Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 430: Rin, what feels weird?

   "I suddenly remembered that you said that Mengmeng made a big sensation when she last came to school. Could it be that she inherited the characteristics of her mother?"

   "Mengmeng's mother? Characteristics? What are you talking about?"

  凛 was a little ignorant about Levi’s sudden jump, and she was not very familiar with Mengmeng, let alone Mengmeng’s mother.

   "Oh, yes, you should not know those things."

   "So what do you want to say?"

   "I mean, Mengmeng's mother and her father are actually not of the same race."

   "You mean, they are all aliens, but not aliens on a planet?"

   "Yes, just like Mengmeng and Yuxi both of them."

   As an absolute idiot in the field of electrical appliances and science, it is not too difficult to understand such simple things. In fact, it is equivalent to human beings of different races, or at least different nations on the earth. Rin understood it this way, but she did not expect that the aliens in the universe are not as different from each other as the people of the earth are. Seriously speaking, some aliens on different planets are even more different than animals of different species on earth. After all, everyone is not the same life form at all. Just like Mengmeng is an alien with a form similar to that of the earth, that is, the "organic life body" originally used by Nagato Yuki to refer to humans. As for Yuki herself, her and Asakura Ryoko, a life composed of ‘information’ that is difficult for humans to understand, the form and principle have nothing in common with humans. It's just that with Lai's mastery of science, Levi will not explain it to her in such a detailed way. Anyway, it's probably enough to understand, Levi wouldn't admit that even if he really asked him to explain, he couldn't explain the half-barrel of water.

   is also strange. Rin is so poor at accepting science, why does she always maintain a good grade in school? In addition to liberal arts, all schools of science are knowledge related to modern science. Mathematics can also be said that it can be used in the study of magic, but how did she get a high score in disciplines such as physical chemistry that conflict with the concept of magic? Does Rin actually use the magic he has mastered to cheat during the exam? Levi remembers that the Yuanban family seems to be a magic family that is better at manipulating small messengers. Maybe Rin started from this aspect, and devised cheating methods that would never be discovered by ordinary people, so as to maintain all the subjects. Record of achievement?

   "What happened to you suddenly, and stopped halfway."

  Rin patted someone's hand on his lap. She naturally wouldn't say that someone's hand moved unconsciously to make her feel weird. However, our proud Miss Misaka Tosaka was very surprised that he did not directly knock Levi's hand away, but just took a picture to wake him up.

   "Oh, it's okay, I was just thinking about which race their mother came from. I haven't been in touch with those things in the universe for a long time. Some of them are not clear."

   Of course Levi could not tell Rin what he had just crossed. In fact, he also felt that the pride of self-esteem was not like the kind of person who would use magic to help himself cheat in the exam. So why even the electric oven is bad enough to get a high score on the physics exam, this becomes a question that can make Levi curious and entangled for a while.

"If I remember correctly, Mengmeng and their mother belong to the race of the Cham tribe, which is very sparse and mysterious in the universe. I remember reading the information before, and there is almost no Cham population left. It’s almost the kind of extinction. The reason why they are so rare is that they are a special ability inherent in the Cham people."

  Although Rin is not much gossip, but this mysterious and mysterious thing is still something in the universe that she had no contact with before. She was still interested in listening. Those who can become masters need hard work in addition to their talents, and those who persist in hard work in the boring and dangerous are often indispensable for strong curiosity and curiosity. Without enough motivation to drive, it is difficult to devote all the year round to magic learning and research.

   Of course, in fact, more magicians internally drive them is the most pure desire. The desire to become stronger can become more desire after becoming stronger. But Rin is definitely not that kind of person. In addition to revitalizing the Yuansaka family, in fact Levi really did not see how much she was keen on the goal, when she studied magic, Levi felt more like her own interest. People like her are generally interested in mysterious and unknown things. Even if it is something that has nothing to do with her own research field.

   "Cham people?"

Rin whispered the name of the race that Levi She can't have any impression of this race naturally. The earth people have not yet publicly contacted any one from other planets. Life form. Even in private occasions, there are very few opportunities to reach aliens. In fact, Rin is considered to be the person with the most contact with aliens on this earth. After all, she has lived with Levi since she was a child, and now lives with alien girls like Eve and Mengmeng and Youxi.

   "Yes, it is the Cham. The character of the Cham is their'beauty'."


   Rin opened his mouth wide and made a strange sound. She had also been thinking about what special abilities that person of the race called Cham would possess. Although this kind of thing can't be thought out by wisdom, many times the human brain can't control all kinds of things like this. But despite his unexpectedness, Levi’s answer was too far away from Rin’s acceptance. Rather than saying that Levi talked too unbelievably, Rin felt that he was joking, but Rin understood that this man should have no such humorous cells...

   "I didn't lie to you or make a joke, and you didn't miss it."

   Levi squeezed his leg lightly. Is it a way for people to try it? Is there a way to dream? Levi certainly did not dare to pinch hard, that is the patent privilege that women have.

"Cham people are the race with the first beauty and sound in the universe, and their beauty is not limited by the difference in aesthetics between different races. That is to say, no matter how gentle men of any race are, they see them After his appearance, he will lose his mind and become a beast... Because of this, other talents regard the beauty of the Cham people as a kind of'ability', rather than a simple inherited appearance."

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