Chapter 578

  Xiao Ziyu did not expect that Mu Sheng would agree to be so refreshing, and he was a little dazed for a while, "Did you agree?"

  "Well, what's the problem?" Mu Sheng is naturally willing to go to the good thing about getting to know more partners.

   "That's good." Xiao Ziyu looked much happier than before, "The Xiao family will send someone to pick you up at that time, you just need to give me an address."

   "No," Mu Sheng refused directly, "I will go by myself."

  A trace of disappointment flashed in Xiao Ziyu's heart, but he still smiled, "Okay, then I'll go first."


  Xiao Ziyu wanted to say something more, but seeing that Mu Sheng had turned around and returned to the room, he finally swallowed what he wanted to say.

  Tang Tiantian stood aside, looked at Xiao Zi's expressions of sullen expression, and looked at Mu Sheng Anran's reading profile, her eyes floating a little clear.

  I am a fan of the authorities, and the onlookers are clear. She can feel that this handsome guy who suddenly appeared must be interesting to Mu Sheng, but Mu Sheng is probably not aware of it at all.

  After Xiao Ziyu left, Tang Tiantian approached Mu Sheng, "Sheng Sheng, who is this handsome guy?? He looks familiar."

   "A long time ago, the media reported that I had a crush on him."

   Tang Tiantian searched in her mind, and finally got a little impression, "Oh, I remember, is it the one before, the eldest son of the Xiao family?? The thief is rich and powerful?"

   "Hmm." Mu Sheng turned over two pages of the script, "It's him."

   "Wow," Tang Tiantian smiled narrowly, "I think the media may have written the opposite."

  ? ? Mu Sheng glanced at Tang Tiantian suspiciously. Tang Tiantian didn't smile. He thought that Mu Sheng received the invitation letter. He might be greeted by a huge jar of vinegar when he returned.

  As Tang Tiantian expected, when Mu Sheng returned home in the evening, Li Hanchen saw the invitation letter with Xiao’s mark in her hand at a glance.

  Li Hanchen went through various information related to the Xiao family in his mind, and finally locked it on Xiao Ziyu's birthday party.

  Li Hanchen put the newspaper aside, slowly put on the gold-rimmed glasses, and then looked at Mu Sheng, "I came back so late, have you been delayed by anything?"

  The most irresistible thing about Mu Sheng is Li Hanchen’s look with gold-rimmed glasses. She was startled for a moment before answering Li Hanchen’s question, “It’s not too late, isn’t it the same as before?”

  (End of this chapter)

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