Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1149: Mengmeng, in fact, you are also quite a house?

  The magical world is not as simple and simple as some secondary school boys imagined. Although it has powerful strength, it can indeed give a person a lot of things under the water of the magic world and the real world. But this is the same as those who have seen more through novels and film and television dramas, and every day imagine themselves to travel to other worlds, or to other times to reach the peak of life, but they have never considered it. Now they can achieve victory at this level to other worlds. People from other worlds who think they are stronger than ordinary people.

   The basis for wanting to do whatever you want is strength, whether it is wealth or wisdom in the real world, or in the world of abilities and magicians, it is more intuitive to see the ‘combat power’ with straightforward wins and losses. These are the foundations that represent a person's strength. And just like in the real world, no one can have absolute power over other people for a long time. Even in the magic world, there is no peer who is absolutely invincible and no one can resist. The once "Magic King" has been dressed up by the legendary great magician and his companions, and the legendary great magician who defeated the magic king has disappeared for more than ten years.

   Even the true vampire ancestor, who always claimed to be the strongest, was not wanted in the magical world. He just said that he didn’t care, and even regarded it as a worthy warfare. But in fact, if she really doesn't care, why should she always use her own illusion to hide her identity? If the true vampire ancestor was as invincible as she boasted, the magic world still in effect until now is said to be the highest amount of reward wanted, shouldn’t it appear at the beginning?

  Since no one has the absolute power to completely ignore other people. Then, in addition to direct confrontation that does not necessarily have a good result, various means of communication become very important. This is like the fact that large consortia in the real world cannot always be tough against each other. In fact, there is still room for cooperation between each other in the industry. Just like those so-called mortal enemies, they can cooperate to a limited extent when needed, and even become allies in a blink of an eye.

"So are more and more people called'otakus' on earth now? Although it's impossible not to be in contact with others at all, the way of life like them is indeed more important to them than others. Every day, I have to meet many people. Is it more easy for a "social person" to perform complicated social interactions?"

After all, there are excellent examples around me. I live in a family who often doesn’t even go out to eat or go downstairs. I ask the bunny girl in my house to bring it to the room. Therefore, the reason for becoming an otaku may not be the same as that mentioned by Mengmeng, but with this reference around, a girl like Mengmeng who is also very diligent and asks questions will naturally come from Penglai Shanhui Ye Starting from the phenomenon, I searched for other types of examples, and then I saw the conclusions that many experts on the earth have studied and analyzed.

   Speaking of that, Penglai Shanhui Ye was also a princess before anyway. Although it seems that the number of princesses in the capital of the moon is not much, even if the identity of Princess Hui Ye seems to be more special than the average princess, otherwise there will not be so many things that ordinary people on the earth have been saying. On her. The'mind of the moon' who is undoubtedly a very important person in the capital of the moon, Yongyi Lin, will not be a princess and willing to be loyal. Even for Hui Ye, she gave up her status and life on the moon and joined her to protect her from hiding in the fantasy town of the inaccessible on earth.

   It is said that Mengmeng is similar to Penglai Shanhui Ye. They feel like they have a common topic. At least they do not have anything to do with their interests and hobbies. They should still be able to chat and talk a lot.

But in fact, Mengmeng is the kind of character who can say a few words to anyone at home and at school, and she has also tried to contact Penglai Shanhui Ye in the past. There is no girl and Nagato Yuki who likes the real three-no girl to make Hui Ye like it.

   Some people may think that the ‘freshly charged’ breath from inside and outside is probably disliked by the standard otakus like Penglai Shanhui Ye. But don’t forget that Hui Ye is not the kind of poor man who was forced to become a house lady because she was unpopular, unable to integrate into other people’s groups, or even ostracized to avoid social interaction. Although I haven't seen the life of Hui Yeji in the moon capital before, UU read www. But if I heard Ling Xian's memories of various banquets and events during Fantasy Township, I could also know that Hui Ye was not a person who evaded social relations even after he had entered the house in Fantasy Township. On the contrary, because sometimes I feel that I am too social, I want to get in touch with others and take the initiative to hold a banquet and invite everyone to attend.

   In fact, many bystanders and outsiders, together with the lively general, charge the house and the present into two hostile camps, which is itself a nonsense that does not understand the coax.

   A person becomes an otaku or otaku for a variety of reasons. In the widely recognized self-righteousness of ordinary people, they all feel that the reason why a person stays at home is because they are not good at socializing, evading socializing, afraid of socializing, or even unable to integrate into society. In short, it is an incompetent and cowardly performance. They have never understood the real situation of others, and they stand at the height of the winner without permission and contemptuously despise that they hardly label others as the losers. people.

  Even in some news media reports, occasionally there are deeds about people with ‘house’ hobbies that do not match what they believe. But in fact, the group of people who originally wanted to find a sense of superiority to satisfy themselves, how can they seriously pay attention to the things that are likely to discount their superiority?

You said that a person should suddenly know that he has always firmly believed that he is not as good as his own. In fact, he earns more money than himself and has more fun in life than himself. I don’t know when I found a like-minded person who is more beautiful than his yellow-faced woman. His girlfriend... This kind of thing really didn't happen in the bridge section like "Encounter with an old classmate who hasn't seen for many years". Those who can't accept the facts are forced to see the truth again. The vague vampires like Ewen Jielin are the most interesting.

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