
"Xiaohao, I'm very happy that you think so."

"Uncle Wang, I will accompany you to level up this month, teach you survival knowledge in the wild area, and strive to make you punch Su Chen and kick first in the nine-school joint exam in a month!"

"Uncle Wang, I'm relying on you to avenge my butt!"

When Zhang San was about to use the latest Combat Power tester to measure Su Chen's data, Wang Mang was still here arguing with Wang Hao. In fact, the reason why he was so active in caring about Wang Hao's upgrade, in addition to his own relationship, was that he was going to wait for the second mock exam of the nine-school joint exam in a month, and make another bet with Su Chen's class teacher Lao Chen.

"This time the bet will be directly increased tenfold!!"

"Whoever wins will kick the other person's butt ten times!"

Of course, some people may say that he didn't fulfill his bet this time, isn't it a deadbeat?

"Then I can only say that I am not a scapegoat, I did not fulfill my promise, I just pushed it to the next time!"

"When the second mock exam comes, my nephew, Wang Hao, will beat Su Chen, and he will just give Old Chen a kick!"


"Uncle Wang, don't worry, I will let you win back!!" Wang Hao raised a high-spirited smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he had just awakened ten days ago.

Even Zhao Xiaoya, who was standing by, had a more spirited look on her face after hearing this. Of course, it was not because of the overly speechless conversation between Wang Mang and Wang Hao.


"One hundred and eight generals, twenty-four stars."

She felt that if she could find such a boyfriend, she could defeat Su Chen!

Although Su Chen's Martial Dao Talent, which is rare in a century, sounds scary, she doesn't think Su Chen is better than the twenty-four stars officially conferred by Jiuzhou.

"I'm afraid that just 108 generals, with a hundred times the amount of genius Combat Power, will gradually leave Su Chen far behind! After all, these are the only 108 awakeners among the thousands of powerful professional awakeners in Jiuzhou." So if I can find a titled awakener among the 108 generals, no, it's better to find a professional awakener of the 24-star level as a boyfriend. "In this case, Su Chen may not be able to raise his head in front of me!" Zhao Xiaoya, who was in extreme regret because of Su Chen's affairs, was most urgent at the moment, which was to quickly find a boyfriend who was more talented and more powerful than Su Chen to prove that she was not wrong, and Su Chen was not worthy of her! Now, it is obvious that the 108 generals and 24-star titled professional geniuses announced by Jiuzhou are her best targets. But the only thing that gave Zhao Xiaoya a headache was. "How can I meet them?"

After all, Baiyun City where she was located was not a big city. It was probably not easy to meet such a Transcendent Level professional genius of the 24-star level. Even Zhao Xiaoya doubted whether there was such a genius in their Baiyun City.

While Zhao Xiaoya was worried about this.

In the back.

Zhang San was playing with the new Combat Power meter.


The body trembled violently!

[Ding! Ding!!]

[Name:? ? ?]

[Profession:? ? ?]

[Health value: 10.0]

[Combat Power: 1300]

[Evaluation: One-star-a genius with a Combat Power of 1,000 times. The ratio of health value to strength has reached a perfect 1:1 or even exceeded. It cannot be measured by common sense. Even if the Combat Power is higher than this level of genius, please be extremely careful and do not easily conflict, because after the boss enters the Rank Two and Rank Three stages, the Combat Power may be slightly different from the value you saw at the beginning. ]

The warning from the Combat Power tester sounded in his ears.

Zhang San looked at the vague figure in a certain direction behind the bushes on one side, his eyes widened, his body trembled constantly, his face turned unnaturally pale, and drops of cold sweat flowed down.

"Two... Twenty-four Stars..."


"Uncle Wang, I found a problem. An ordinary person has 10 points of Qi and Health, and Combat Power is 100 points."

"A genius at the level of one hundred and eight generals is between 200, 300 and 900."

"Twenty-four days of star level talent, 10 points of Combat Power can reach 1000."

"If we calculate it this way, the Combat Power of the sixteen princes and kings can reach 10,000 with 10 points of qi and blood, the Four Emperors have a Combat Power of 100,000, and the one emperor has a Combat Power of millions. Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?"

The people in front of Wang Hao and Zhao Xiaoya haven't noticed anything strange about Zhang San. They are all attracted by the questions raised by Li Si.

"Of course that's not how it's calculated."

"If this is the case, Combat Power will expand and collapse."

"Actually, the most perfect state is when the ratio of qi and blood to strength reaches 1:1. It will not exceed too much, otherwise the qi and blood will be meaningless to measure."

"So from the perspective of Combat Power, no matter how talented a person is, it is impossible for a person to have a vitality value of 10:00. The Combat Power is 100,000 or one million. After all, physical fitness is limited here."

"Not to mention the emperor who has awakened an SS S-level professional talent. Even if 100 SS S-level talents are added to one person, he will still be fragile when he first awakens. Compared with ordinary awakened people, he will not be too far apart. The big gap is more than 10 times at most.”

"The titles of the One Emperor, Four Emperors, and Sixteen Princes and Kings are more of a measure of talent and potential in the future. If nothing unexpected happens in the future, we will definitely be able to reach a million-level Combat Power and a hundred thousand-level Combat Power. potential.

Therefore, this expansion in the Combat Power value will only appear below the 24-day star level. When it reaches the 24-day star level or above, there will be another set of evaluation criteria. "

"You will know the specific details later when you meet the 24-star genius."

"You don't need to know now. After all, it's not that easy to be a star for 24 days..." Wang Mang talked like a lecturer, but at this time, a discordant voice from behind interrupted Wang Mang. narration.

"That...I think I already know that!"

Everyone turned to look.

"Uncle, will the twenty-four-day star genius you mentioned be specifically marked [star rating] Thousand times Combat Power Genius in the evaluation column?"


Wang Mang paused.

"How did you know."


"I saw it." Zhang San pointed at his Combat Power tester with a shocked expression as if he hadn't recovered yet.

"Here is a twenty-four-day star thousand times Combat Power genius!!"

Zhang San's performance made Wang Hao frown slightly and feel displeased.

He just said that he would work hard to become one of the 108 generals, and his goal was only to achieve the title of general, but now Zhang San said that there happened to be a 24-star Transcendent Level Prodigy here!

"What does it mean?"

"You want to change the boss, right?"

"There's no 24-day-star level Prodigy here!"

Why did not I see! Wang Hao started yelling. It's no wonder he didn't believe it. After all, Baiyun City was not a big city on the Kyushu Continent.

It is extremely unbelievable that Leng Ruyue can awaken an SS-level Talent and will most likely be named one of the Four Emperors.

How could there be another star-rated Prodigy, one of only 24 in the country!

Su Chen’s dick is far from qualified!

to the opposite.

After hearing Zhang San's words, Zhao Xiaoya's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to see where the star genius Zhang San mentioned was.

"Zhang San, you are serious. It's not that you saw it wrong."

"Uncle Wang, what I said is true."

"That's right. How can I not recognize such big characters? If you don't believe me, please take a look, Uncle Wang."

Zhang San handed over the Combat Power tester.

Wang Mang doubtfully took the Combat Power tester in his hand, and Wang Hao, Zhao Xiaoya, Li Si and others gathered around him.

"I want to see if it's true." Wang Hao crossed his arms with an arrogant expression. After saying this, before the words even landed, he could only hear "ding!" A sound.

Wang Mang projected the data on the Combat Power tester.


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