Shi Qiu held his head high.

I saw the leader of the alien demon holding a knife in one hand and flying into the air with one step into the void.

He lifted his fingers, his lips opened slightly, and the air condensed instantly.

The deep purple Void Qi continued to gather.

"Demon Seal - Madness!"



A few seconds after the leader of the alien demon cast the spell, the alien beasts around the base suddenly stirred!

The alien beasts were already awake, and at this time they were red-eyed and angrily pounced on the base wall.

Sharp claws, torn off protective power grids.

Huge body, pounding hard against the wall.

Destroying the external protection of the base.

More than two thousand alien beasts were so restless that the ground shook!


The alarm sounded.

There was a mess when the base boarded.

The soldiers kept pouring in, and their eyes widened when they saw the leader of the alien in the air.

"An alien race has broken into the base!"

"All guard!"

"Go and inform the other adults..."

"They're breaking down wall 26, blocking them ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Several exotic beasts tore through the grid barrier and rushed in.

Grabbing the soldiers in front of them, sharp claws zizzle, easily shredding their bodies ...

Flesh and blood...

The warriors who reacted all took out their weapons and killed with the alien beasts.

For a time, the base was completely chaotic, with beast roars, shouts, sword strikes, gunshots, one after another...


The leader of the alien demon looked at Shi Qiu coldly: "Today this mile is the burial place of your human fish sac!"

Shi Qiu stared coldly at him.

The leader of the Alien raised his sword again.

I saw the long knife with the blade facing upwards trembling slightly.

The obvious soul qi circuit of yi strands is concentrating on his blade, layer by layer, superimposing, flipping, overlapping, condensing...

"Soul Technique - Escape Void!"


The leader of the Alien Demon only slashed once.

But at that moment, Shi Qiu and Yu Li both felt the darkness in front of them, as if the heavens and the earth were suddenly dark, and only a few rays of light and shadow extended infinitely.

The sword light turned into more than a dozen elliptical spatial cracks.

It was like a big net in the sky, quickly spreading towards Shiqiu and Yuli!

Shi Qiu's heart jumped.


Yu Li couldn't dodge this trick...

Instinctively, Shi Qiu used his soul power and exerted his body technique with all his strength.

In an instant, the stream flashed to Yu Li's side, stopped her and hugged her, and dodged out of the attack range in an instant!





Shi Qiu held Yuli, flipped back a few times, and pulled out a distance of tens of meters.

And the roof where they originally stood, after the baptism of the space blade, there were more than a dozen knife marks about three or four meters deep!


Shi Qiu sweated coldly.

This is also too exaggerated...

It's good to hide fast.

Otherwise, they would now be estimated to be in a different position, at least they would have to be cut into eighteen paragraphs...

The leader of the alien demon said coldly: "The body technique is good, but I think you can hide a few times." "

He raised his long knife again and condensed his soul qi. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)


YI muffled gunshots.

The leader of the Alien Demon was shot in the back and stumbled forward.

His cheeks twitched slightly, blood spilled from his corners, anger appeared in his eyes, and he turned his head sharply.

I saw that on the roof of the building behind, Lan Ningxue was setting up a sniper rifle, and the eyes in the sniper mirror were staring at him coldly, his fingers lightly attached to the trigger, and he was ready to fire a second shot.


The second shot was fired again!

The leader of the Alien Demon immediately threw out a half-knife this time.

Cut out the spatial crack and suck the zi bomb in.

"Second-order soul technique - Void Grip!"

At the same time, Xia Yao's coquettish drink also suddenly sounded.

As soon as the leader of the Alien Demon finished countering Lan Ningxue's bullet, he felt that his body was controlled by some invisible force!

Wei Wei, the leader of the Alien Demons, frowned.

With his strength, he couldn't break free!

"Third-order soul technique - shadow killing execution!"

Qiao Xiyue's coquettish drink followed.


Qiao Xiyue's figure suddenly appeared from the shadow behind the leader of the alien demon.

The dagger in his hand plunged straight into his heart from behind!

"It worked... Is it?"

Shi Qiu squinted.

"That's not right..."

Qiao Xiyue's wildcard and their wildcard can be regarded as seamless.

After the leader of the alien demon was stabbed by the dagger in the back of Qiao Xiyue, his body stiffened for a few seconds, and then suddenly became paralyzed.

Finally, it completely turned into a puddle of mud, melted on the ground, and disappeared...

Xia Yao ran over, looked at it carefully, and asked, "Is he dead?"

"Nope. Shi Qiu: "It should just flash away, leaving behind a prosthesis." "

"687 prosthesis..." Qiao Xiyue looked down at the dagger in her hand.

The body of the jin alien demon was just inserted, but there was no trace of blood left.

Lan Ningxue, who was setting up a gun in the distance, suddenly noticed something, and her expression changed: "You guys be careful!

Shi Qiu turned his head and looked southeast.

Several void qi gathered there, took shape, and opened a hole in the space.

The body of the leader of the Alien Demon gradually appeared from the void.

"Is that all you can do?"

Shi Qiu took a deep breath and exhaled it heavily.


There can be no more reservations.

He clasped his hands together.

"First-order soul technique - the gift of the God of Death. "

Black light fell.

Only this time, it fell on his own coat!

"Hint: Temporary stats have been improved, Strength +..."

Shi Qiu cast the spell five times in a row.

Let the buff stack up five times.

Then, Shi Qiu made another handprint: "The undead are summoned." "

"Shadow Spirit, possessed!"

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