With Shiqiu's order, more than seven hundred Terran warriors shouted loudly, raised their long swords, and rushed into the village like a decay.

Killing, smashing, wailing... For a while, it echoed in the valley.

Alien sappers poured out of the tribe at the first time.

Armed with swords and other weapons, they bravely faced Shi Qiu's group of intruders.

But the power gap is simply too big.

The troops on Shiqiu's side, the lowest level is also a first-level Terran warrior above level 10, and these alien artificial soldiers are all units below level 10, and their position in the alien race is originally to collect materials, not combat units.

As for those alien races below level 5, there is no need to say more.


Ding rushed to the front, holding a stone shield, like a brute bull, and directly flew five or six alien artificial soldiers who vainly tried to block him.

Yu Li clasped her hands together, her soul qi rose, and the orange-red fire reflected on her white cheeks, and then quickly condensed a fireball to open the way.

The hot fireball released an extremely powerful wave of fire after exploding, and several sappers were directly swallowed by the wave of fire, melting into black blood under the scream!

The rest followed.

The village is full of the sound of killing, and for these aliens, this mile has almost become a hell!

The scene is almost one-sided, most people can't even find their opponents, and the battle is over.

Shi Qiu walked in very leisurely and slowly, and the place he passed was already full of corpses.

There is no need for him at all, originally he is playing the boss commanding the ge, just watch his subordinates rush in and mess around.

The momentum of the alien demon race has been completely exhausted, and all of them have no fighting intent, fleeing in panic under the offensive of Shiqiu's troops.

However, Shi Qiu would definitely not let them escape like this.

Han Ash and Xu Feng outflanked the exit of the village with their soldiers and drove all the aliens back.

A group of tall and low-level aliens were driven into a group, surrounded by a group of Terran warriors in the air, shivering and looking at these "demons" in their eyes, their eyes full of fear.

These people were ordinary people of foreign race.

Shi Qiu was silent, thinking to himself, when the human town was invaded by the races of the other world, they probably treated these invading alien races as "demons" like them, right?


"It's so cool to kill!"

"Lao Tzu is going to slaughter you alien sons today!!"

Some of the alien demon artificial soldiers are still stubbornly resisting, and Ding Hengyue is more and more excited, with his strength of a level 20 soul contractor, against these guys who are less than level 10, almost all the way over.

A Alien Demon less than one meter tall covered his head and carefully walked out of a certain house, and it seemed that Lai was a child among the Alien Demon Humans, and he happened to pass by Ding Heng's side.

At this time, Ding Heng had already killed the red eye, and seeing that little alien demon, he picked up the stone shield without much brain, and smashed it fiercely.

Although Ding Heng's weapon is a shield, with his strength, it is definitely enough to smash a small alien demon who is less than level 5 into meat mud!

"Give me death! hahaha!"

The little alien demon's eyes widened in horror, and he watched the stone shield get closer and closer to him...

At the moment when the stone shield was about to swing out, Ding Heng suddenly felt as if his body had been violently pulled from behind by some frozen west, and jerked backwards.

Ding Heng looked back and saw that Yi's big void hand was grabbing the back of his collar.

Xia Yao said dissatisfied: "Hey, people are just children, and they have already given up resistance, why do you still want to kill people?"

Ding Heng scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

I had to laugh twice: "I'm sorry, it's up, it's up, hehe..."

Xu Feng glanced at Xia Yao with some surprise.

Shi Qiu, as his president, his strength cannot be speculated by the level of common sense, which Xu Feng has long known.

But I didn't expect that except for Shi Qiu, he was just a sophomore, and his soul was only level 11 Xia Yao, and he was actually able to control a level 20 level 3 Terran warrior in an instant!

Although he is an A soul maker, the difference in level is as much as 9 ah!!

What kind of monsters are in this class!?(Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

The little alien demon walked to Xia Yao's side and said timidly in a jerky Terran language: "Xie... Thank you sister..."

"Poof... Alien demons can actually call sister?" Xia Yao was surprised.

"Haha, it's so cute... Go to the back, stand with your people, rest assured, as long as you surrender obediently, we will not hurt you. "

Xia Yao smiled and rubbed the head of the little alien demon.

"Oh..." the little alien demon replied with his head bowed and walked behind Xia Yao.

Xia Yao continued to walk forward.

The little alien demon behind the robe saw that Xia Yao's vision did not pay attention to him anymore, his eyes suddenly changed, and his expression was gloomy and hideous when he stewed.

"*BN%!!(Go and die!)" The little alien pulled out a short knife out of nowhere and jumped high.


Xu Feng was shocked: "Beware of the back!"

Shi Qiu also saw this scene.

But he didn't know it.

Don't even bother to move.


The short knife of the little alien demon stabbed towards the back of Xia Yao's robe.

But before his knife touched Xia Yao, it was as if it had pierced into an invisible protective shield.

Ripple-like ripples appeared around the tip of the knife, as if counteracting the force of the short knife.

The little alien demon was stunned, and used several more forces, but he could not advance the knife by half a point, but he could not pull the knife out.

The short knife seemed to be stuck out of thin air!

Xia Yao in front of him turned his robe and looked at him calmly.

Xia Yao pouted and shook his head: "Alas, gee... I didn't expect that even the little fart of the alien demon would use people's sympathy to pretend to be pitiful. "

After speaking, she raised her hand and grabbed it.

"Ah!......" The little alien demon was grabbed by Yi's big void hand and carried into the air. He struggled desperately, but to no avail.

This time, Xia Yao no longer had any sympathy, and his expressionless fingers were held in his palm.

"Poof—— rape"

It's like pinch tomatoes.

Plasma drips down.

It's just that the color of the blood is black....

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