Yang Bing said a little embarrassed: "I only snatched one silver coin... I knew that my strength was limited, so I picked a weak opponent at random and killed it, so I found a place to hide. "

Shi Qiu nodded: "You did the right thing, the rules of the game are like this, there is nothing to be ashamed of hiding from Lai." "

What's more, in such an environment, it is also a skill to want to hide from Lai.

Shi Qiu glanced around cursoryly.

Yuwen Han from the Student Union, Black Bone from the Black Soul Society, King Kong Rat from the Zodiac Gate, and Long Ming all successfully advanced.

Yuwen Han's expression was very relaxed, it seemed that he had not encountered any obstacles in this round, and he didn't know if he was lucky and didn't encounter any strong enemies to grab his silver coins.

Black Bone and King Kong Rat are also similar, with their strength, even if they can't grab too high a position, there is no problem surviving from this round.

Shi Qiu Yuguang also glimpsed that over at Qianji University, Tang Mingyu was glaring at himself fiercely not far away.

There were also obvious scars on his robe, which were Shi Qiu's masterpiece. It is estimated that Shi Qiu was seriously injured in this round, and he almost eliminated him with a grudge.

Next to Tang Mingyu, when Shi Qiu's gaze occasionally met Lin Wenhan, Lin Wenhan cast a gentle smile at Shi Qiu and nodded.

But this guy is a smiling tiger, and Shi Qiu is a little elusive.

So far, Shi Qiu has been relatively lucky not to run into any opponent that makes him feel really threatened.

Tang Mingyu?

Those guys, Shi Qiu never took him to heart at all.

At this time, in the crowd, there was a petite figure that surprised Shi Qiu a little...

Youye actually made the cut.

But the girl's condition was obviously not very good, and Yi was leaning alone in the corner to recuperate her injuries, her face looked very pale, she kept coughing, and there were undried blood stains hanging from her horns.

It's really stubborn actinium...

Shi Qiu shook his head.

I don't know why this guy is participating in this competition beyond her ability, as for being so desperate?


Hundreds of students gathered in the gymnasium, similar to a wet market.

Everyone has a different demeanor.

Some have relaxed expressions, some hang their heads, some have resentment on their faces, and some laugh and brag to their friends about how many people they killed just now...

The bald referee walked to the microphone at this time and shouted: "Give me quiet!"

For a while, the stew in the gymnasium was quiet.

No one dares to speak anymore...

It's not that these students fear bald referees.

The students present are actually the proud children of heaven, in fact, in terms of talent, the bald referee is not necessarily better than them.

But the bald referee is a real official of the empire, with the empire and the empress behind his back!

If you don't give face to the referee, disrupt the game, and bump into the referee, it is equivalent to not giving face to the queen.

No one can have the guts to do this.

The bald referee said coldly: "First of all, congratulations to all the players present for passing the second round. "

"In this round, a total of 513 players were promoted. "

These 513 players will continue to advance to the third round. "

"The third round starts tomorrow. "

"The game is still three days, but there is one thing I want to remind you. "

The bald referee paused at this point, and his tone was serious: "In the third round of the game, it is possible to die!

"Because, the venue of the third round is not in this fantasy world, but in the real world!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the venue, and whispered discussions arose.

Black Bone turned his head to look at Tang Mingyu, his eyes revealing cold light and killing intent. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Playing in the real world, huh..."


Shi Qiu's face was expressionless.

For him, it doesn't matter.

The soul contractor itself is in danger of life at any time.

If you are afraid of death, then you don't need to be a soul contractor.

The bald referee continued: "The third round of the competition will officially start tomorrow morning, take a break today to allow the participants to adjust their condition, and announce the rules of the third round tomorrow morning. "

"By the way, from now on, the signal ban and the fine force induction ban in this university have been lifted, and you can contact each other with friends in this university in the evening." "

"Of course, you still can't contact people outside or your teachers for help. "

"Disband. "

After saying the rules, the students dispersed.

Leaving the gymnasium, because the ban on movement and contact was finally lifted, Shi Qiu could finally "visit" with the four women.

But...... In fact, there is nothing to visit the door... Because everyone's dormitory is the same, they are all small black houses that are simple and monotonous.

But in such a depressive and tense competition environment, having friends to stay together can finally relieve people's body and mind a little.

At night, the five people gathered in Lan Ningxue's dormitory.

Xia Yao took out a hot pot from the inventory, as well as a large number of ingredients, and the five people directly gathered around the dormitory to cook the hot pot to eat.

God knows why this little niko has so many weird frozen things in its inventory?

Eating hot pot, steaming hot. Xia Yao suddenly said vaguely: "What, you say, why did you suddenly change the rules and ask us to compete in the real world?"

Lan Ningxue shook her head: "I don't know..."

"Maybe it's because the Empress feels that although the competition in such a fantasy field can protect the seedlings, it is too lacking in real cruelty. "

"After all, for people, dying in this mile and really dying are completely different concepts. "

Qiao Xiyue: "That's right, if you die in this mile, you will die, and being eliminated is nothing more than being sent back to the real world, and Jingxi is a little injured." But it's not the same to die outside..."

"In this way, it is estimated that many people will become more conservative and dare to go to the game so desperately..."

Shi Qiu said lightly: "I think the rules of the third round of the competition should be very special." "

Qiao Xiyue was stunned: "Oh?"

"It's just my guess. Shi Qiu shrugged: "It may be because the third round of the competition must be carried out in the real world, and it cannot be played in this fantasy world, so the competition venue will suddenly be changed." "

"Well, it's also possible..." Lan Ningxue was silent for a while, thoughtfully: "The way you have to compete in the real world... What will it be?".

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