"Gee, the little brother has good skills~"

A female voice came from behind.

Shi Qiu looked back and saw that it was a loli who looked very cute at Lai, wearing a JK uniform, tied with a double ponytail, and holding a lollipop in her hand.

Next to her, there is another girl with a completely different style.

is a long-legged royal sister, with a cold demeanor, holding her arms, and a pair of eyes are quite radiant.

Shi Qiuhu was suspicious: "Who are you?" "

JK girl laughed: "We are from Southwest University, my name is Xiao Luo, ranked 14th, this is my sister, Xiaonan, ranked 12th." "

"We know you, we lived in your Shancheng University during the preparation period, and I also saw your heroic posture when Tang Mingyu put on the ring to find something to do that day."

Shi Qiu turned around and looked squarely at the two girls: "So you guys want to come and grab my silver coins?" "

"Ahhhhh The JK girl quickly waved her hand: "Don't misunderstand, we have no malice." We just want to find you to cooperate! "

"Cooperation?" Shi Qiu tilted his head26.

"Yes, yes." The JK girl smiled and said: "There are so many masters in this college ranking competition, the top few masters are not easy to deal with, this elimination match is 2 hours, in case you run into one of them and be eliminated before the final round, isn't it very wrong?" "

"This illusion is so big, we can meet it because of the cause."

"It's better for us to work together, join forces, grab other people's silver coins, and divide the snatches together."

"In case we encounter the top opponents, if we work together, maybe we can eliminate him in advance, so that there will be a lot less threat in the back?"

"How do you look little brother?" The JK girl looked at Shi Qiu expectantly with big watery eyes.

Shi Qiu shook his head: "I won't cooperate with people I don't trust when I meet for the first time." "

"Moreover, I am afraid that you are also trying to take the opportunity to find out my soul ability when cooperating with me, so that you can find a way to deal with me in the next few rounds, right?"

The girl was embarrassed: "emmmm..."

The jk girl playfully stuck out her tongue: "Oh, I was provoked by you~"

Shi Qiu: "..."

He didn't expect the other party to admit it so crisply.

The JK girl turned her head to look at the royal sister next to her: "Sister Nan, what to do, the beauty plan failed." "

"No way." The royal sister next to him said coldly: "Since he is not deceived, then I have to take advantage of his weak strength to solve him now, and we must not leave him to the 1v1 link later!" "

Shi Qiu squinted.

Solve me?

"It's a good idea." Shi Qiu nodded: "Let's try it." "


The royal sister put on a posture, her boots landed on the ground, and her aura suddenly opened.


She drank coldly, her whole body burst with soul power, and her long hair fluttered layer by layer!

The strength of a level 19 soul contractor is fully revealed!

Sister JK sighed with some regret: "Hey... It's such a pity, such a good-looking little brother, I still want to get along with him for a while, I didn't expect to eliminate him so soon..."

Speaking of which, she also used her soul power, and she was also a level 19 soul contractor.

Say it's too late.

The royal sister has already taken the lead.

Her weapon is a 2-meter-long Mo knife, sweeping it across with one hand, and the sound of breaking through the air is terrifying!

"It's actually an S-class soul contractor..."

Shi Qiu's pupils shrank.

He used it as a cheat and saw the properties panel of the two sisters.

Both of them are Soul Contract types with extremely high attack attributes!


Mo Dao's attack range is extremely wide!

Shi Qiu Yingling possessed his body, bent down with extremely fast shyness, and turned around before dodging the horizontal cut of the Mo Dao.

The hair strands have been cut off several times...

The birch tree behind his coat is cut in two like a vegetable melon.

Shi Qiu: "..."

In the next second, several ghost shadows flashed like several times, and opened the distance between the two sisters twenty meters away.

"Good guy..."

"This level 19 is not good to deal with actinium..."

Shi Qiu frowned. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He could clearly feel that this imperial sister's strength was probably stronger than Shi Zhen's!

And it's a lot stronger!

"It's really fast..."

Xiao Nan said darkly, his face solemn.

"Brush brush" waved the long knife that was taller than her twice, held it horizontally behind her back, and was heroic: "Xiao Luo, let's do it together!" "

"Oooh, okay!"

JK Loli clasped her hands together and silently recited the incantation.

"Third-order soul technique - candy bomb!"

Shi Qiu: "...?" "

As soon as the words fell, a frozen sea like a candy gift box was thrown into the air.

Then suddenly "boom frightened explosion!"

Thousands of jelly-sized colorful candy balls rained down.

Shi Qiu saw dozens of candies falling at his feet.

A sense of crisis in my heart...

The JK girl clasped her hands together again and made a voice: "boom"

“!" Shi Qiu quickly dodged away.

"Boom !!"



Hundreds of small explosions in a row almost blown Shi Qiu up directly.

More than a dozen large trees, stone statues, and walls within a radius of 100 meters all collapsed with a bang...

Shi Qiu: "Outrageous..."

"This little sister looks quite harmless, but her skills are so exaggerated..."

JK girl Zhang Da Cherry Xiao Xiao was surprised: "I go, this didn't blow him up?" "

Xiao Nan raised his head. 907

Shi Qiu was flying in the air, raising one hand, and Yi Wuling was holding his arm.

Before the explosion just now, Shi Qiu let Wuling Xunshu pull him to the sky.

Otherwise, no matter how fast he was, he wouldn't be able to dodge such a dense candy bomb...

Xiaonan: "Wind Blade - attached!" "

Shi Qiu looked away: "Hmm? "

I saw a spiral-shaped whirlwind enchantment gathered on Xiao Nan's Mo Dao.

"It turns out that is her soul..." Shi Qiu narrowed.

As soon as Xiao Nan's boots stepped on the ground, the whole person jumped into the air like a cannonball, bringing up a tail of airflow.

The more than 2-meter-long Mo knife in her hand carried the wind blade, which actually made her maintain her balance in the air!

And the water is extremely fast.

Glide like an eagle in front of Shi Qiu!

"Brush ——!"

Another knife, cut in front of Shi Qiu, was dodged by him in time.

The placket on the chest is cut.

Reveal strong chest muscles.

"Pick me up again!" Xiao Nan drank coldly: "Look how many times you can hide!" "

"Wow..." Xiao Luo looked below, his eyes shining: "This little brother is in good shape!" Sister Nan did a great job! Pick his belt with another knife! "

Xiao Nan's hand shook, and the blade that was originally going to slash at Shi Qiu directly cut off Wu Ling's two feathers...

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