Awakening Failed? It Doesn't Matter, I Am A Cultivator!

Chapter 1 What Profession Do You Want To Awaken? It Doesn’T Matter That I’M A Cultivator!


"The next step is the career awakening ceremony."

"I don’t need to explain the importance of the awakening ceremony. What can you do in the future? What profession can you awaken to? Is it driving screws, delivering food, or working as a security guard?"

"Whether you are high or low, it all depends on your career awakening later. I hope you will use your full energy, go all out, and awaken the style of our second class. Don't be compared to the group of people in class one!"

Spring March.

Baiyun City, Baiyun Middle School, Class 2, Grade 3.

The morning sunlight shone brightly through the window, illuminating the young man's handsome face.

In the back seat by the window.

Su Chen held his chin up and looked at the head teacher who was speaking passionately and motivating people on the podium. He sighed inwardly as he didn't even realize that his wig had fallen off.

Although he has been in this world for eighteen years, listening to Lao Ban saying these words emotionally, he was still a little dazed.

This world is different from the Blue Star in the previous life.

In the wilds of the city, ferocious beasts are everywhere, and dangers are everywhere. Ordinary people basically cannot survive in the wild. This is why the world is more technologically advanced, with mechas, soldiers, modified humans, and even men’s favorite Gundam. More importantly, the world is more technologically advanced. Every citizen in this world can have a career awakening when they reach the age of eighteen.

Professional awakening is full of strange things, and the gap between the upper and lower levels is also extremely high.

Some people can only awaken to life-related professions such as cooking, carpentry, blacksmithing, flower watering, tree planting...

But some people can awaken warriors, mages, priests, mechanics, mecha masters, summoners... and other combat professions.

Between the two, there is no doubt that the combat profession is more sought after, has a more noble status, and is needed by the world.

A child from an ordinary lower-class family can achieve a class jump as long as he can awaken to the combat profession. On the contrary, if he is a child of a wealthy family and awakens to the life profession, he will lose his position in an instant and become a marginal figure in the family's logistics. .

The reality is so cruel.

In this world, it can be said that professional awakening is a lifelong process.

Which profession you can awaken will also mean how high your upper and lower limits can be in the future, and how great your achievements can be. Whether you are struggling in the quagmire, savoring the ups and downs, still doing nothing, or jumping to the Dragon Gate. To reach the sky in one step, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life, it all depends on what kind of career they can awaken today!

Of course, there are no absolutes.

Just like a bricklayer named joker on the Internet, Yu Xiaoguang once said.

"There are no useless professions, only useless people!"

"Young man, don't be discouraged. Even if you have a career in life, you can still shine in this world!"

This sentence of Zhuan's family once became a wise saying for many failed awakenings and was sought after by others.

Because among the people who awakened the life profession in the past, there were indeed some people who were the best and possessed the Innate Sacred Body. Even the lowest life professions were able to shine in their hands.

For example, the owner of Innate Dusting Sacred Body three years ago, one person can support a construction team, and it is not a problem to make millions a year.

Another example is the owner of Innate Sacred Body two years ago. One person can support a company with 996,007 holidays all year round and make a lot of money.

The boss smiled!

However, there are very few Innate Sacred Body owners who can awaken the combat profession and reach the sky in one step. No one wants to struggle after awakening the life profession.

So this moment.

Under the encouragement of Lao Ban.

Although everyone in the class knows the cruelty and randomness of awakening, the students are more excited than nervous.

"I don't know, what profession will I awaken later?"

Baiyun Middle School.

In the school square, among the team of Class 2 of Grade 3, looking at the awakening ceremony starting in front, the crowd couldn't help but burst into nervous and excited chatter.

"I don't have high demands. I just need to awaken a Dharma Master or a Shield Father."

"You can pull him down, you can also awaken the Master!"

"Father, your small body can awaken a blank warrior, but the smoke is rising from the ancestral grave!"

Someone was arguing in the front.

As we all know, among all the combat professions, the mage has high attack and the shield hero has high defense. A team may not have other fancy professions, but the two professions, the mage and the shield hero, are absolutely indispensable.

Otherwise, if your eldest father is not here, who will take care of the harm for you?

Without a mage, who does the team rely on for output, but archers and warriors? It’s too low, you know?

People have all kinds of fireballs, fire dragons, explosion magic, full map AOE, gorgeous attacks and high damage, but you are there shooting arrows, or taking a sword and slashing, you look like Not low?

