Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 593: what is the problem?

  Nagato Yuki also used ‘anxiety’—well, yes, although at that time, Yuki had no expression and could not hear the mood swings between speeches. But Levi thought he could feel that the emotions at that time were not the same as when he was usually in the SOS group activity room like background furniture.

  Emotionally fluctuating, Yuki tells Levi that she can hardly get information on the level of direct exchange between the body of information integration and the body of thought. Considering that you always emphasize that you don’t have any personal emotions, Youxi is uncharacteristically. If she has a ‘solution’ to the borders outside the world, she should have already taken action already, right?

   In fact, Nagato had hope that she didn’t. At least she told Levi that she had no way or tried any method to avoid overstimulating some Levi in ​​this world who didn’t even know if there was a ‘defense mechanism’.

   "General common enchantment, the purpose is mainly to protect a place or something from being discovered and approached by others. Whether it is a forced passive defense, or a way of actively inducing attacks such as illusion or mental interference."

   is the difference between the hard shell surrounding the armadillo and the thorns on the back of the hedgehog. The two types of enchantment mentioned by Blast generally refer to the two types with very different forms but with the same purpose.

"Either way, the purpose is to isolate the inside and outside of the enchantment. But the enchantment outside the world, although it does have a strong passive defense ability, this made us try hard outside. There is no way to find a gap through this means... However, at the same time as that strong defense, the enchantment seems to lure others in deliberately, somehow leaving some obvious loopholes that can be discovered with a little attention."

  No matter how strong or weak the absolute fighting power is. In terms of'technical industry has specialization', as the main work of investigating, recycling, and managing dimensional interference type prohibited items, to put it bluntly is the dangerous behavior that reaches the dimensional level for various hazards across the world of various dimensions. For the law enforcement judicial organs, the Space and Time Administration is best at undoubtedly the various technologies involving concepts such as dimension and space and time. Otherwise, if they can’t even reach the place where the danger happened, how can they strictly enforce the law? This means that police and military vehicles must be equipped in the best direction. After receiving the report, the police who were unable to reach the scene of the crime scene, even after the outbreak of war, even the soldiers could not reach the frontline army, there was no need to exist.

   "I remember that you just found a loophole and successfully entered?"

   "Well, if it wasn't because the enchantment had a loophole, we were all ready to go back to the bureau to ask for support. With the equipment we had then, there was really no way to make an enchantment."

   Although the winds are generally speaking, the time spent with Levi before is not particularly long. At least in her ten years of life is just a relatively short experience. But there is such a fate between people. Some people have been in the same class since elementary school, but haven't said a few words until high school. But at the same time, maybe these two people met a stranger who asked for directions on the street, but somehow they soon became friends.

   Levi is undoubtedly a person who is very close to these three magical girls with the blast. At the beginning, the chance they knew each other was quite a bit unscientific in the novel. In addition to the magnificent things that have been experienced together in the later period that is not too long... Understanding one person may not be possible in a lifetime, or it may be mastered in an instant.

  The blast had completely and completely understood what kind of person Levi was in just a short time. It is precisely because he knows him very well and believes that he has not changed until now, the girl dare to do so many bold things from yesterday to now... Don’t misunderstand because of certain things. Bold and bold girl.

  Although some aspects of the blast are indeed better than that of Feite and Naye... It is more accurate to be proactive than to be bold. But in the final analysis, after all, she still has a relationship with boys for more than a decade. There are not even a few men of the same age who can be called friends, and she can't be a pure girl!

  A pure little girl like this can do all kinds of arduous ideological struggles that you know how many times you have actually done? If it weren't for the blast, who knew what Levi was like, even if she already had such a mood in her heart, she wouldn't be prepared for that kind of mentality.

Based on the understanding of Levi with the blast, she knew that this man was not interested in those complicated conceptual principles and so So she omitted the detailed explanation and told him directly that Levi's favorite Dialogue way.

"It's really weird. The defense is so strong, so that you all have no barriers, but there are vulnerabilities that are obviously usable. This sounds like a big company that has worked hard for many years. The blockbuster game, as soon as it was launched, was discovered by the player as a BUG that needed to be patched with several G patches."

   Levi is also a living study. A few days ago, he heard that Hui Ye had been talking about a game where he had forgotten his name. Levi came out of Fit's room at that time, and the hallway passed Huiye's room to hear the sound of hitting the floor or knocking on the table and pushed the door in to see. As a result, curiosity finally wasted Levi for an hour and a half, and boredly listened to the history of major bugs after Huiye Tucao’s various games were released.

   says that although Levi has always complained about Huiye's various things. However, as a teacher, he has recently felt a little bit like the bombing-style indoctrination method of Hui Ye, which may have a wonderful effect in the classroom.

  Look, everyone who is familiar with it knows that Levi is a guy with bad memory. He often forgets things that are not too far away, but they are often very important. Even the details of some daily trivial things that happened recently, he often can't remember in a blink of an eye, as if he didn't notice the ground at first.

However, Hui Ye dragged on the hobby of some of the otakus he said all day. Levi not only did not have an interest in studying, and sometimes even consciously wanted to forget them so as not to occupy the less ample storage in his head. space. But in the end, the reality is that the various house knowledge that Hui Ye stuffed into Levi's head he didn't want to remember and remembered clearly.

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