Awakened Multi-talented Goddess Is Doted

Chapter 460: Record variety shows together

  Chapter 460 Recording Variety Show Together

  The first issue of "Sui Shi Ji" attracted a lot of attention, and the ratings also created miracles.

  After the end of the first period, all audiences continued to suggest to shoot the second period under the official blog, but they have never received a response from the program team.

  After Li Hanchen’s identity was exposed, fans did not hold any expectations.

  Not to mention that married people like Li Hanchen can’t come to a variety show at all. As long as Li Hanchen’s worth, the show team can’t get him.

  The program group themselves had already given up on Li Hanchen as a guest. They have been preparing to shoot the second season of "Sui Shi Ji", but Li Hanchen is no longer among their invitations. The program group has selected a new guest for Mu Sheng.

  However, what the program group never expected was that Li Hanchen took the initiative to submit an application to the program group to continue the original contract.

   "Director, doesn't Li Hanchen have a wife? And he is the head of the Shengshi Group, how come to participate in our little variety show?" The staff was puzzled.

The director of    is similarly confused, "I don’t know, but since Li Hanchen is willing to come, we should be happy. How many first-line male stars are not as popular as Li Hanchen alone."

   "That's true, I'll go and notify the staff right now."

"it is good."

  In the manor at this time, Mu Sheng was also very puzzled. She walked into the living room and Li Hanchen was sitting not far away reading.

   Hearing footsteps, Li Hanchen raised his head and looked at Mu Sheng, "You are back."

   "Hmm." Mu Sheng nodded, and handed the invitation letter in his hand to Li Hanchen, "Do you know this?"


   "Why?" Mu Sheng had obvious doubts in his eyes, "Didn't you say."

  Li Hanchen stretched out his hand to pull Mu Sheng, "True and false, false and true,"

  In fact, the most important reason Li Hanchen did not say, he mainly wanted to go on variety shows with Mu Sheng.

   "Okay." Mu Sheng was not resisting both being able to make a show with Li Hanchen and working.

  Li Hanchen stretched out his hand and touched Mu Sheng’s hair, "I just want to wrong you a bit."

  Mu Sheng knew what Li Hanchen meant. She was on the show with Li Hanchen. She might be scolded, "I'm used to being scolded."

  Li Hanchen pulled Mu Sheng into his arms, "Wait,"


  The news that Li Hanchen and Mu Sheng participated in a variety show together had been spread to foreign countries through various channels before it spread to the public.

  "Boss, Li Hanchen is going to participate in variety shows for this little star. This little star may mean something to Li Hanchen. Do we need someone to stare at her?"

  A man was hiding in the darkness behind the desk. He thought for a while, “It’s just a blindfold. You don’t need to worry about this little star and check whether the news of Li Hanchen’s marriage is true.”


After the subordinates left, the man dialed a phone and reported to the opposite person in a very respectful tone, "We compared a large number of samples, and so far we have not found a trace of the second lady. We checked the records of the year. The second lady may be in the second He passed away more than ten years ago."

  There was a momentary silence on the phone, "Even if I have passed away, I have to find the body."


  At this time in China, after the official blog of "Sui Shi Ji" posted a news, Weibo was squeezed and collapsed.

  @随食记: "The second issue of "Suishiji", the original crew, so stay tuned."

  (End of this chapter)

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