Duan Lan didn't know what to say.

But she had to admit that Shi Qiu was right.

Without catching evidence, she really had no way to take the Black Soul Society.

Especially behind the Black Soul Society, there are big people behind it...

"Alas..." Duan Lan sighed and sat down again, and asked Shi Qiu again: "Then what are your plans next? "

Qiao Xiyue thought for a while: "Hmm... In this way, Shiqiu, you try not to be left alone during this time, whether it is going to class or leaving school or something, it is best to get together. "

"Anyway, you can take the senior class now, so it's better to stay with us as much as possible, it's safer." "

"No matter how bold he is, he will dare to kill you in broad daylight. "

Xia Yao echoed: "Uh-huh, that's right, that old monster of Black Bone likes to play conspiracies and sneak attacks the most!"

"Junior brother, don't walk at night recently, be careful of being caught in one of his sacks!"

Shi Qiu: "..."

Xia Yao turned his head to look at Duan Lan again, and proposed with a serious face: "Sister Lan, I apply to eat and live with my junior brother for a while, and I will protect my junior brother personally to avoid him being attacked by others!"

Lan Ningxue: "??"

Duan Lan: "... You want to take advantage of your junior brother, right?"

Xia Yao huffed, "Sister Lan, look at what you said, am I that kind of person?"

Duan Lan: "..."

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly.

If Duan Lan knew that she had offended another bigwig-level figure outside the school, they didn't know how they would react...

After dinner, everyone went back to their respective rooms.

Lan Ningxue, however, took Shi Qiu's hand after everyone else went back to his room, and pulled him back to his room.

Then "'snapped' and closed the door with his backhand.


Then he "knocked" and pressed Shi Qiu against the wall.

"Ah, this..."

Shi Qiu looked at Lan Ningxue, who was very close, almost dared to feel the other party's breathing, a little shy, and smiled awkwardly: "Senior sister, the other senior sisters are still next door, this is not good, right?"

Lan Ningxue herself also blushed quietly, and took a sip: "What do you want?"

Then let go of Shi Qiu, and asked a little unhappy: "I ask you, you have been secretly calculated twice by the people of the Black Soul Society before, why didn't you tell me?"

Shi Qiu tilted his head: "I don't think it's a big deal..."

"Not a big deal??"

Lan Ningxue's big beautiful eyes widened: "Black bone's old monster means viciously, I don't know how many talented geniuses died in his hands!"

"Over the years, I don't know how many students have disappeared silently and inexplicably, although I have no evidence, I can be sure that he did it one hundred percent!"

"As soon as I heard that you had a conflict with the people of the Black Soul Society today, I was worried about dying..."

Lan Ningxue said as she spoke, and suddenly became aggrieved: "You are hiding from me... If one day you disappear inexplicably, I don't even know who to look for for revenge..."

Shi Qiu's heart couldn't help but rise a little warmth.

Shi Qiu smiled and hooked her nose: "Well, not next time." "


Lan Ningxue's face was quietly red, and she looked even more beautiful under the warm light.

"By the way, I always listen to you, there seems to be some big guy behind the Black Soul Society?" asked Shi Qiu curiously.

"It's actinium..." Lan Ningxue sighed lightly: "It's an absolute big person, it's an existence we can't afford to offend, otherwise Hei Bones would dare to be so arrogant in school." "

"If only you were from the student union, the student union is also an official background, if you are from the student union, at least he has to weigh you when he moves you." "

Lan Ningxue thought for a while, and tilted her head again: "Hmm... By the way, junior, how about you join now?"

Shi Qiu didn't speak, just smiled and shook his head.

If he wanted to join the organization, he would have directly agreed to Elder Chen's invitation some time ago?

Moreover, Chen Lao also said that his promises were still valid before the college competition began.

If you simply want to find a force that can cover him, wouldn't it be better to find Chen Lao directly? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

But in that case, it will not be autumn ...

Lan Ningxue was strange: "You seem to have a lot of resistance to joining the club?"

Shi Qiu: "Not really, it's just that I don't want to be bound by the contract." "

Lan Ningxue sighed lightly: "But now you have offended a behemoth like the Black Soul Society... Although you do have a certain ability to protect yourself with your current strength, you are still weak after all..."

At this time, Lan Ningxue suddenly thought of something, and her eyes lit up: "~ Eh, by the way, junior brother, or do you want to form a club yourself??"

Shi Qiu was stunned: "Huh??"

Lan Ningxue smiled and said, "It's like a wolverine rat." "

"If you set up your own society, won't you be bound by anyone? "

Shi Qiu thought for a while: "But I'm only a freshman, and no one will join the club after I build it, right?"

Lan Ningxue straightened her chest: "What's wrong with freshman, your strength is enough to beat the junior! Who dares to gossip?"

"And your popularity is enough, or the hero who saved the convoy, the elite class cadets who participated in the mission at that time, which does not owe you favors?

When Shi Qiu heard this proposal, he seriously considered it for a while.

When he refused the invitation of the three major forces before, he also said that he would establish his own society.

But that's just the rhetoric he used to push back, in fact, he didn't have this idea at the time.

But now...

His own strength has indeed become stronger, but some frozen west, and he really can't do it on his own.

Just like the Black Soul Society, it is already a fairly formed force organization, and Black Bone casually sends a few subordinates to collect the cost of a class, and he can earn thousands of credits at a time!

And, they definitely have more ways to make money.

Of course, Shi Qiu himself can make a lot of money, but the money earned by 1 person, in general, is still not as much money as a group of people ...

"I think about it. Shi Qiu said.

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