Shi Qiu relied on his body technique and quickly approached the resource mine.

As he quickly approached, he encountered more patrolling aliens.

A middle-rank alien who was on the sentry yawned and walked out of the gate.

Shi Qiu took advantage of his blink of an eye to drive the shadow spirit with all his strength, and a slap slipped in from behind his robe.


The alien demon turned around and looked around blankly: "%%????

Blending into the alien camp, Shi Qiu jumped and climbed to a tallest tower.

Standing on a high point, like an eagle, his eyes look down on the entire mine.

This resource point is a mine of energy ores, and there are probably more than a dozen tons of energy ores stored in the mine.

More than a dozen tons of energy stones can probably supply the energy consumption of a small city like Shan City for more than three months!

Shi Qiu squinted and swept around.

He carries a cheat, and he can clearly see the strength of each alien beast.

The most threatening should be the leader of the alien demon, level 20.

The remaining alien beasts and alien demon minions are probably only about ten levels.

At this time, Shi Qiu suddenly noticed something.

Someone approaching!

He jerked back to 430, and the scythe of death in his hand appeared instantly, hanging on the neck of the sneaky guy behind the robe!

The sharp scythe stopped in front of the man's throat!

It was a centimeter or two away from Qiao Xiyue's snow-white neck!

"Senior sister?"

Shi Qiu was stunned when he saw that the person behind his robe was stewing.

He quickly withdrew his scythe and said with a wry smile: "Why did you follow?"

Qiao Xiyue grinned: "Xue'er doesn't worry about you, so let me come with me and take a look." "

Shi Qiu exhaled: "I'll do it alone, it's too dangerous for you to follow." "

"I'm dangerous?" Qiao Xiyue's finger lightly poked Shi Qiu's ribs, and said dissatisfied: "Hey, are you a little too underestimating your senior sister and me? "

"And my position is an assassin, and others dare to boast, in terms of the ability to hide, lurk, and escape, I dare say that few of the players in the entire college ranking tournament can win me!"

Shi Qiu thought about it, Qiao Xiyue's words should be true.

Even with his refined power, he didn't even notice that Qiao Xiyue was following him for the first time just now!

It wasn't until Qiao Xiyue had already arrived at his robe that Shi Qiu finally sensed her breath. (cgfc)

"Eh, junior, Xue'er seems to care about you very much~"

Qiao Xiyue's eyes were full of playfulness.

Shi Qiu: "... Senior sister, isn't it time to talk about this?"

"Hee-hee, okay. "

Qiao Xiyue looked at the strange beasts patrolling everywhere below: "Then, what should we do now?"

In fact, the reason why Qiao Xiyue came with him, on the one hand, was also because of curiosity, what did Shi Qiu want to do when he came in?

Shi Qiu: "No need to do anything, just prepare to escape." "

Qiao Xiyue was dazed: "Run away?"

Why run away? Now it's not been discovered?

And with the ability of the two of them, as long as they want, who can find them in this mine?

"We're going to be found right away. "

Shi Qiu: "Don't move, wait for me here." "

After speaking, before Qiao Xiyue could ask, Shi Qiu jumped directly from the high point.

Straight Court landed on the faces of several alien beasts that were patrolling...

Qiao Xiyue: "???"


The beasts were stunned for a moment.

With their intelligence, they couldn't understand where Shi Qiu, a human being, came out of nowhere for no reason...

After about a second or two, the strange beast finally reacted, angrily leaning out its scratch and scratching Shi Qiu: "Roar!!"

Shi Qiu dodged flexibly, turned his figure, and turned 720 in the air...

The scythe of death also waved along, blowing the sound of breaking wind.

Just listening to the flash of "brushing", the head of that strange beast was cut off!

And Shi Qiu also landed in a beautiful pose.

At the same time, he took out a black gadget from his arms and threw it at the strange beasts next to him: "Oh, a small gift for you." "

"Wow... Wow..."

The beasts subconsciously looked down at their feet.

I saw that the black gadget was a special high-explosive grenade... (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)



"Bang ——!"

The strong explosion caused a loud noise, and the beasts were blown upside down and flew out.

The closest end didn't even have time to react, and was directly blown up with a small retreat!!

Shi Qiu: "Hmm... The power seems to be not bad. "

The high-explosive grenade he found from a black-market warehouse.

It seems that the power is no worse than the one exchanged in the system mall.

The yellow smoke caused by the explosion gradually dissipated...

The alien beast got up and was completely furious.

"Roar!!" the beast roared as it raised its head.

The nearby beasts heard the direction of the sound and were also led over.

There were also the alien demons stationed there, who were also alarmed!

The siren of the base suddenly sounded!

"%???(What's the situation?)"

"%**!(There is a human invasion!)

"F!D%%K!! (arrogant human!!! dare to break into this mile, I will claw you and chop you into minced meat!!)"


For a while, the mine was directly lively.

There was a curse and curse of alien invective.

The roars and roars of more and more exotic beasts came from all directions.

Shi Qiu saw a group of strange beasts running out, and he didn't panic at all.

"It's ready..."

Shi Qiu laughed playfully, then turned his head and ran.

He didn't run outside the mine.

Instead, he frantically shuttles around the mine.

When he was at the high point just now, he had memorized the basic terrain of the entire mine.

At this moment, he was fully exerting his body technique, running around seemingly indiscriminately in the mine...

However, he shuttled back and forth around dozens of alien beasts, and from time to time he would take out his scythe, cut off a head on the left side, and cut off the leg of a strange beast on the right...

Occasionally, two high-explosive grenades are thrown and a few explosions are made...

Constantly going around in circles like crazy in the mine, frantically pulling hatred ...

Shi Qiu's figure was as flexible as a loach.

These clumsy alien beasts couldn't catch him at all, but were played by him...

Soon, almost all the exotic beasts in the mine were attracted out.

The mine was completely lively, the sound of sirens, the roar of alien beasts, the invective of alien demons, one after another...

"%DFUKR^?!(Where did that ge-bastard humans run?!)

“%...... 2!!(I don't know, the swish is gone...) He's lying here!!"

"...%E (abominable! abominable human! don't make me catch this brat!)"

Qiao Xiyue was dumbfounded at the highest point in the sky.

This, this, this... What's going on here??

Didn't you say okay to come in and explore the way???

How did it evolve like this??......。

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