Awakened Multi-talented Goddess Is Doted

Chapter 611: little princess

   After successfully fooling these researchers, Han Yuan left the institute satisfied.

   These days, she has tried her best to please Mrs. Ye, and now Mrs. Ye has regarded her as someone who is more intimate than her granddaughter.

   As soon as she got off work, Mrs. Ye sent someone to take her back to Ye's house for dinner.

   But at this time, she did not go back to Ye's house directly, but instructed the driver to go to the hotel where Mo Qingcang was staying.

   The time limit agreed by the two had come, and Mo Qingcang directly ordered someone to bring Han Yuan over.

   He was sitting on the sofa. Although Han Yuan was standing, when Mo Qingcang looked at Han Yuan, he still carried a condescension from his bones.

   "Tell me."

   "Your sister is her." Han Yuan handed a document to Mo Qingcang, "Please take a look at the first prince."

   Mo Qingcang took over the document and scanned it, "Where's her?"

   "I've had someone bring her here from her hometown in the south, and you can identify her later."

  Han Yuan reported to Mo Qingcang with a smile, looking like she was confident.

   "You wait here first." Mo Qingcang stood up, "When the appraisal results come out, if you find the right person, then the things you promised you will be given to you. If you find the wrong person, hehe."

After   , Mo Qingcang left here with the documents.

  Hearing the door was closed, Han Yuan took a deep breath.

   When facing Mo Qingcang, the pressure of the superiors on him was so frustrating.

  Thinking of the person she brought over, a hint of worry flashed in Han Yuan's eyes, but she soon shook her head,

   "It's okay, it's okay."

   They are fully prepared and there will be no problem.

   An hour later, Mo Qingcang returned to the room with a check in his hand.

   "This is a reward for you, take it."

  Han Yuan didn't answer, she looked at Mo Qingcang boldly, "His Royal Highness, I don't want money, I want to ask you to give me a chance."

   "Oh? What chance?"

   "When you come to China this time, you should need a portable doctor."

  Mo Qingcang instantly understood what Han Yuan meant. Han Yuan really didn't want money, but what she wanted was much bigger than money.

  Being able to become his side doctor can bring Han Yuan a huge reputation.

  Mo Qingcang was still hesitating, but Han Yuan spoke again, "Your Highness, the little princess has just been brought back by you, and now she must be unaccustomed to the situation. I can take care of her more when I am by her side."

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