Awakening Failed? It Doesn't Matter, I Am A Cultivator!

Chapter 26 My Brother Wang Killed At Least Eight Hundred Wild Boars!

Today he practiced and practiced in the dungeon. Although he was still a long way from the Basic Accomplishment of Leather Refining, he was still unable to reach the point where the leather was as good as cow leather and the knife would leave marks.

However, it can control the closing of pores on the body surface to a certain extent and achieve a state of concentrating and holding the breath.

At first, he didn't quite understand the use of this state, but because of the stench on Zhang San and Li Si, he subconsciously entered a breath-holding state.

Later, he also heard about Zhang San measuring his Combat Power. He also heard that after measuring his Combat Power value, Zhang San, Li and the others could not accept that their Combat Power could not even reach a fraction of his own. They didn't want to Accept the reality and use the reason that the health value display is full of question marks to mean that the Combat Power tester is broken and make excuses for yourself.

It was this matter that caught Su Chen's attention, so he borrowed a Combat Power measuring instrument and took a closer look.

"Sure enough, the blood value is a question mark."

Looking at the column of his health value on the Combat Power tester, ‘? ? ? ’

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

This practice function that comes with practicing the Golden Jade Dragon Emperor Skin Refining is an unexpected surprise. Su Chen doesn’t want people to see his Combat Power casually. After all, his Combat Power improves so fast. It would be bad if he scares others. .

Originally, he was considering whether to buy a prop to shield himself from prying eyes during Late Stage, but now it seems that he can save this money.

"But I'm not very good at practicing now."

"Although the blood value display is full of question marks."

"However, the combined Combat Power value can still be roughly estimated. It seems that the progress of skin training is still a bit behind. Perhaps after the Basic Accomplishment of skin training, it should be able to be completely blocked."

Of course, the Combat Power meter in Su Chen's hand is only the Low Level version issued by the school. The other party needs to have a higher configuration Combat Power tester. Even if he reaches Basic Accomplishment or even Great Accomplishment, it may be spied out, but now , these have not yet been considered by Su Chen.


"Strive for Acquired to reach Basic Accomplishment, and be able to block the measurement of the Low Level Combat Power measuring instrument issued by the school. As for today,

Let's end it first. "

He glanced at the setting sun.

Su Chen threw the Combat Power measuring device.

"Give it back!"

In front of Su Chen, there was a wild boar that had been beaten to death, and a Jarhead classmate who was slumped on the ground. The Combat Power tester in his hand was borrowed from this Jarhead classmate.

"Just think of this wild boar as a loan gift from me to repay you!"

Devouring replenishes, practicing consumes, devouring replenishes, practicing consumes... After a day of such high-intensity training, his body is exhausted and is on the verge of collapse. There is no need to continue practicing in the Devouring Boar.

The Wild Boar King is currently in the process of evolving into a Rank Two monster in Tianyuan, and there is no need to devour it for the time being. When it comes out, it will be a Rank Two monster with a Combat Power of over 1,000.

So Su Chen generously gave away the wild boar.

However, the student Jarhead who was slumped on the ground seemed to have been frightened by something. He stared at Su Chen with a pale face, motionless, his eyes full of shock and confusion, and he kept mumbling something like "357 357 357..." ..”

He threw the Combat Power meter back to him and dropped it on the ground.

There was no response to Su Chen's words.


Su Chen only reacted after taking a look at Jarhead's powerful Combat Power of 37.

One drawback of the Combat Power measuring instrument issued by the school is that it is difficult for him to see his own Combat Power, so before looking at it, he asked Jarhead to measure it for him.

Since then, Jarhead has been in this lost state.


"Return to zero!"


"Return to zero!!"

Baiyun No. 1 Middle School, on the square outside the Secret Realm dungeon, a group of students gathered in front of the Wild Boar Forest dungeon, looking at the zero number of wild boars on the dungeon and exclaiming.


"Yesterday there were 1,000 wild boars inside, but today since my brother Wang drove his mecha in, all the wild boars were killed in just one day."

“With such strength and efficiency, let’s ask our Baiyun No. 1 Middle School, who can compete with us!”

"A thousand wild boars, this is 1,000 wild boars including the wild boar king boss."

"Even if Wang Hao didn't kill 1,000 but only 800 after entering, the experience he can gain is definitely massive. I don't know how many levels he will upgrade after he comes out."

"Maybe now the health value has exceeded 10.0, and the trash that crushed Su Chen has reached Level 10!"

"Damn it, I've only reached level 3 after a day of grinding, and Brother Wang is already Level 10. Brother Wang is awesome!"

"After Brother Wang comes out, I must interview him carefully about how he upgraded? Why is he so powerful! You are so awesome!"

"Damn it, I'm so envious of those two losers Zhang San and Li Si. They can gain experience with Brother Wang. They may have reached level 5 or 6 now. I also want to experience the feeling of being led by Brother Wang."

There was a lot of noise in the square, and the crowd cheered excitedly.

Wearing a green cloak and holding a small shield, Sun Qiang led the team out of the Pheasant Slope copy on the side.

After hearing about Wang Hao's horrific record.

My heart was also shocked.

He led his team to stay in the Pheasant Slope Dungeon for a day today and only killed 500 chickens. However, under the same circumstances, Wang Hao killed more than 800 wild boars.

"Is this how powerful the mecha master is?"

"Damn it!" Sun Qiang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"But I will never admit defeat, Wang Hao, don't even think about defeating me!" He turned around and glanced at the number 9000 displayed on the copy of Pheasant Slope behind him.

He secretly swore in his heart that tomorrow he would brush the 9,000 number on Yejipo Secret Realm to zero. If he couldn't do it, he would chop it off live!


Suddenly, the vortex of the Wild Boar Forest Secret Realm copy fluctuated violently, instantly attracting the attention of the crowd.


"It's coming out!"

"With such violent fluctuations, Brother Wang must be coming out!"

The Secret Realm copy has the function of counting the number of monsters killed by each classmate who enters the game. However, the counting process takes some time and there is a delay. Usually, the number of monsters killed by the corresponding classmate will not be displayed on the big screen until a minute or two after the classmate comes out.

Therefore, in order to know for the first time who has killed more monsters and who has killed fewer monsters, many people will judge based on the fluctuation of the vortex entrance when each student releases a copy.

The greater the fluctuation at the entrance, the more monsters the people who are about to come out will kill inside.

"The entrance to the Secret Realm of the Wild Boar Forest instance in front of us changed from being as calm as a lake to becoming choppy, twisting and shaking violently. Such a huge movement has never happened before."

"So it must be my brother Wang who came out. He has killed at least 800 wild boars. It is only natural that the copy of the Wild Boar Forest was so frightened by the murderous aura in my brother Wang that it trembled like this..."

Wang Hao's younger brother, Brother Buck Tooth, was still bragging in the square.

But the figure who walked out made the students around him stunned, and their bragging words stopped abruptly.

"Su Chen?"

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