Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Obviously still a European...

Even outside Levi, the ordinary classmates and ordinary teachers in the school who do not know the extraordinary nature of this girl, if you remind them to think about it, it is estimated that it seems that each of them has never doubted that it is too long. Any words that Men Youxi said. Although these teachers and classmates have been talking to this classmate who is always silent for a whole semester, it is limited to handing in homework, examination papers, and other routines in the coursework. But just like Chunyuan Yangping suddenly hurried into the class and told someone that the teacher called him to go to the office, the student who was'summoned' might doubt whether Chunyuan was kidding himself. This is never the case when you have a chance to grow up. Even if there is a possibility that you may be notified of something that is even more unlikely, such as the beautiful and noble principal, telling a boy to go to the woods behind the gym after school Find her. This kind of obscenity that you know is better than a daydream. If you want to say it, maybe the boy will really believe it, squeezing his heartbeat of more than 150, and after school, in the woods behind the school Wait here, wait until the sun goes down, until the nocturnal animals are out for food, and they will not give up.

   This is not the kind of credible theory. Even the most honest student in the class, let him do that kind of thing, others will only treat him as a bad prank that the honest person occasionally comes up with. On the contrary, it is the San Wu girl like Nagato Yuki, which probably accounts for the beauty of beautiful girls on the one hand, and the appearance of San Wu on the other hand, it gives people a kind of inertial cognition of "no joke", right? Although Xiye does not joke, she thinks that Sanwu girls are all like her, and one day they will suffer a big loss.

   "It's really good luck at that Haruhi Temple."

   Levi's tone is not without envy. Although he is the kind of standard person who has no gambling mentality at all. He wouldn't buy a lottery ticket when he passed by the lottery agency, thinking that one day he might be lucky to hit the middle prize. When I went out with friends, I went to a city where the gambling was legal. I also tried to change my chips and try my luck at playing the same gambling machine as the game machine.

   is not because Levi is not very human, and this is not the desire for money. Even in his various missions and actions that are different from ordinary people, he always prefers the situation of being ten-in-nine and stable.

   Collect enough information before the operation, and find a professional for detailed analysis. Making a foolproof plan before acting, this is Levi’s most ideal ‘working state’.

  Although in reality it is almost impossible to be foolproof. Even if Levy has a pair of hands with that kind of marksmanship, do you have to hang out on the roadside with snacks, and accidentally shake your hands and fall to the ground?

   There are many situations in the complex and chaotic scene that cannot be predicted by careful preparation. Levi can only do as much precautions as possible in order to maximize his advantages and maximize his own safety.

   Saying a tacky and secondary word. A person's life is not necessarily his own. Only the kind of people who really don’t care can give up their lives for what. Such a feat, Levi, is unlikely to be possible in this life. It's not that he boasted of pride, that he valued people who valued his need for him. Just for the people around him, Levi must also ensure his safety, which is also to prevent them from being hurt.

   "Since she is so lucky, it is estimated that the selected date should be similar to the departure date of our family?"

   "The probability is not too low. Consider adding past historical references, which is very likely."

  Nagato has the hope that, unlike before, he always reported very detailed measured values. She knew that Levi had little idea of ​​those numbers, just as she still had no clear clue as to how her various emotions for humans happened. Rather than telling Levi what he didn't understand, it was a headache for him to tell him the simple result directly. This is also a characteristic of human beings that we do not understand. Many of them do not care about the cause and process, but only want to know the final result. As for the thought body of information integration, the result is an observable fact. Compared with the facts already visible, the factors that lead to this fact are what they are interested in and want to discover. Just like their attitude towards Haruhi Suzumiya.

   "This is actually the so-called dream come true? People with this ability are really happy, but it is a pity that some people are in the blessing and do not know the blessing."

Levi looked at the surrounding environment and found that the two had unknowingly walked to a more remote street in the central the place has not yet been separated from the core of the central area from the location, it is due to the station The nearby commercial district is too prosperous, but it has formed a similar effect of'blood-sucking' to these areas not far away. Although the reason for this situation is mainly because the "active consumer population" on the Central District and even the whole school island is low.

  In fact, simply looking at the total population, the population on this island cannot actually be considered small. If the uninhabited mountains and forests in the south of the island are removed, the calculated population density can be ranked relatively high in the world's large cities. Calculating the population density of the Central District alone is also a considerable figure.

  However, even if the island has a large population, it may prevent the island's population composition from being too special. In fact, the consumption capacity of the Central District of Xueyuan Island is far less than that of an external large city with the same population density. Even the data of some big cities in developing countries can't compare.

   First of all, the student-dominated population constitutes that there will not be much room for high-end consumer survival on this island. Aristocratic schools like Baihuang College are rare in the entire Central District. The rich second generation of that level is only a handful of people on this island. Not to mention that even the wealthy second generation of the family is rich, many of the family education will not teach them to live a life of luxury and desire at this age.

  Excluding high-end consumption, the more ordinary level of consumer goods and service industries will also reduce the normal income level due to the frugal living habits of international students living alone.

   More importantly, the group of students has strict time schedules. Most students who treat their studies more seriously, even after school on weekdays, rarely spend too much on the outside.

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