Above the teaching building, inside a certain window.

Black Bone stood at a certain window on the seventh floor, coldly watching the scene downstairs.

"Finally here, the efficiency of these pickets is not too slow. "

Black Bone's eyes revealed an eerie meaning: "Hmph, Shi Qiu, this time, I see what you do." "

"There you go, act according to plan. "

This was said to one of his subordinates standing not far behind the black bone robe in the room: "Do it clean, you know?"

"Yes, President. "

The man stood in the shadows, it was difficult to see his face clearly, and he could only see the corners of his mouth Wei Wei raised, revealing a sneer, especially Ying Sen's daring.



"Who are you?" asked Shi Qiu knowingly as he looked at Team Li and several of them.

Team Li pulled out a card: "We are pickets, and these two are my team members." "


Shi Qiu glanced at them, pretending to be puzzled25: "What's the matter with me?"

"We may need to delay you for a few minutes, there is a case that I would like to ask you to assist us in investigating." "

"Okay, as a soul contractor, I will definitely assist. "

Shi Qiu relaxed and calm: "What case, let's talk." "

"It's about the disappearance of Shi Wenlei. When Team Li said this, they stared at Shi Qiu's face seriously, observing his expression.

Shi Qiu frowned: "Who is Shi Wenlei?"

“...... It was one of the several soul indenturers who disappeared unknowingly some time ago. "

Team Li stared at Shi Qiu: "Don't you know him?"

Shi Qiu's eyes were calm: "Should I know him?"

The female team member asked at this time: "But isn't it, the disappearance case was quite big in the school a while ago, how can you not have any impression?"

Shi Qiu glanced at her: "Look at what you said, who would remember the name of someone you don't know? "

Female team member: "..."

"But if you don't know him..." Team Li stared into Shi Qiu's eyes: "Why did he pay someone to kill you?"

Shi Qiu was stunned.

"He? Find someone to kill me?"

"That's right. "

"But I really don't know him, I haven't met him. "

Team Li looked at Shi Qiu and did not let go of any micro-expressions on his face.

After a moment of silence, Team Li continued: "This case, after several days of our investigation, finally found some clues and evidence. "

"Before Shi Wenlei disappeared, he did find a few killers who wanted to harm you. "

"But then he disappeared. "

In fact, where did Team Li find any evidence?

There is only speculation on the black bone side.

He just said this on purpose, and then wanted to see how Shi Qiu reacted.

Shi Qiu thought for a while and asked, "Where did he go to find the killer?

Team Li squinted: "How do you know?"

"The Black Soul Society's tricks, as long as they are not the kind of soul intellers in Shan City University who can only cultivate with their heads stuffed, they should know it, right?"

Shi Qiu's expression seemed a little speechless: "It's not that some regulators condone. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Three: "..."

Team Lee: "... If there is evidence, we will naturally not condone. "

"Then in that case, what should you go to the Black Soul Society and come to me for?"

"Because those people from the Black Soul Society are also one of the few who disappeared that day. "

Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows: "I see what you mean, so you suspect that the disappearance of several of them is my gan?"

"We didn't mean that. "

Team Li said, "It's just that Shi Wenlei really wanted to find someone to kill you before he disappeared, but then he disappeared, which is indeed a bit of a coincidence." So we want to ask you, to see if you can think of something, what do you think might be the reason, so that he wants to harm you. "

"I don't know. Shi Qiu shook his head: "I haven't even seen him, I don't even know what he looks like, how can I know why he wants to kill me?"

Team Li flipped through the small book in his hand and was silent for a moment: "Maybe we know." "

Shi Qiu was strange: "You know?"

"Shi Wenlei likes a girl named Lan Ningxue. Team Li looked at Shi Qiu and asked, "This girl's relationship with you is quite ambiguous now, right?"


"Why, isn't this question convenient to answer?"

Shi Qiu was silent for a while, and before he could speak, a female voice came from behind him: "Junior brother!"

Lan Ningxue just came out of the teaching building, saw Shi Qiu standing there, and thought that he was here to pick her up from class, and subconsciously shouted happily.

However, after approaching, Lan Ningxue found that around the corner, there were several strangers standing beside Shi Qiu.

"Junior, who are they?" asked Lan Ningxue as she walked to Shi Qiu's side.

Team Li looked at Shi Qiu with a smile.

Shi Qiu touched his nose: "It's from the single-city picket." "

"Pickets..." Lan Ningxue's expression became serious when she heard this: "Do you have something going on?"

"It's nothing, there is a case, I want to come to Shi Qiu's classmates to understand the situation." "

"Case?" Lan Ningxue frowned: "Did something happen again?"

"No, it was Shi Wenlei's disappearance a while ago. "

As soon as Lan Ningxue heard this, she moved when her head was stewed.

Shi Qiu had already told her about this before, so she naturally knew what happened to Shi Wenlei's disappearance.

However, Lan Ningxue is a smart girl, who has also experienced strong winds and waves, her expression is still waveless, and she said lightly: "Oh, it turns out that this matter is this matter, is there no clue to this matter until now?"

"It's already a bit of an eyebrow. Team Li said: "Before we found out that Shi Wenlei disappeared, there were people who wanted to spend money to find someone to harm Shiqiu's classmates, and the people who disappeared after that were exactly him and those he paid for." "

Lan Ningxue frowned, "So you are suspicious of my junior brother?"

Team Li smiled: "We don't mean that, we just want to ask Shi Qiu if there are any clues that can be provided." "

"And Shiqiu, you don't have to be too nervous. Team Li looked at Shi Qiu again: "If at the beginning of the incident, they really wanted to harm you, even if you killed them back, you would not have any serious crimes." "

Another temptation.

Team Li looked at Shi Qiu's expression.

Team Li, as the No.1 in the team's caseload last year, naturally has two brushes.

He is very confident in this regard.

But whenever Shiqiu has any hesitant moment, he will definitely capture it.

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