At this moment, Duan Lan's eyes were a little more complicated when he looked at Shi Qiu.

She then found out that she had never really known her student...

The staff scratched their heads and wanted to say something. The middle-aged official man waved his hand directly, with an expression of "I'm already numb".

"Don't say it... Let's go next..."


Then, Shi Qiu conducted basic physical tests such as "strength", "speed", "reflex nerve", "fine Sakaki", "soul power density", "muscle strength", and "stress resistance".

Fortunately, at least these projects do not have a so-called limit threshold for the machine.

There will be no more direct explosion of the counting table...

The staff quickly operated the computer with both hands while reporting the data: "Soul power density: 99.7%..."

"Sakaki Force Strength: 9135."

"Pure physique to withstand the limit of soul power tide: eightfold."

"After blessing the soul power, withstand the limit of the soul power tide: tenfold!"


As the staff read, the teachers of Shan Cheng University, as well as the researchers, doctors, and official figures next to them, all continued to exclaim: "This kind of data... Is he really human? "

The middle-aged official man looked up at the big screen, took a deep breath, and sighed: "Unbelievable... It's unbelievable! ...... Genius, what a genius! "


This can no longer be described in such a shallow word as genius.

This is simply the hope of the Terrans!!

Whether it is strength, speed, reflex nerves, judging from the data alone, it is enough to match most A-Qiqi soul people around level 18-19!

He is obviously only level 8!

And under this line of data, the most eye-catching is the refined power of Shiqiu 9135, and the density of 99.7% soul power.

What is the concept of 99.7% soul power density?

It can be said that the average soul contractor, the density of soul power is about 50%, which is already very good.

Mage type soul contractors may be higher, probably around 60%-70%.

99.7%, almost unheard of!

This child must not be a thing in the pool...

The middle-aged official man thought.

Such a perverted essence power is destined to be a top-notch archmage of the empire in the future!

But what is even more terrifying is that his physique is not as weak as most archmages, but even stronger than most strength-type and defensive S-level soul contractors!!

The eyes of many scholars looking at Shi Qiu were also full of jealousy.

There is no doubt that Shi Qiu's various ability growth values far exceed most S-level soul contractors.

His Soul Grade may be far from being as simple as S-Grade Soul.

So what grade is his Qihu Soul?

Don't...... Will it be the legendary SS-level soul contractor who sees it once in a hundred years!?

Thinking of this, the scholars gasped.

There is currently only one SS-level soul contractor in the empire, and that is the current imperial empress! The current leader of the Terrans dominates!

Shi Qiu put on his clothes, just for the test, he took off his coat, and then asked: "Is the test finished?" Can I leave? "

"Please wait a minute."

Before the middle-aged official man could speak, another old man and a young man had already squeezed him away and rushed to Shi Qiu.

The old man asked, "Child, was your essence power so strong at the beginning, or did you encounter some chance?" "

Shi Qiu thought for a while and said, "There is no chance, it may be that my growth value is slightly higher, and the essence power increases with each level." "

"You are modest..." The old man rubbed his hands, his face flashed red, and he couldn't hide his excitement: "Which is this taller?" With your talent, even if you come to the capital to develop, it is definitely a key training object! "

"That's right, that's right." The young man next to him couldn't help it: "I'm from the Capital City Education Bureau, I don't know if you are interested in transferring to the capital?" "

"I am from the Capital XX Guild, affiliated with the official guild, I heard that you haven't signed any organizational contracts yet? If you would like to join us..."

Old and young people grabbed Shiqiu Balabala and said a lot.

Seeing this, the rest of the people couldn't help but squeeze in to talk. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The middle-aged official man frowned: "You all wait first!" "

Several official staff members also stopped the scholars who were very interested in Shi Qiu: "Please get out of the way first..."

When everyone heard this, they reluctantly let go.

The middle-aged official man looked at Shi Qiu carefully, picked up Shi Qiu's resume, and asked: "I'm curious, looking at your resume, you have never joined any organization since the day of awakening, and the benefits you get are only the minimum guarantee benefits issued by the school, and it stands to reason that the resources you enjoy may not be as good as a B-level soul contractor." "

"But in that case, how did you level up so quickly? Broke through level 8 in less than half a year? "

Shi Qiu: "Oh, no comment. "

Middle-aged official man: "..."

Shi Qiu: "This point is also my privacy, I can choose not to say it, right?" "

Middle-aged official man: "... OK. "

The middle-aged official man put away his resume and exhaled deeply.

This time and autumn, there are many secrets hidden in his body!

"Okay, you go back."


Shi Qiu picked up the scythe, turned around and left. Since it was sent by a middle-aged official man, it was difficult for the rest of the people to talk to Shi Qiu anymore.

"Wait." The middle-aged man suddenly said again.

Shi Qiu was helpless, and looked back at him resentfully: "What else is going on?" "

The middle-aged man asked: "Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the college ranking competition, I also heard from your president, you also signed up for this event at 4.8, so I can ask what your goal is?" "

"First." Shi Qiu did not hesitate.

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up: "If you want a place for exchange students at Capital University, I can directly help you decide." "

Shi Qiu: "The premise is to become your official employee, right?" "

The middle-aged man nodded: "That's nature. "

Shi Qiu smiled: "Then no need, I can come by myself." And I'm not just asking for one spot, I'm asking for five. After that, Shi Qiu turned and left.

Leaving the middle-aged man with a dazed look.

Five places?? What does it mean?

How can he take five places alone?

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