Yuli's room was very clean and tidy and almost spotless.

At the same time, it is neat and tidy, without any pompous decoration, very simple, so that people can see that it is a good girl's room at a glance.

"Drink some water. Yu Li poured a glass of water for Shi Qiu.

"Thank you. Shi Qiu replied with a smile.

Drink it on your neck and feel a chill when stewing.

"This time it was really too dangerous. Yu Li sat down with bent legs next to him and exhaled: "You are really bold, in my impression, it seems that it is the first time that someone dares to make trouble in the black market..."

Shi Qiu was curious: "That gang of family fires is so arrogant, even the soul power pulse cannon has this bell weapon, is no one in charge?"

Where is this black market dealer? It can be said that it is half a mercenary group!!

Yu Li shook his head slightly: "I don't know very well... I seem to have heard that they have someone on it. "

Shi Qiu had already guessed this.

Shi Zhen Crack is a level 1249 Soul Contractor, which is quite a top combat power in Shan City, but it is not enough to be so wanton.

If there was no one behind them, they would have been taken over long ago.

"Shi Zhen Crack is notoriously vicious and vicious in Shan City, and if it happens like this this time, he will definitely not give up. Yu Li was worried: "To ... Or let's tell Sister Duan Lan about this..."

Shi Qiu shook his head: "If you make a fuss like this, you can't tell them, otherwise won't it affect Sister Lan and them?"

"But..." Yu Li was still not at ease.

"It's okay, Miss Xiao Li. Shi Qiu smiled: "Trust me, okay?"

“...... Well. Yu Li lowered his head, a little dodging Shi Qiu's eyes, and didn't know why his face was red again.

"It's a pity that I didn't get the complete materials for making Tong Mingzhu this time. Yu Li sighed with some regret.

She had seen the bags that the stones had been traded for them.

Most of the materials used to make the pearl inside are fake.

Shi Qiu smiled.

Then he took out a large bag from the system inventory and poured out the frozen stuff inside.

"This is..." Yu Li was shocked.

Ink shadow powder, hydrogelin, exotic lime, black spirit stone...

All of them are materials for making pearls, and there are more than a dozen copies of each one!

Shi Qiu: "This should be enough to make more than a dozen pearls, right?"

Yu Li looked back and couldn't believe it: "It's all real goods... This... Where did all this come from?"

This frozen west alone is worth tens of millions!!

And it is priceless, in the conventional way, there is no way to buy at all!

Shi Qiu shrugged: "In the black market, after I threw them off, I went back to that bar..."

There was nothing to hide, Shi Qiu said what happened just now.

Yu Li's heart was shocked for a long time after listening to it...

She really didn't know how to evaluate the boy in front of her...

"You... The first time you go to that kind of place, you won't be nervous?"

"Hmm..." Shi Qiu touched his nose: "Maybe." But if we were really afraid of those black marketeers, wouldn't we already be slaughtered by now?"

"That gang of family fires, that is, bullying and bullying honest and timid people. "

Yu Li was silent for a long time, and picked up a piece of material in the sack: "It takes a little time to refine the Tong Ming Pearl, can you help me protect the Dharma?"

"Absolutely. Shi Qiu nodded.

Yu Li made some preparations.

She took out an elemental pen and drew a small rune formation on the ground.

Then arrange materials such as ink powder in some form...

Shi Qiu couldn't understand it when he looked at it from the side, but he only felt very powerful...

Preparing for the work, Yu Li sat down cross-legged again, exhaled and said: "The Tong Ming Pearl was originally a product of the formation of nature, and this artificial refining method will produce strong elemental energy, and I can't control it well..."

"If I have a soul disorder in a while, you have to help me suppress it. "

"No problem. Shi Qiu promised.

So Yu Li closed his eyes and opened the refining. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

One strand of elemental energy rose up in the rune formation, and Shi Qiu could dare to feel that one conflicting energy was oppressing Yu Li's soul power.

Even Yu Li, the Great Elemental Mage, said that it was difficult to control, it must be quite difficult.

Therefore, Shi Qiu did not feel relieved, quietly looked at Yu Li, and released his soul power from time to time to help Yu Li relieve this pressure.

This process is very boring.

"By the way..."

Shi Qiu suddenly thought that his auxiliary skills could help people improve their attributes in all aspects.

Is it possible to use auxiliary skills to help Yuli decompress, and the effect will be better?

Thinking of this, Shi Qiu looked at Yu Li, who was frowning in front of him, and immediately made a try.

"First-order auxiliary skill - the gift of death!"

A black light fell, shrouding Yu Li's robe.

Yu Li: "Actinium..."

Shi Qiu: "..."

Yu Li's frowning brows really eased a lot, and Wei Wei stood up, revealing a soothing expression.

After half a ring, Yu Li Huanhuan opened her eyes and glanced at Shi Qiu resentfully: "You... Why are you sudden..."

Obviously, in the face of Shi Qiu's "sneak attack", Yu Li was not mentally prepared...

"Uh..." Shi Qiu scratched his head: "Is the 690 skill useful?"

Yu Li felt a frightened breath and found that it seemed to be much smoother, and the pressure on his body was also weakened.

“...... Well, it seems to be a little better..."

Shi Qiu: "That's great. "

"Then you continue to work, ignore me, and let me silently help you relieve the pressure." "

Yu Li: "..."


Early morning.

After a while, Yu Li finally refined the prototype of a pearl.

The mockery on Yu Li's face did not recede, and his cheeks were dripping with fragrant sweat, obviously this refining method had a great test of physical strength.

If there is no one to protect the Dharma, the efficiency will become extremely low.

Shi Qiu picked up the ping-pong ball-sized, black ink-colored bead: "This is the Tong Ming Pearl?"

"Right. Yu Li: "However, it is only the embryonic form, only half completed." "

Even a big elemental mage like Yuli needed two nights to refine a Tong Ming Pearl.

After refining more than a dozen of them, it will take at least 1 month.

So in the past few days, Shi Qiu stayed in Yuli's room every night.

Help her relieve the stress of hard refining...

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