Hearing the command, Hei Yan dispersed from the dead boy in an instant, and then turned into a crow and flew back towards Shi Qiu.

One of the crows, flapping its wings, landed on Shi Qiu's shoulder, its crimson eyes shaking spiritually.

The other crows all burrowed back into the black mist.

Shi Qiu touched Wuling's head on his shoulder, and then slowly turned his head.

At this time, only the flat-headed man remained.

The flat-headed man looked at Shi Qiu with a solemn expression, clenched his fists, and took a deep breath: "In less than a minute, I killed three Tier 1 soul contractors... You kid... It's so wrong, you're definitely not a simple auxiliary! "

Shi Qiu: "So? "

The flat-headed man said solemnly: "I changed my attention, if you come with me now, I can not kill you." "

Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows: "Didn't someone buy my life?" You're not making money anymore? "

The flat-headed man sneered: "Compared to a small business, you kid will definitely make the boss more interested." "

"Who is your boss?"

"You'll know when you see it."

Shi Qiu: "Then what if I don't go with you?" "

The flat-headed man said contemptuously: "This is not up to you." "

"You kid is indeed a little weird, but no matter how weird it is, you are only a level 2 soul contractor now, and the gap between you and me is comparable to a honghu! I advise you not to do senseless resistance! "

The flat-headed man can still maintain such composure because he has just observed from the sidelines.

Although Shi Qiu's skill is weird, it is obviously an auxiliary, and it can actually use skills similar to summoners, and can also release sword qi that is stronger than that of weapon-type soul contractors! But after all, it is only level 2, and there is still a gap with his own strength!

Head-to-head confrontation, the flat-headed man has absolute certainty to easily take Shi Qiu!

Shi Qiu grinned: "Then what are you still hesitating?" Knock me out and take me away? "

The flat-headed man's face sank: "Hmph, your freshman is really as arrogant as rumored!" "

"Since you are so unscrupulous, then I have to make you suffer a little!"

Saying that, his whole body soul power exploded, and the strength of a level 7 soul contractor was undoubtedly revealed!

I saw the flat-headed man forming a magic seal with his hands, silently chanting some kind of mantra in his mouth.

"Soul Awakening—"

"Bloodthirsty leopard!"

The flat-headed man let out a low drink, squatted down on one knee, and pressed his right palm to the ground.

I saw a red light, and a leopard with black and red markings appeared in front of him!

The leopard grinned, exuding a very heavy fierce and bloody aura, obviously I don't know how many people have eaten.

Just with that bloody qi, a low-level soul contractor standing in front of this evil beast, I am afraid that it will become difficult to even breathe!

"How, do you feel that it is difficult to breathe, dizzy, and uncomfortable?" The flat-headed man said triumphantly.

Shi Qiu: "..."

"My bloodthirsty leopard, if a slightly weaker creature approaches, it will be oppressed by his bloodthirsty qi and cannot breathe."

"It's too late for you to regret it now."

The flat-headed man sneered: "If this soul beast of mine is stained with blood, even my words will not listen!" It will lock onto targets that sense blood! "

"In case he accidentally bites you to death, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"Huh?" Shi Qiu was curious: "Then have you been bitten by him yourself?" "

"Ha, nonsense!" The flat-headed man smiled and said, "I am his master, how could it bite me?" "

"Not necessarily."


Shi Qiu glanced at the leopard: "Because your leopard is not very intelligent." "

Flat-headed man: "..."

Bloodthirsty leopard: "..."

"Bloodthirsty Leopard Hostility +10"

The flat-headed man reacted, and then instantly became angry: "You are looking for death!" "

"Give it to me! Just bite him to death! "

When the bloodthirsty leopard heard this, his limbs were slightly lowered, and then he rushed towards Shi Qiu angrily like a cannonball!

Shiqiu has long been ready.

Instantly emit skills that have been condensed for a long time.

"First Auxiliary Technique - Blessing of Death!"

A black light fell on the bloodthirsty leopard's body.

After the skill was released, Shi Qiu immediately used it as a cheater to observe the attributes of the bloodthirsty leopard.

After all, in the single-city space gate before, in the face of the heteroplane wolf, the other party only regarded himself as a creature that "invaded the territory".

This time, the other party was the enemy's soul beast.

Whether it will work or not, he does not dare to guarantee.

The panel appears in front of him:

"Name: Bloodthirsty Leopard"

"Hostility value: 78"

"Hostile causes: the host's order and the host's verbal humiliation."

"Blessed effect! Target hostility value -40! "

"Hint! Target hostility is slowly picking up! "


Shi Qiu's eyes narrowed.

Sure enough, unlike wild monsters, even if the hostility is reduced with blessings, it will still rise.

Fortunately, the rise is not fast.

Once the Autumn Blessing Technique is completed, there is a 10-second cooldown.

The bloodthirsty leopard froze in place for a moment after receiving the blessing, it didn't understand what Shi Qiu had done to it.

But with its IQ, it doesn't think about it so much at all.

Soon it locked onto Shi Qiu again and pounced on him howling.

The speed of the leopard is fast, and the explosive speed is twice as fast as that of the average leopard! When moving, the figure almost dragged out several phantoms!

Shi Qiu gave himself a fully strengthened buff, and then used his soul power with all his strength, gritting his teeth and bursting out with the highest agility, before he could barely roll over and dodge this flying pounce!

At this time, the CD had turned around, and Shi Qiu immediately once again fell on the bloodthirsty leopard.

"Blessed effect! Objective slowly regains health! "

"Blessed effect! Target hostility value -40..."

The bloodthirsty leopard's figure froze again: "Hmm~..."

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