“[Sasuke Uchiha] character card, use !!!”

In the face of the opponent of the general level, Nan Hao no longer had any reservations, and immediately opened his mouth in his heart, and directly sent out the hole card of his strongest one.

“Ding! The host uses the [Uchiha Sasuke] character card, and the [Uchiha Sasuke] character card is in use… Random [Sasuke Uchiha] used during the period… Bite! 【Sasuke Uchiha】The character card is completed randomly. ”

“Ding! The period when the host randomly used [Uchiha Sasuke] is the period of the Fourth Ninja World War. ”

“The Fourth Shinobi War Period ?!!”

Hearing this, Nan Hao was taken aback, and his heart was even more furious, you must know that the fourth Ninja World War period was when Uchiha Sasuke’s strength was the strongest.

No matter how the strength is said, it is at least a shadow level, and if you expand the strongest strength, it is not too much to say that you can reach the super shadow level.

But in any case, against a Klee frame with a strength similar to the level of a general, it is more than enough to poke.

This hole card is very strong!

At this time, the voice of the system sounded again, “The host can already use all of Sasuke Uchiha during this period, but because the host’s current strength is weak, it cannot withstand the load on the body caused when using [Susanoo], and this ability is removed.” ”

“[Uchiha Sasuke] character card, use time: two hours.”

Almost at the moment when the sound of the system fell, Nan Hao only felt that it seemed that a hot stream of ferrets rushed into his body, and then his cheeks became hot, a feeling of heat surfaced in his heart, and there was a slight tingling sensation in his eyes, and Nan Hao couldn’t help but close his eyes.

However, this feeling only lasted for a second before disappearing, and Nan Hao’s face returned to normal.

Clenching his fist, Nan Hao only felt that his fist was filled with inexhaustible power, and then opened his eyes, only to see that in the pupils of his eyes, two crimson six-wheeled stars slowly rotated.

As soon as his mind moved, a white curtain of light appeared in front of his eyes.

Host: Nam Ho.

World: Pirate World. (The next world is to open…) )

Points: [38700/100000].

Combat effectiveness: rear admiral. (Only for the combat power achieved after mutation.) )


[Gravitational Hand]: Advanced level. Available skills: [Gravitational Bond], [Gravitational Storm], [Repulsion Shield].

Naval Type VI (full level 10).

[Shav]: Grade [LV-6].

[Moon Step]: Level [LV-5].

[Arashi Foot]: Level [LV-6], Skill: [Spinning Hidden Slash].

[Iron]: Grade [LV-6].

Items: [Spacetime Capsule], [Ring of Time], [Charm Card of the Opposite Sex].

Number of mutations: 0.

【Sasuke Uchiha】Character Card Attributes:

Period: The Fourth Shinobi World War period (Double Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan period).


Fire: [Hao Fireball Art] and so on.

Lei Dun: [Chidori] and so on.

Illusion: [Monthly Reading], etc.

Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan: [Amaterasu], [Yandun Kagu Tomei], [Susanoo] (unlocked), etc.

Psychic: [Ten Thousand Snakes] and so on.

Use time: two hours.

“Can’t I use [Susano]?! But that’s enough. ”

As soon as the words fell, Nan Hao’s eyes suddenly shot out a fine light, and his whole person was not angry and self-threatening, his hands were behind him, majestic, and an otherworldly sense of ethereal swept through his body.

At this time, if a woman saw it, she would definitely scream for him and cover her face and feel ashamed.

“Huh! Boy, how do I feel that you have changed as a person? Frightened by my terrifying prowess? ”

At this time, the Klee frame slowly came out with a hint of playful sound, the smoke and dust had long dispersed, and he also came to Nan Hao’s side not far away.

“Do you see that I have changed?” Nan Hao looked at the Klee frame and said with a smile.

The moment Keli stood on Shangnanhao’s gaze, a feeling of shock suddenly arose in his heart, as if his body was completely empty, and there was no secret to hide.

“That kid is obviously so weak, but what’s with this creepy red gaze?”

“Regardless of him, an ant is still an ant after all, even if he is dying and showing a murderous gaze, he will still step me to death.”

Flicking the bulky helmet, Klee no longer thought about it, set up the big sword in his hand, swayed his body and rushed towards Nan Hao again, raising the sword to his eyebrows

“Boy, if you don’t hand over the devil fruit, you will give Lao Tzu death!” With a low roar, a sword quickly pierced in.

Nan Hao was calm and calm, without any intention of dodging, but smiled faintly, and said faintly: “Kelijian, have you experienced the feeling of being beaten by an angry BIGMOM?” ”

“Beaten by your mother?!”

“What does this guy mean by that?!”

Hearing this, Klee was shocked in his heart, he had experienced his mother’s anger, and every time he thought about it, he remembered it, and after that time, he never wanted to see his angry mother again, because it was too terrifying.

“No, from the beginning, this guy seems to be saying something strange that I can’t understand, and he must have used this to confuse me, make me let my guard down, and then sneak up on me.”

The more Klee thought about it, the clearer he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his thinking was right, and he immediately roared, no longer paying attention to Nan Hao’s words, and stabbed the sword violently.

Nan Hao smiled lightly, and then his gaze froze, and the two six-pointed stars in his pupils suddenly turned rapidly, and then he drank low

“Monthly Reading !!!”

(Well, there are too many abilities about Sasuke, I’m afraid I’ll write them all, you think I’m counting water words, so I only picked a few to write a little, but the ninjutsu that was not written will be used later, don’t be weird.) )

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