"Chen Jie, sophomore class 8, the highest resistance to the double soul power tide. "

"Cai Xu, sophomore class 13, the highest resistance to a heavy soul power tide. "

"Lin Weiran, sophomore class 12, the highest resistance to the double soul power tide. "

"Xu Ruo, big ~ 21st class, the highest..."

After the first batch of students who entered the test room, they all walked out one by one.

Everyone came out of the test room, almost all of them pale, their bodies swaying leisurely, as if they couldn't even stand steadily, and they had to help each other to walk...

Shi Qiu touched the frightened ba and muttered, "Is it really so difficult?......?"

The military instructor stood aside, holding a tablet in his hand, reading the final results of each trainee, and his already dead fish face became even darker now.

"Ten people in the first group, all unqualified!"

The military instructor's icy voice was tinged with a bit of anger: "They have reached the second year, and they can't even carry the triple soul power tide!"

"When you were freshmen, you all stayed in the apartment waiting to give birth, right?!

When the first group of trainees heard this, they couldn't help but blush.

But no one personally dares to refute anything.

It is said that the military instructor is the highest combat power of Shancheng University, and in Shancheng University, except for the president, it is what he says. Who would dare to mess with such a character?

"Everyone in the first group, go to the side and do a thousand push-ups. The martial instructor said coldly.

The first group was all dumbfounded. Yi personally jumped out and glared, "Now?!"

The military instructor looked coldly at the man who spoke: "Is there a problem?"

The man: "... No. "

Then, the military instructor called the list of the second group.

Then the third group, the fourth group, the fifth group ...

However, there is not one student who can carry the triple soul power tide...

The military instructor also came up angry: "All roll aside, two thousand push-ups!

“...... Isn't that group just a thousand just now?

Okay, you have a group of 3,000 push-ups! If you are caught lazy, you will bear the consequences!"


The trainees in that group almost collapsed, and they all cast murderous eyes at the trainee who spoke, almost hating that person to death!

Shi Qiu: "..."

Although it is said that everyone is a soul contractor, and since they have reached the second year, no matter how weak they are, they must be soul contractors above the fifth level, and their physique is definitely several times stronger than ordinary people.

But three thousand push-ups is too much...

Finally, it was time for Youye's group.

"Wang Qiang, sophomore class 13, the highest resistance to the double soul power tide. "

"Lin Qixin, sophomore 4, the highest resistance to a heavy soul power tide..."

When the military instructor read this, he suddenly paused for a moment, and Wei Wei, whose eyelids were difficult to detect, was startled, and then said:

"Youye, sophomore class 7, the highest resistance to the fourfold soul power tide. "

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the classroom.


"Sure enough, the strongest is still Youye!"

"Only she was able to resist the quadruple soul power tide with the strength of her body alone in her sophomore year. "

"After all, it is a person from the Black Soul Society, and he is also a red man next to Senior Black Bone, which is really different from us civilians..."

Even the expression of the military instructor relaxed: "Good results." "

However, Yoye does not seem satisfied with his results.

She walked out of the testing room, panting, her face pale, but her eyes were a little unwilling.

After walking a few steps, her body shook, and the whole person was half frightened by a fall, relying on the support of her hands to not let her beautiful face have an intimate contact with the floor.

However, no one has yet helped her.

In the last Alien operation, all her teammates had been killed by Shi Qiu, and then the corpse was eaten by the alien beast that came out of the ground.

So she is now the only one in her class, and the new team members have not yet been assigned, so the class can only be alone.

"Can you stand up on your own?" asked the military instructor, glancing at her.

“...... Yes. Yuye gritted his teeth, supported the wall on the side, and finally insisted on standing up.


Shi Qiu shook his head in his heart and sighed: "A strong woman..."

Finally, it was time for this group. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

When they saw Shi Qiu's name, the military instructors were stunned.

Only then did he discover Shi Qiu's existence!

"You're a freshman, why are you here?" asked the military instructor.

"Can't you?" smiled Shi Qiu.

“...... Yes, but this is a sophomore course after all. The martial instructor glanced at him: "I know that your soul power is strong, but you can't use soul power in today's test. "

Some people are indeed born with a lot of blue and strong soul power. But normally, the mage's physique is naturally not too strong.

"If you can't bear it, don't force it, you know?" For first-grade students, the requirements of the military instructor are naturally much lower, especially if the other party is still an assistant.

Shi Qiu: "Got it." "

The military instructor said lightly: "Well, let's go in." "

The door to the testing room opened, and Shi Qiu walked in.

There are ten students in the same group, each with a separate testing room.

There was a special testing instrument in the room, and Shi Qiu only needed to stand in it, and the rune formation in the middle immediately lit up.

Immediately after that, the big screen in front immediately displayed: "Students, please get ready, the first soul power tide is coming".

In the hall outside, Youye and other trainees can also see the situation of Shiqiu and others in the testing room through the big screen.

You Ye stared at Shi Qiu deadly.

She really wanted to take this opportunity to find out how far there was between her and Shi Qiu.

"Here it is..."

Shi Qiu saw that the indicator light in front of him lit up, and his expression couldn't help but be serious.

Even Youye's "genius" physique could only barely withstand the fourfold soul power tide.

It shows that the oppressive force of this Zhong Soul Power Tide on the human body must be very strong.

Can't be careless.


The first soul power tide has finally arrived!

I only felt that in the instrument directly in front of me, a burst of fierce soul power impact surged out!


Shi Qiu: "..."



"Boom !!"

The violent tide of soul power shook the instruments in the test room!


Shi Qiu: "..."

“...... What's going on?"

"It's like..."

"Nothing impressive?"

Shi Qiu opened his eyes and looked ahead, his expression speechless: "... That's it? Ding?".

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