It is precisely because of this that among all professionals, mages are usually called Masters, and teammates are called Shield Fathers. As long as these two major professions can be awakened, the lowest is a B-level profession, and most are even A-level.

It can be said that as long as these two combat professions are awakened, they will not be too bad in the future, and they will be a group of people that every team will be happy to recruit.

“I just don’t know if there will be any S Level hidden professions in our session!”

"Hidden profession, don't even think about it."

Although in this world, most citizens are likely to awaken to a profession after the age of 18, but even so, those who can awaken to an S-level profession are very rare. For example, in Baiyun City, among the 100,000 candidates in the previous session, There are only two or three S-level professionals, one in a million, but nothing more than that.

Once it appears, it will be the target of competition among major university groups. In the future, if there is no accident, everyone will basically be able to enter the high-end level of Human Race. Naturally, such a proud person is something that many ordinary people would not dare to think about.


"If anyone in our generation can really awaken an S-level talent, then I'm afraid..."

Sun Qiang, the squad leader of the second class, turned back and looked at the back of the team.

There, the dark-skinned Zhao Gang touched Su Chen with his elbow and asked curiously.

"Brother Chen, what profession do you want to awaken?"

As if he heard Zhao Gang's inquiry, in front of Su Chen, a stunningly beautiful girl with beautiful clothes, pure and lustful looks, and beautiful long pink hair turned her head, her beautiful eyes sparkling.

This girl is none other than Bai Ruoxue, one of the four beauties of Baiyun Middle School. The two are tablemates and have a good relationship.

In Baiyun Middle School.

Su Chen is a figure who belongs to the ranks of legends.

Not only is he the most handsome, but he also has the best academic performance. From kindergarten, to elementary school, to junior high school, and now to high school, he has ranked first in every exam, and all the four campus beauties of Baiyun Middle School are under his control. Breathless, he is a true academic master.

And that's not all.

It didn't matter that Su Chen had good grades in liberal arts. What really made people envious and respectfully call him "Su Shen" was his extremely superb Martial Dao grades.

The blood value is nine point zero!

This world is full of crises. Even if you have not yet awakened professionally, the school will naturally prepare for some Martial Dao courses in advance.

The blood value is used to measure the strength of the Martial Artist.

Generally speaking, the Qi and blood value of a normal person is 1.0.

If it is less than 1.0, it means that the physique is a little weak, and if it is greater than 1.0, it means that the physique is strong. Normally, the qi and blood value of the King of Soldiers in the special forces is about 2.0, which is twice that of ordinary people.

But Su Chen's energy and blood value was far nine times higher than theirs!

To put it simply, in the Martial Dao class, when they competed with Su Chen, they always used the mode of college students beating kindergarten children, leaving them unable to fight with both hands and feet.

"And it's been almost a month. Maybe he has become stronger again."

"What a monster."

Squad leader Sun Qiang and others looked at Su Chen with fear in their eyes.

Because of this, although he was unhappy and heartbroken that Goddess Ruoxue paid so much attention to Su Chen, Sun Qiang had to admit it.

If any boy in their class could awaken an S-level talent, then besides Su Chen, he couldn't think of anyone else.

So when he heard Zhao Gang asking Su Chen what career he hoped to awaken, despite being worried in his heart, the students around him also held their breath and pricked up their ears.

They also want to know what profession Su Chen wants to awaken?


"It doesn't matter."

"I'm not interested in a career."

Su Chen shrugged and replied.

"It's Versailles, isn't it, Brother Chen." Good friend Gangzi gave Su Chen a roll of his eyes.

Although there is no necessary connection between awakening professional level, academic performance and Martial Dao level, judging from the past rules, there is a high probability that the awakening ability of academic masters with good academic performance and high blood value will not be too bad.

So regarding Su Chen's answer, the squad leader and others just thought that Su Chen was showing off.

"Damn it, is the gap between people so big?"

"While we were still worrying about awakening to the garbage life profession, Su Shendu has already said that he is not interested in the profession."

"This is the certainty that we will awaken to a level A or above profession!"

"He must be deliberately showing off in front of my goddess Ruoxue to attract the attention of my goddess!" Feeling the gnashing eyes around him, Su Chen looked around and felt speechless. He knew that the squad leader and others might have misunderstood him. if.


"I really don't care what profession I awaken."

"I am a cultivator!"

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