Shi Qiu asked people to bring a chair with a backrest, and then Black Bone sat down there.

Then he went to the cabinet in the room and brought over a box.

"Next, let's first test the number of God Pattern structures that your body can carry. "

Shi Qiu: "In order to avoid the situation of insufficient bearing capacity and explosion and death." "

Saying that, Shi Qiu opened the box.

Inside the box was a hemp rope the thickness of a rolling stick.

There is also a big red candle.

Iron chains.

Yoya: "..."

Zhou Yanan: "..."

Black Bone frowned: "... What is it?"

Shi Qiu: "What else can it be to test the carrying capacity of the props." "

Black Bone: "The instrument for testing the bearing capacity of the structure should not be this equipment, right?"

Shi Qiu: "The equipment you mentioned is an instrument for testing rune construction, but I am a god pattern "eight three zero" formation, of course, it is different." "

Black Bone was silent for a while: "Then how to detect these frozen west?"

"Simple. Shi Qiu twisted the rope vigorously, tightening the two sides of the rope into a straight line: "It seems that this is an ordinary rope, but it is actually a high-tech product that we scooped up from the outer city on the black market." "

"There are induction nanometers in the rope, test chips in the iron handcuffs, and there are energy elements that simulate soul power in the red oil of the candle. "

"As long as you are tied up, they can automatically test the physical condition of the soul contractor, and it will be tested in a short time, and it is more accurate than the professional physique detector of our empire. "

Black Bone: "..."

"But why do I think that this frozen west looks like something is not quite right..." You Ye muttered in a low voice, and looked at Shi Qiu again: "Why do I think you are talking nonsense?"

Shi Qiu's face was expressionless: "Little girl, if you are not a professional, don't judge a high-tech product casually, this is very ignorant behavior." "

Yoya: "..."

When Lao Ba saw the frozen west in the box in the back, his face was stunned, and his mouth opened into a circle.

"That rope isn't..."

Shi Qiu looked at Lao Ba and said lightly: "Well, everyone's time is precious." Old Eight, quickly tie up the Black Bone Guildmaster. "

Old Eight: "... Be. "

Lao Ba walked over and took out the hemp rope in the box, walked behind the black bone chair, and tied Lai neatly with his upper hand.

He muttered his body, starting with Hei Bone's chest, threading the rope through his armpits, and tying his left and right hands to the armrest of the chair.

Then the center of the rope was folded in half, a single knot was tied around the neck of the black bone, and two circles were wrapped around the chest of the black bone, bound to the chair.

Throughout the whole process, Black Bone kept frowning.

He vaguely felt as if something was not quite right...

But I can't say it...

In the end, Lao Ba copied the iron again.


Shi Qiu picked up a tablet, clicked on it a few times, and said lightly: "Very good, then I will start." "

He tapped his toes on the tablet a few times, and the rope immediately reacted.

"Nourish Nourish Nourish ~~~~~!!"

There was a sound of electricity, and if it weren't for the black bone being firmly tied to the chair by rope and handcuffs, he would definitely have been able to jump directly from the chair.

"Hiss..." Black Bone only dared to feel a twitch in his body muscles.

That kind of pain that dares to feel incomparable, as if thousands of ants are drilling into the holes in his body, and at the same time are biting his muscles and eating his marrow...

Even though it is as strong as a black bone, after a few seconds of electric shock, there was a cold sweat, the chest fell violently, and even the muscles were subconsciously spasming...

After the black bone slowed down for a while, Shi Qiu said, "Okay, I'm going to continue." "

"Wait!" Black Bone quickly interrupted and looked at Shi Qiu angrily: "What kind of shit test instrument is this!?"

Shi Qiu: "I didn't just say that it was a device to test the bearing capacity of the structure. "

"Fart!" The black bone was so angry that he even scolded the dirty words, changed his usual cold image, and said gloomyly: "If I'm not mistaken, you are simply an instrument of torture!! You dare to fool me??"

Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows: "Who tricked you, you are my customer, what good is it for me to play you?" (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!)

"..." Black Bone forcibly endured his anger, after all, the other party had defeated Shi Zhen's people, and his strength was definitely not to be underestimated.

"Okay then. Black Bone said heavily, "Tell me, what did you test in this frozen west?"

Shi Qiu shook his head: "You still don't believe me, okay." "

"Black Bone, male, 22 years old, weight 50kg, Soul Level 18, Soul Black Bone, Ability Hexagonal .jpg: Physical Ability A, Magic Ability A, Range Damage Ability: A and, Field Control Ability: A, Defense Ability: A, Auxiliary Ability: Class B, Overall Rating A and....... Personal Basic Attributes: Strength: 7397, Agility 9712, Sakaki..."

Black Bone's face changed suddenly.

Even the testing instruments within the school and the empire could not detect the specific attributes of the soul contractor's physique.

It's not that it can't be detected, but because the conventions of the empire don't allow detection, the personal attributes of the soul contractor are the personal privacy of the soul contractor.

Besides, this thing does not need to be tested, and the soul contractor can see it when he opens his own attribute panel.

And these seemingly outrageous "devices" of the black-robed mysterious person in front of him can even measure these privacy attributes? ?

"Wait!" Black Bone quickly interrupted, preventing Shi Qiu from continuing to scare him.

With so many people present, no soul contractor would be willing to make their personal attributes public.

Shi Qiu smiled and put down the tablet: "How, do you believe what I say now?

Black Bone: "... No need, I already believe it. "

Lao Ba looked confused on the side.

Those ropes, iron handcuffs, and candles were actually torture instruments that they had scooped up from the outer city in the black market, and in the past, Shi Zhenjiao used these things to interrogate or punish some disobedient people.

Before Shiqiu, there were also killers who came to assassinate Shi Zhenri, but they all failed.

After the defeat, he was captured by Shi Zhenri, and naturally had to interrogate who sent them.

This set of torture tools is said to be specially used by the Criminal Department of the Imperial Capital Emperor 2.3 Room, developed by the best torture tool research experts in the empire, and the use of Qilai is absolutely unforgettable in this life, painful and undesirable, yuyu, unable to seek death, rolling his eyes, foaming at the mouth...

Even if it is a killer with a hard mouth, after experiencing a set of tortures, he must have honestly explained everything.

But because this torture device is too cruel, it is a controlled item of the empire, and only the black market can get it.

But Lao Ba was confused, obviously it was a torture instrument, when did this frozen west still have the function of detecting attributes? ?

How could he not even know??

Its real-time fall where is the attribute tested with torture instruments.

He wondered if people's attributes still needed to be tested?

Shi Qiu was just using it as a cheat, seeing through the system properties panel of Black Bone, and then reading it all the way to his panel...

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