Looking at the inventory and the extra zeros in the column that showed the balance of the imperial coin, Shi Qiu said that he was not excited, it must be fake.

If in the previous life, even if he directly did nothing in the second half of his life, and lived lazily every day, this money would be enough for him to live a life at a moderately prosperous level.

After all, most people, it is impossible to earn so much money in a lifetime...

After a brief period of excitement, Shi Qiu returned to calm.

"This is just the beginning. "

"Excited fart?"

"It's just a basic operation..."

Shi Qiu took out his mobile phone and swiped it on the bed for a while.

Yesterday's attack on a transport convoy in a different situation has been reported.

Directly on the first place in the national hot search list!

"The single-city material convoy was attacked by tens of thousands of aliens in a foreign territory, and it was a mysterious freshman who single-handedly saved the convoy!"

Then the second most popular search is:

"Shock, the mysterious boy can actually control the alien beast! What kind of ability is this?"

Then several photos taken at the scene were released below.

One of the photos, 24, is the picture of Shi Qiu standing on the back of a giant alien beast, raising his right hand, driving tens of thousands of Wuling entrenched in the entire sky.

However, the photo is far away, and the foreign environment is very bad, so the photo is quite blurry, and Shi Qiu's face cannot be seen clearly, only his figure can be seen vaguely.

From the photos, you can only see that he is probably a student.

The netizens who commented on eating melons below boiled directly:

What do I see??!

"Is this really the ability of the soul contract? This is simply a miracle in nature!!"

"Who can tell who this man really is?"

"I think I'm already in love with him, so handsome..."

"This person is a freshman in the first year of Shan Cheng University, are you kidding?!I remember that the day of the awakening of the soul of this year's freshmen has only passed just a week, how can a freshman have such strength??"

"Obviously, it is impossible, the editor who compiles the news is really getting more and more unlimited in order to attract attention, I can guarantee that this person must be a school teacher, or a general of the city defense army." "

"The hero sees the same thing, if this person is a student, I will immediately eat three pounds of..."


Shi Qiu: "emmmmm..."

The report is indeed exaggerated.

For example, the number of alien races is actually thousands, where did it come from tens of thousands?

On the news, Shi Qiu's name was not reported.

Perhaps the official deliberately blocked the news, not wanting the matter to spread too widely.

Maybe to protect him.

Even so, Shi Qiu's name has become completely popular within Shancheng University without any surprise.

This time's popularity is different from the last one.

Last time the name became popular in Shiqiu, most people were saying that he was arrogant and ambitious, and refused the invitation of the three major forces.

This time opened the forum, Shi Qiu found.

He actually has a group of brain-dead fans...

Open the forum, there are pictures of him everywhere, I don't know who secretly took it from which angle.

There are also screens full of "Junior Brother is so handsome~" "Junior Brother, Mother loves you!" "Qiuqiu is the best, Senior Sister gives you a monkey!" "My junior brother is the best, you juniors who are still doing B-grade tasks to study hard..."

Full of the taste of the rice circle of the previous life...

The forum on campus requires a student ID to enter, and it will not be spied on by anyone other than the school.

Shi Qiu scratched his head: "... Maybe that's how anyone can live the way they hate the most?"

Putting down the phone, Shi Qiu calmed down for a while.

This time, the limelight is enough.

But with that, I'm afraid there will be a big wave of trouble.

This world, unlike those pure yin cool text worlds, as long as there is a halo and a gold finger, whether it is a person or a ghost, you have to make way for you, and you can clear the whole world without brains. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Instead, it is more like the social system of his previous life.

Fraud, intrigue, and power and hegemony.

Shi Qiu felt sober.

If you really have some talent and are self-righteous and arrogant, then you will either be used as a gun or not far from being killed.

It's like that Black Soul Society's Youye...

Talented, powerful, reached level 10 in sophomore year, and has the ability to skip challenges, it can be said that it is comparable to Yuli and Xia Yao.

...... But a hammer for?

Not stupidly deceived?

Thinking of that woman, Shi Qiu slightly hooked the corners of his mouth.

He had already learned some insider stories of the Black Soul Society from Zhou Yanan's memory.

That good night will eventually become a victim, or a stepping stone.

But this has nothing to do with Shi Qiu, and he is not kind enough to remind a woman who has nothing to do with him and has no friendship.

Shi Qiu opened his skills panel to see the two newly learned skills after reaching level 5 in the Alien Realm yesterday.

A picture of the skill tree appeared in front of me:

"Name: Chains of Hell. "

"Level: First Order"

"Rating: Divine. "

"280 Physical Binding Force: 15"

"Soul Binding Power: 20 (increases with Soul Points)"


"Special Effects: ??? (unlockable after upgrade)"

"Introduction: A special iron chain used to lock the three-headed dog of hell in the middle of hell. The soul apparatus of the Grim Reaper may not be transferred to other people. When the Reaper host dies, the weapon dissipates. "

Shi Qiu touched his chin.

I feel like I don't have to go to the mall to buy equipment.

The soul tools of the God of Death are all "god" level equipment.

This is not much more than those mortal equipment sold in the System Mall and the Empire Mall, and the equipment sold by the system is even more expensive to death...

"Hmm... This thing should be able to be used as a control skill..."

Shi Qiu then looked at the next newly unlocked ability.

It's a new undead.

"Undead: Skeleton Swordsman. "

"Level: Second Order"

"Introduction: In the previous life, in order to defend the imperial infantry of the mainland, in a battle for an alien invasion, the unfortunate general of the army defected to the alien race, and the entire infantry regiment was sucked dry by the alien race, leaving only this body white dry bones, and then turned into an undead under the redemption of the god of death, driven by the god of death. "

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