However, that photo still made Shi Qiu feel very confused.

Who released this?

The background in this photo cannot be seen by others, of course, Shi Qiu knows that this was taken when he was inside the door of the space of Shan City University.

Shi Qiu took a closer look at the poster's nickname.

"Your cute little sunset"

Shi Qiu: "..."

Suddenly, Shi Qiu seemed to understand who did it...

At this time, the mobile phone "Didi" again.

Qiao Xiyue @ him in the group: "Junior, are you out of class?" "

Shi Qiu: "Hmm. "

Qiao Xiyue: "(*^-^*) We are in the No. 1 cafeteria, you hurry up, let's have lunch together (don't refuse this time, otherwise I will ignore you in the future). "

Shi Qiu: "..."



Qiao Xiyue, Yuli, Xia Yao, and Lan Ningxue, four girls, were sitting at a dining table.

Each of the four sipped, each sipping a cup of milk tea, silent.

Lan Ningxue lowered her head, her eyes dodgy, her nails picking at the label on the milk tea cup.

Apparently has not yet come out of the social death.

Except for Lan Ningxue with her head down.

The other three women, you look at me, I look at you.

Qiao Xiyue broke the silence first: "Hahahahahaha..."

Lan Ningxue was suddenly embarrassed and raised her head and glared at her fiercely.

Immediately Xia Yao couldn't hold back: "Hahaha

Lan Ningxue: "..."

After a while, Yu Li's eyes were smiling, bent into a crescent moon, and covered his mouth with a "poof".

Lan Ningxue slapped the table angrily: "Xiao Li!! How can even you..."


"Forget it, I haven't sent it this day! I'll go back and continue to die, goodbye! "

Just as she was about to get up, Xia Yao pulled her: "Heehee, okay, okay, Sister Lan, let's not laugh at you." "

"Hmph." Lan Ningxue pouted.

Opening the mobile phone, Lan Ningxue's face suddenly changed, and she stared at Qiao Xiyue with shame: "You... Why did you tell your junior brother that we are here? And let him come over? "

Qiao Xiyue looked innocent: "What's wrong, junior brother is our teammate, isn't it normal to eat with teammates?" "

"You still pretend!" Lan Ningxue's apricot eyes widened: "Did you also send the photos on the forum?" "

Qiao Xiyue: "I don't know what you're talking about... Ahhhhh

Lan Ningxue had already ridden onto Qiao Xiyue's body and shook her head vigorously.

"What do you want to do, what do you want to do!? ......"

Xia Yao fanned the flames on the side.

Yu Li also showed a quiet smile and looked at them quietly...

A few girls fought for a while, until they found that the eyes of many people in the cafeteria were focused, and this relented.

After the trouble, Lan Ningxue sat back in her seat, bowed her head and said nothing, her eyes were flustered.

She didn't have the heart to blame Qiao Xiyue now, all she was thinking about now was the picture of meeting her junior brother for a while...

Although externally, Lan Ningxue is a powerful senior sister Gao Leng; Internally, he often talked with Qiao Xiyue and Xia Yao.

However, in fact, she is still a little girl who has not experienced the mother-fetus solo for twenty years.

"I actually said so many shameless things yesterday, and I did so many intimate things with a boy younger than myself that I didn't dare to think about before..."

"And on your own initiative!"

"Ahhhhh How do you face your junior brother in a while??! "

Qiao Xiyue smiled and said: "Xue'er, now that the junior brother has completely become a popular person in our school, maybe she will have many fans in the future, if you want to start, you can start early." "

Lan Ningxue glared at her.

"Hey, he refused the invitation of the three major forces, there is no protection from the forces, and in the future, I am afraid that more people who want to trouble him will have to line up at the school gate in the teaching building, first think about how to get through these difficulties."

Lan Ningxue said duplicitously.

Although she was also a little worried about Shiqiu in her heart.

"I heard that junior brother, he not only rejected the guild president and them yesterday, but also said in front of the guild president and the people of the zodiac gate and the Black Soul Society that he would create his own society and trample all these younger brothers under their feet!"

Xia Yao looked excited, clenching his two small fists: "Roar!" I can't imagine that the junior usually looks like his grandmother's cool, so shy and easy to tease, it turns out that he also has such a domineering side! "

"I really want to see what Junior Brother looks like when he says this, hahaha!"

Qiao Xiyue smiled bitterly: "That kind of words, think about it, it should be spread blindly outside..."

Xia Yao grinned: "It doesn't matter, the meaning is almost the same." "

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