system activation is successful! Awakened Soul: Death! Overall rating: Unknown. "

Shi Qiu looked down at his hands.

Is this what it feels like to awaken the soul system?

The freshmen in the audience immediately exploded and talked about it.

"The Grim Reaper? What is that? "

"I don't know, I've never heard of it..."

"Is it the scythe skeleton that just appeared?"

"But why is the total evaluation of his Soul Contract System unknown?"

There is no such thing as the Grim Reaper in this world... Oh no, or it can be said that the people of this world do not have the concept of "God" at all.

So of course the students don't know what the "Grim Reaper" is.

Shi Qiu was also a little surprised, he had been in this world for a week, and he had seen all kinds of strange souls, but he had never heard of any soul revelation that was divine.

And isn't the Grim Reaper a "legend" that only existed in his previous world? How did you become my soul in this world?

Could it be that because I am not originally a person of this world, the awakened soul will be a product of the previous world?


Several teachers present were stunned.

Even the chief instructor was somewhat inexplicable.

He had been an instructor for ten years and had never encountered such a situation.

It stands to reason that if such a vision will occur, it must be a soul system with a total rating of more than S-level, how can it be unknown?

The chief instructor walked to the stage and looked at Shi Qiu and said, "Classmate Shi Qiu, can you show us your various scoring panels?" "

After a pause, the chief instructor added: "Don't worry, you don't need to show the personal attributes and skill panels, we just want to see what your abilities are, and we can give you a class." "

In this world, eavesdropping on other people's personal attributes and skill panels is taboo, and no one is stupid enough to easily show their hole cards to outsiders, even teachers.

Shi Qiu nodded slightly: "Of course." "

Saying that, he raised his hand and waved.

A light curtain projection appeared in front of everyone.

"Name: Shiqiu"

"Level: lv1"

"Soul Crush: Death"

"The ratings of each capability are as follows: Six Stars Map .jpg"

"Physical damage ability: ??"

"Magic damage ability: ??"

"Range damage ability: ??"

"Field control ability: ??"

"Defensive capability: ??"

"Auxiliary Ability: Class S


"System Review: ??"

After reading this, the teachers and teachers were even more confused.


Except for the auxiliary ability display is "S" level, the other aspects of the ability display is "?? "Okay? What the hell is going on here??

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