The night is dark and the wind is high.

In the middle of the night, Shi Qiu left the school by himself.

This was the first time he had left Shancheng University in nearly one month, and he hadn't even done a class task in the past month, because he was busy studying and cultivating, and he didn't have time to entangle with Shi Zhenshao's gang.

But now he's idle.

It's time to settle the ledger...

Shi Qiu came to Black Market Street.

At this point in time, almost no soul contractors dared to come to the black market to freeze the west, because they simply came to die.

Therefore, those who are still wandering in the black market streets at this time must all be black market traffickers.

Xuantong Street at night is not quiet, from time to time there is the loud laughter of the ruffians, three or three people gather under the street lamps to drink and play cards, from time to time patting the table, laughing very freely ~ wanton.

A dark shadow passed over the roof like the wind.

Shi Qiu jumped lightly, and stood silently on the eaves above the heads of those ruffians.

The patrolling traffickers were standing a few meters away, napping by a wall holding their bottles.

He was full of alcohol, obviously drunk a little, and was completely unaware of Shi Qiu.

The same goes for the bastards below who are playing cards and drinking.

However, even if they do not drip alcohol and are on guard, there is absolutely no possibility of discovering the existence of Shiqiu.

Shi Qiu scanned the entire Xuantong Street to make sure that no one would pay attention to him, and then jumped down and jumped in front of the patrolling peddlers.

"Hmm... Drink again, drink ... Hmm?!?"

The trafficker saw Shi Qiu's face in front of him in a daze, and was suddenly shocked.

He wanted to open his mouth to call for help to his companions who were playing cards not far away, but the next second he dared to feel a cool touch coming from his neck.

It was the scythe of death against his neck!

The trafficker instantly broke into cold sweat, swallowed his spit, and the words he just wanted to shout out out seemed to be stuck in his throat.

Shi Qiu covered his mouth, and then jerked him into the dark alley.

"Yes... Is that you!?"

In the dark alley, the trafficker looked terrified and obviously recognized Shi Qiu.

Shi Qiu didn't say a word of nonsense, and asked faintly, "Where is the stone crack?"

The trafficker knew Shi Qiu's means, and dared to hide it: "... At the bar. "

Shi Qiu nodded: "Well, thank you." "

Then, Shi Qiu slashed the scythe in his hand, and blood splattered from the peddler's throat and fell to the ground.

At this time, the only bar on Xuantong Street.

Shi Zhenri was drinking at a table with several of his men.

That table happened to be the same table that Shi Qiu and Yu Li were sitting at last time.

A young man asked, "Shi Ye, is there still no news of Xiaoshi's disappearance?"

Shi Ye's expression became a little heavy: "No." "

Someone said: "I heard that Black Bone was arrested by the imperial picket a few days ago, but there has been no news about what reason was arrested Lai. "

"Could it be that it has already been found out that Xiao Shi's disappearance was done by their Black Soul Society?"

"Shouldn't it, can the gang from the picket bureau not notify us?"

"If only I could force Wen Lei's whereabouts..."

Several peddlers chattered. Shi Zhen said in a deep voice: "That kid doesn't fight himself, I don't know when he was secretly calculated... After disappearing for so long, I'm afraid it's already a lot of murder..."

Everyone was silent.

The atmosphere was a little frozen, and I didn't know what to say. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Shi Zhencrack didn't want to mention this topic again, took a sip of wine, and asked again: "By the way, Shiqiu's kid still hasn't left Shan City University?"

The trafficker said: "Yes, without leaving a step, our people have been squatting in front of Shancheng University for 1 month, and I haven't seen him come out." "

Shi Zhen cracked and cursed: "Made, doesn't the soul contractor of Shan City University have a limited task indicator every month?"

"The rest of their class did go on missions to a foreign country, but Autumn didn't go with them every time. "

"Hmph, he was afraid of our Shi Ye, hiding in the school and daring to come out!"


Shi Zhen was silent for a moment and said, "No, Shan City University still has a few high-level soul contractor teachers and instructors, it's easy to get in, but it's hard to come out." "

A peddler next to him snorted coldly: "If you have the ability, let him hide in it for a lifetime!"

At this time, a dark wind suddenly blew outside the bar, which caused several chills in a row for the dry dealers who were drinking.

The yi trafficker couldn't help but mutter: "In this big night, where is such a gloomy wind actin..."

After drinking for a while, Shi Zhencrack drank a little too much, and went upstairs alone to his room to rest.

Before returning to the room, Shi Zhencrack also vomited a filth in the corridor.

Shi Zhen didn't clean up, wiped his horn and swayed back to the room.

Knocked open the door and walked into the room, the environment was dark, and Shi Zhencrack did not turn on the light at the first time.

He first supported the wall and vomited for a while, and after spitting all the alcohol out of his stomach, his mind cleared up a little.

Immediately, he dared to feel the cold killing intent behind him!

Shi Zhen turned his head sharply.

I saw that at the windowsill of the room, the curtains fluttered with the cold wind, and in the darkness, a figure was sitting there, with a huge black scythe stuck upside down in his hand!

"What man!?"

Shi Zhencrack's vigilance as an old jianghu was finally stimulated, and he suddenly burst out to the 19th-level Qihu Soul level, staring at the figure on the windowsill.

Shi Qiu chuckled: "It seems that you are indeed old, and you are used to living a comfortable life." "

"Forget what you did, and someone wants to smack your head all the time?"

Stone Shock Crack quickly turn on the light.

The room suddenly brightened.

Shi Qiu's handsome face was also clearly illuminated when stewed.

Shi Qiu!!" Shi Zhen stared at Shi Qiu deadly, his eyes burning with anger: "You actually dare to send it to the door yourself?!"

"Of course I'm coming. Shi Qiu looked lazy and smiled: "The materials I took away from you last time are almost used up by me, of course I have to come back to replenish some goods." "

As soon as Shi Zhenxi heard this, his anger soared again.

"You look for death!!"


The stone cracked coat, revealing skin as strong as iron.

The combat power of the level 19 soul contractor soared to the extreme, and the powerful soul power lingered around his body, enveloping layers of flame wave six! .

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