The news that Shi Qiu had become the president of the Heken Club soon spread throughout the campus.

In a world of danger, intrigue, and intrigue, gossip seems to be the only thing students can easily talk about.

In his freshman year, he became the president of the Heken Club, which undoubtedly made the name "Shiqiu" popular again.

So much so that even the young students from other schools expressed ~ show that they were very interested in Shiqiu.

"I heard that this time is only a freshman, and I want to participate in the college ranking-competition?"

"Isn't it easy to defeat several juniors in freshman year on their own!

"I heard that the last time Shan City University escorted the exotic transport convoy had an accident, the person who saved the entire convoy was a freshman, shouldn't it be this time?"

Think about it, you know that it is a gimmick of the unscrupulous editor, even if you are a genius, the freshman controls the level 20 alien beast?

"It seems that this year's college ranking tournament is getting more and more interesting, actinium... Hehe, at that time, I really want to compete with this newcomer in the ranking match. "


Black Soul Society.

Black Bone Apartments.

"Woooo Senior, you want to be our master!"

The fat man in a black trench coat knelt in front of the black bone and sobbed, wiping a handful of snot and tears: "The eldest brother's internal organs were seriously injured by him with the wind sword, and he also instilled soul power..."

"The doctor at the school said that even if the eldest brother takes drugs to recuperate, he will have to rest for at least half a year to fully recover, and he will definitely not be able to participate in this year's college ranking competition... This little B cub obviously doesn't put our Black Soul Society in his eyes!"

Black Bone turned his back to him and stood at the window with his hands in his hands.

“...... Senior??" The fat trench coat man saw that the black bone did not speak for a long time, and couldn't help but call out tentatively.

Who knew that Black Bone Huan Huan turned around, her face livid.


Black Bone raised his hand and swung it in the air.

I saw that a huge black bone palm appeared in the air, made the same movement as black bone, and slapped it heavily on the fat trench coat man's robe.

The fat trench coat man was slapped and screamed, flew out upside down like meat and fell on a tea table, directly shattering the wooden tea table.

The sound of the cup breaking was heard, and the water was spilled on the ground.

All the subordinates in the house were silent when they saw this scene, and no one dared to make a noise

Black Bone said grimly: "Just for this ability, I still participate in the college ranking competition, and being beaten like this by a freshman is also a shame for my Black Soul Society!"

The fat trench coat man got up from the ground and dared to raise his head and speak.

Black Bone wanted to scold a few more words, but then remembered that he seemed to have just lost to that kid once, so he held the words back in his stomach.

Black Bone took a deep breath before partially dissipating the qi in his stomach.

Since awakening the Qihu, Black Bone has rarely been really angry, because of the characteristics of the Qihu, his personality has become silent, gloomy, and cold-blooded.

Most of the time, when the members of the Black Soul Society saw their president, they felt that the black bone was gloomy and difficult to approach.

If you get a little closer, you will feel extremely cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

However, since the arrival of the autumn season, everything has changed.

". "Black Bone is annoyed when he sees the fat trench coat man.

"Yes..." The fat trench coat man left shiveringly.

After the fat trench coat man left, Hei Bone waved his hand and drove the other students out, leaving Zhou Yanan alone.

"What happened to those people who were burned by Shi Qiu?" asked Black Bone. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Zhou Yanan replied: "Still lying in the school medical building, more than 90% of his body is severely burned, and he has to rest for at least a few months." "

"And the doctor said that the flames used by Shi Qiu, the ordinary healing skills, and the medical drugs could not heal the wounds, which means that they will always be like that in the future..."

Hei Bone saw the appearance of those members of the Black Soul Society being burned, and it could only be said that it was miserable, and even he, a ruthless person, couldn't help but frown.

"President, this kid's attack is so ruthless, it is completely a provocation to our Black Soul Society!"

Zhou Yanan clenched his fists and said, "I think otherwise if I bring a few more people, I don't believe I can't kill him." "

Black Bone glared at him: "Stupid, even I can't help him, do you think you can deal with him??"

Zhou Yanan smiled: "That's what I said, that's what I said." "

"But senior, didn't you exert your full strength the last time you sneaked up on him?"

"Hmm..." Black Bone pondered something, and said lightly: "In the Nightmare World, although I can attack his essence as I want, after all, it takes a lot of soul power to maintain the Illusion World during the battle. "

"So that day, I could only exert three percent soul power. "

"Oh..." Zhou Yanan raised his eyebrows, his eyes rolling wildly.

No wonder the moves that Black Bone performed that day, although the momentum was huge, he always felt that the strength of the soul power was not enough.

Sure enough, that illusion limited his strength...

"I didn't expect that this Shiqiu's essence Sakaki resistance was so strong!"

Black Bone frowned: "My nightmare world has no effect on him...... This is the most confusing thing for me, this time, it's really strange..."

Zhou Yanan continued to tempt: "Then senior, what do you plan to do next?"

"Shi Qiu has all said it, I want to fight with you in the college ranking competition, his strength is improving faster and faster now, and then I am afraid that in 1 month..."

"Moreover, he has now become the president of the Heken Society, which is clearly intended to be used against us!"

Black Bone's face was gloomy.

Obviously, this is also what he is currently bothering about.

Originally, his center of gravity had been completely tilted on the road to breaking through level 18, and he had recently dared to touch the threshold of upgrade.

Black Bone now has a secret treasure on hand, which he obtained from the Demon Capital Alien Realm in every way before.

If he can break through the 18th level before the start of the college ranking competition, coupled with such a secret treasure, Black Bone will have great self-confidence to rush to the top five!

Who would have thought that he would actually jump out of the freshman and disrupt his plans!

At this time, it seems that he has become an existence that does not want to deal with it!

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