"yes." Xia Yao laughed: "Junior, this is a good opportunity!" I didn't expect your luck to be really good! "

"Chance?" A few black lines appeared on Shi Qiu's head, and he really didn't see what opportunity this was.

Through the "task list", he can see that this mission is junior S-level!

This time it is not a regular task, but a special task, that is, a temporary release by the school!

And look at the number of participants... There are actually 20 classes?

In the case of 20 classes joining forces, it is still S-class, which shows the difficulty of this task.

Shi Qiu looked at the "participation list" in the system and found that once the whole column was down, there was only one of his freshman year...

Most of the rest are juniors, and all the participating classes are also juniors.

A task of this level actually made him a freshman??

...... Why does it feel like recruiting cannon fodder soldiers to the front?

Qiao Xiyue saw Shi Qiu's expression and said with a smile: "Junior brother, you don't need to feel strange, in fact, Xiao Yao is right, this is indeed a good opportunity for you." "

"Oh?" Shi Qiu was curious.

"In fact, this S-level task, sometimes does not represent the difficulty of the task, sometimes it also represents the importance of the task."

Qiao Xiyue explained: "Just like this mission, the place we are going to is the A1 area of the single city space gate, which is actually just responsible for transporting a batch of materials. "

"The A1 area is special, the environment is harsh there, and there is super high radiation, which is a forbidden area, but in fact, there are not many alien races in that area, and the probability of encountering alien enemies is quite low. It was only because the supplies we had to transport were important that we raised the mission to the S class, and we also needed 20 classes to escort at the same time. "

Shi Qiu raised his eyebrows: "So it is." "

"yes." Xia Yao followed: "We have done this task many times, and we have never encountered a foreign race. "

"Hey, hey... So junior brother, you are lucky! As long as our luck is not too back, we basically do this task to go on vacation! Just mix around, walk a few steps, the mission is complete, and there is a huge reward to get! "

Yu Li was a little puzzled: "But... Isn't this task usually rushed by all elite classes? Our class just went once last month, why is it our turn this time? ......"

Xia Yao: "Hmph, of course, the principal's vision!" He saw that our class had talent and potential, and there was such a handsome junior brother in the new, so he specially opened a small stove for us! "

Shi Qiu smiled helplessly.

After getting along for a long time, he is now gradually getting used to the way Xia Yao speaks.

"Well, even if you have done it many times, you still have to prepare well."

Duan Lan's tone matured: "After all, it is an S-level mission, although we have never encountered an enemy in that area before, but once we do, it must be an enemy that exceeds the normal 'S' level difficulty." So you should be well prepared, or be adequate. "

"Yes." Several replied.

Duan Lan said to Lan Ningxue: "Xue'er, the place to go tomorrow will pass through the radiation area, the anti-radiation potion of the class has just run out, you will go to the Imperial Mall to purchase some in a while." "

Lan Ningxue: "Good." "

The high-level anti-radiation agent system mall is not available, and the space gate area that will be going to tomorrow belongs to the ultra-high radiation area, so you must go to the Empire Mall to buy it with imperial points.

After a simple meeting, everyone was ready to go to the cafeteria and restaurant to eat together.

The others walked in front, while Lan Ningxue and Shi Qiu were last.

Lan Ningxue turned her head and saw Shi Qiu, who seemed to be thinking about it, and couldn't help but blush.

This man is really bad... He, he simply pretended to think about things, pretended not to see himself, right?

Remembering Duan Lan's proposal that day, Lan Ningxue plucked up the courage for a long time and approached Shi Qiu: "Junior brother, I'll accompany me to buy medicine later, okay?" "

“...... Not? Shi Qiu came back to his senses.

Just now he was really thinking about something.

Because he was on the list of system tasks, he saw the name of the short senior of the Black Soul Society...

It wasn't until Senior Sister suddenly called his name next to him that he came back to his senses.

Lan Ningxue bit her lower lip and decided to open up.

"Is it good~~" Lan Ningxue's voice was like a mosquito humming, and she also raised her hand and gently pulled Shi Qiu's sleeve.


Shi Qiu was shocked and looked at the senior sister beside him unexpectedly.

That sweet coquettish voice just now...

It was sent by Senior Sister??


And Lan Ningxue, who had just finished speaking, was almost ashamed that she wanted to bury her head in the ground!


I really can't accept it!!

How could Sister Lan come up with such an idea!

After Shi Qiu was stunned for a while, his throat moved: "Senior sister, you just ..."

"I, I just didn't say anything!" Lan Ningxue's expression changed suddenly, and she immediately retorted: "You shouldn't have heard it!" "

“??" Shi Qiu was stunned for a moment, this mood became too fast, right?

No wonder some people say that after a girl completely falls in love and falls in love, her mind changes a hundred times faster than the speed of the earth's revolution...

So don't even try to guess....

Shi Qiu: "... But I heard it. "

Lan Ningxue looked flustered: "You didn't hear it!" "

"I hear you."

"You... That, then you're about to forget! "

Shi Qiu smiled slightly: "I'm afraid I won't be able to forget." "


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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