"The Voice of the Boar King"

"Did you find some treasure?"

Su Chen's eyes flickered. After entering the wild area, he was not only practicing on his own, but also released the eleven monsters in the abyss.

Let them devour as much as they want, take the high-quality route, and told them that if they find any treasures along the way, come and call him. After all, even though he has the Heaven Swallowing Demon Technique, which can swallow the flesh and blood of ferocious beasts and replenish their energy and blood, the ferocious beasts have eaten too much. You may also feel greasy, so it’s good to eat some Tiancai Dibao with fresh and elegant taste to relieve the greasiness.

The treasures of heaven and earth condense the essence of heaven and earth.

If there were any Rank Two Rank Three treasures of heaven and earth that appeared, it would be too much for Su Chen to swallow more than ten or twenty corresponding Rank Two Rank Three ferocious beasts. Eat a few more Rank Twos. With Three's natural resources, he might be able to reach the level of Flesh Refining Basic Accomplishment in less than two days.

"Now that the Wild Boar King is making such a big noise, they must have discovered something."

Thinking of this, Su Chen did not hesitate, glanced at Wang Hao and others, and quickly ran towards the direction of the sound.

Just in time to test the power of the Devouring Origin Spear.

"he's gone!"

"It scared me to death. I really don't know what profession he awakened. He had such a strong sense of oppression. The moment he looked at me, I felt like I was suffocating!"

"Is this a thousand-fold genius at the twenty-four-day star level!"

After Su Chen left.

Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Hao and others breathed a sigh of relief and started talking one after another.

"What is he going to do?" A trace of regret and anxiety flashed in Zhao Xiaoya's eyes, and she felt very regretful in her heart. She was so overwhelmed by the momentum just now that she forgot to ask the other party for prestige and penguin.

This is a 24-star Transcendent Level genius, and even though he didn’t see his face, he could tell just by his body and posture that underneath the mask was an invincible Transcendent Level handsome guy. If he could find such a boyfriend, he would definitely make him Su Chen feels inferior to death!

But now the other party has just disappeared!

If I don't keep up, I don't know if we can see each other again in the future, so how can I chase him?

The more Zhao Xiaoya thought about it, the more anxious she became.

"There seemed to be a beast roar coming from that direction just now. He should have rushed to where the sound came from."

"How about we follow over and take a look!?"

Wang Mang serves as the teacher leading the team.

He frowned, and after weighing it for a moment, he decided to follow him and have a look. He also wanted to know the identity of this star genius who suddenly appeared.


In a valley.

There is a water pool hidden deep in the valley. The water pool is surrounded by cliffs, forming a hidden and beautiful place.

The shape of the Green Grass Pond is like a huge emerald gem, lying quietly in the valley.

The sun shines on the water platform, reflecting a beautiful halo. The water pool is surrounded by various wild flowers and grass swaying in the wind. The surrounding trees, jungles, and various large rocks and small slopes are quiet and beautiful, giving people a A feeling of getting away from the hustle and bustle and returning to nature.

But now at the edge of this silent and beautiful pool.

But there were two ferocious beasts as big as double-decker buses roaring and colliding with each other.

Two ferocious beasts.

The head was completely black, covered with rough and stiff hair, and possessed a demonic entanglement. It was the Wild Boar King released by Su Chen.

Opposite it there is also a huge beast.

He is a one-horned rhinoceros, with blue-grey skin as tough as a rock, and solid muscles as hard as tight steel bars and full of power. His huge four hooves are galloping on the ground, like a A small earthquake shook the earth with a loud roar, and countless large and small pebbles jumped up and down.

Boom! !

Two huge ferocious beasts collided suddenly.

It was like two giant trucks with full horsepower colliding on the highway. The sound was so loud that the whole ground shook violently.

"Damn it, it's the Mutated Wild Boar King!!!"

Meeting acquaintances makes you feel extra relaxed.

Zhang San and Li Si, who followed all the way nearby, almost spat out their feces and urine as if they were in a stress reaction when they saw the Wild Boar Queen.

Even Wang Hao was so frightened that he peed a drop.

But fortunately, he retracted in time because he discovered.

"This is not the wild boar king in the school copy!"

"The mutant wild boar king in the school copy is only Rank One High Level. With your current strength, brother Wang, and I, if we fight again, we will definitely beat him to death!"

"But this Wild Boar King is different. You see, although it looks exactly the same in appearance, its size has obviously expanded. It has changed from a baby bus to a double-decker bus. Its strength has entered the realm of a Rank Two ferocious beast. ”

"It can compete with this Rank Two green-horned rhinoceros. The strength of this pig-shaped wild boar king is probably at the early stage of Rank Two, and its Combat Power is about 2500!"

Wang Mang, the team leader on the side, gave a serious evaluation.

As we all know, in terms of Combat Power in the same realm, it is difficult for ordinary human awakened people to be able to match the ferocious beasts.

"Faced with such a huge beast, sometimes Combat Power doesn't decide everything. Just like this mutant wild boar king and the green-horned rhinoceros opposite, they are both rough-skinned, thick-flesh, and powerful."

"As humans, if you encounter such a huge beast in the wild, if you don't have a special weapon, even if the Combat Power is one or two thousand higher than this beast, my suggestion is that you try not to use it unless necessary. provoke."

Although Wang Mang is thick, slovenly, and looks like a greasy middle-aged man, he has to be said to be the head teacher of Class 1 of Baiyun No. 1 Middle School and a lecturer.

He taught students in accordance with their aptitude and took advantage of the on-site conditions to explain some outdoor knowledge to Wang Hao and others.

"Uncle Wang."

"Why do you think this mutant wild boar king and the green-horned rhinoceros started fighting?"

Behind a small slope covered by big trees.

Zhang San asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Why are you fighting?"

Wang Mang murmured something while he was thinking about the possible reasons.


"what is that!!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Li Si's finger.

I saw a blood-red lotus floating on the water in the pool behind the Wild Boar King and the Green Horned Rhino.

The lotus flower is no more than the size of a palm.

But it is extremely delicate and beautiful, and looks crystal clear. Under the sunlight, you can even see the lines in the lotus petals that look like human capillaries.

Blood-red lotuses bloom above the dark pool.


When the petals bloom.

There was an elegant fragrance that lifted people's spirits and made their blood and energy in their bodies feel like they were about to break through.

"It's a Rank Three treasure"

"Blood Lotus!!"

Wang Mang's eyes widened and he called out the name of the lotus flower above the pool.

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