"Brother Ran. Another boy next to him said, "I don't think we need to listen to that Shiqiu's words like that." "

Brother Ran squatted on the ground, spat out a cigarette ring, and cursed impatiently: "Do you think I want to? That kid has our handle!"

"Made... Who knew that everything we discussed outside was overheard by him, and if he really reported to the empire, all of us here would have to eat and go. "

The boy said, "Maybe we have another way." "

Brother Ran glanced at him: "What?"

The boy's eyes showed viciousness: "Kill people and kill people." "



Brother Ran turned back and directly gave him a big pocket on his head: "You idiot?"

"However... Brother Ran?" the boy covered his head aggrievedly. "803"

"Can kill people and silence people, Laozi still needs you to remind you?"

Brother Ran pouted, and his expression sank: "The strength of this Shiqiu has not been clearly understood by anyone until now. "

"I heard that in the last round of competition, he eliminated many players ranked in the top 100, and also got the fifth place in points. "

The boy said aggrievedly, "But... But after all, he is only level 9... It should be just luck, there is nothing to be afraid of, right?"

"Level 9? Hmph!" Brother Ran snorted coldly: "I don't believe you if you are stupid!"

"If he really only has the strength of an ordinary level 9 soul contractor, and several other level 16 and 17 contestants in his alliance can be willing to listen to him and regard him as the leader?"

"Even Tang Mingyu is deflated in his hands, what are you?"

When the boy heard this, he suddenly had nothing to say and lowered his head.

Another girl next to him said, "Brother Ran, then we really want to listen to that autumn and fight this pioneer?"

Brother Ran was silent for a while, and said, "Of course not, I can see it, that kid is tricky, and his heart is very bad! Obviously, he wants us to rush ahead and blow himself up with that group of foreigners, so that he can bring people out to pick up bargains!"

Girl: "Brother Naran, what should we do?"

Brother Ran rolled his eyes and said, "Just pretend to feint, delay time, and create the illusion that we are at war with foreign races." "

"Sister Yue, our college ranking competition this time doesn't seem to be as difficult as you imagined. "

Sitting on the roof, Xia Yao crossed his legs, playing with a dog's tail grass, watching the soldiers below loading the dimensional crystals mined from the mine cave one by one.

"It's not that difficult?"

Qiao Xiyue was a little crying and laughing.

"The speed of eliminating players this year is three or four times faster than in previous editions, and the enemies we encounter have even appeared such as level 23 alien demons... You call this not that difficult?"

It can be said that this is already in recent years... No, it should be said that it is the most difficult session of the college ranking competition that Qiao Xiyue has seen!

Xia Yao spread his hands: "But I don't seem to have done anything, and I got so many points in this round." "

With the points they have obtained so far, even if they do nothing in the next time, they can safely rank in the top few.

Qiao Xiyue gave her a blank look and knocked her head gently: "That's not because of the presence of a junior brother, you can be lazy?"

Xia Yao touched his nose: "I don't want to be lazy, and people don't have a chance to make a move." "

"In other words, junior brother has really grown up too fast. "

Qiao Xiyue was silent for a moment, and her gaze fell on Shi Qiu, who was not far away: "Yes... It was so fast that I felt that he and we were not people of the same world at all. "

Lan Ningxue, who was holding a sniper rifle to wipe not far away, suddenly stopped the movement of his hand when he heard these words, and his heart suddenly became nervous.

More than just strength.

It was also the first time to go to the battlefield of a foreign race, and these juniors and seniors were all at a loss, and they didn't know what to do.

And Shi Qiu is also the first time, but he can stand up and lead the overall situation.

That calmness, calmness, and determination made Qiao Xiyue get to know Shiqiu again.

As if a natural leader. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

This can only be explained by talent ...

Xia Yao blinked: "Sister Yue, how did I hear you say as if we are going to separate from our junior brother........"

Qiao Xiyue shrugged: "This is something that is possible. "

"In our world, people with different talents are people from two worlds, and the talent of junior brothers is obviously much stronger than ours. "

"If you think about it, how different are those ordinary class students compared to our elite class? It doesn't mean that we look down on their ordinary class students, but because they are not people in the world at all. "

Lan Ningxue was anxious: "It won't be!"

Qiao Xiyue: "?"

Xia Yao turned around: "?(cat face question mark .jpg)"

Seeing that the two friends turned to look at her, Lan Ningxue suddenly felt embarrassed, and her cheeks burned red: "Ah... I, I mean... Junior brothers are not the kind of people who forget their friends after a bright future!"

Xia Yao: "Hehe, that's it!"

Qiao Xiyue's eyes were playful: "Oh~ too." "

Not far away.

Wu Ling, who Shi Qiu had released, flew back and landed on the back of his hand to report information to him.

"Huh... This Brother Ran is really the same as I thought. "

Shi Qiu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It's kind of a little clever... Unfortunately, if you don't hit the 4.2 idea on me, you might be able to go further in this game. "

"But whoever let you have to mess with someone you shouldn't, then I have to use you as my stepping stone..."

Shi Qiu muttered.

Then, the Wuling was released again...

At the same time.

A single city separated by a time and space distance.

In the office of the organizing committee of the college competition, more than a dozen staff members are working intensively in front of the computer.

"Elder Chen, it still can't work. "

A referee said: "The drone that followed Shiqiu has not been photographed for more than 12 hours, and has not been able to reconnect the signal, we suspect that the drone may have been damaged by some force." "。

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