Shi Qiu walked up to them again, his face expressionless: "I would like to know, who sent you, and who paid you to kill me?" "

One of the boys trembled, "I... I can tell you... But... But there is a condition, you are going to release me..."


Shi Qiu plunged the scythe blade into his heart!

"Then don't say it."

Maybe it's because of death.

Shi Qiu found that he didn't have any psychological pressure.

He also feels that there is no need to be pretentious, in such a world, indecision and soft-heartedness will only make you a pig to be slaughtered.

The boy looked at Shi Qiu with an incredulous look, his body went limp, his head tilted, and he broke his breath.

Shi Qiu dragged the scythe again and walked to the last person.

"You..." The last boy turned pale: "You can't kill me!" Now I'm alone... If you kill me, you'll never know who sent us!" "

Shi Qiu smiled: "I think you misunderstood." "


Shi Qiu plunged a scythe into his heart again.

"Uh... You..." The boy slowly raised his head, his eyes almost popping out.

Shi Qiu: "I don't need to force a confession. "

Pulling out the scythe, the man also died.

"Because for me, dead people may say more, and they will not lie..."

Shi Qiu muttered softly.

However, this sentence, it seems that no one at the scene can hear it except him....

No one will come here, and it is convenient to complete the puppet contract in the autumn.

For these people who wanted to kill him, Shi Qiu did not intend to show mercy at all.

"I was worried that I didn't know where to find a puppet, and immediately someone came to the door to send people's heads, this villain is really intimate..."

Fifteen minutes later....

After spending four contract scrolls, four puppet martial corpses with empty eyes stood in front of Shi Qiu.

One of the puppets, the neck is still crooked ....

Shi Qiu furrowed his eyebrows, obsessive-compulsive disorder made him quite uncomfortable looking at this incomplete puppet.

Reaching out and touching it, he found that the bones in his neck had been broken.

So you can only keep the state of tilting your head and killing.

“emmmm..... Can this still be picked up? "

“...... Maybe I should take the time to learn the art of tinkering with dolls? "

Shi Qiu pondered it.

Shaking his head, Shi Qiu stretched out two fingers and nodded at the center of his eyebrows, and then silently recited some kind of contract spell.


Several puppets were inducted by the contract, and their eyes gradually focused.

Then, they all knelt on one knee and surrendered in front of Shi Qiu.


The four puppets said respectfully.

"Say, who sent you." Shi Qiu's face was expressionless: "Explain everything to me." "

The puppets still retain their original memories, but their personalities have been completely washed away by Shi Qiu and become the most loyal martial corpses.

Through the puppet crooked head man's telling, Shi Qiu knew everything.

I know that they are all killers sent by the Black Soul Society, and I also know who the person who bought their lives is.

"My life is worth two million now..." Shi Qiu touched his chin.

Unexpectedly, this Black Soul Society actually did the business of buying lives.

Sure enough, it's dark enough.

No wonder the King Kong rat said that their society is not clean, how many newcomers who have no background and are regarded as thorns in their eyes have died at their hands over the years?

If someone didn't want to buy my life this time, in the future, they planned to fatten me and then slowly squeeze my various values?

The "meat pig" mentioned by Senior Sister should refer to this, right?

The "university" of this world is indeed a dangerous place....

Shi Qiu knew very well that if he was really just a pure auxiliary, then he really planted it this time!

Moreover, now that he has killed the four killers of the Black Soul Society, there will definitely be more trouble in the future.

If the Black Soul Society investigates, the first person to suspect will definitely be him!

"And that Shi Wenlei who came out of nowhere, I haven't even met him, just because Senior Sister is with me, he wants to kill me?"

Shi Qiu's expression became cold.

He is not a person who likes to find things, but he does not like to have people looking for him.

He is also afraid of trouble.

This Shi Wenlei is obviously a very careful guy, this time spending money to hire someone to kill can't succeed, will definitely not stop there, if you can't make more small actions in the future, disgusting Shiqiu.

If it is not solved, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

Shi Qiu's current strength is unique in the freshman year, but in the sophomore year, it should be far behind.

Unless the other party is a summoner-type soul contractor, he is naturally restrained by Shi Qiu.

But now with these four puppets, Shi Qiu definitely has the confidence to deal with Shi Wenlei.

"In that case... Simply this wave directly does not do one thing or the other, and cleans up this person? "

"By the way, I can find someone to help me carry this black pot..."

Shi Qiu's eyes narrowed into a slit, revealing a bone-chilling chill.


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