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Wano Country is located in the second half of the Great Passage, that is… New world.

Wano Country was one of the 20 founding countries of the world

The legendary hometown of the dragon warrior Ryoma is a closed country, which never receives outsiders or joins the world government, and even naval ships cannot enter.

The country’s inhabitants used to wear old-fashioned kimono clothing, communicate with others in a more traditional tone, and refer to swordsmen with strong martial arts as “samurai”, and the supreme leader of Wano Country as “shogun”

The extremely “” evil child of the future, Mitsuki Momonosuke was born in this country.

Of course……

Now he can’t come into this world.


The country of Wa.

The closed door is open at the moment.

It must be the reason why the Sword Debate Conference is about to be held.


A figure landed lightly in front of the gate.

This person is none other than Nan Hao.

“Wano Country is really a bit far away.”

Nan Hao didn’t know exactly how long he had been flying in the air, the only thing that was certain was that time should go on.

“No matter, let’s go ahead and see the situation, anyway… Even if the sword conference starts, as long as it does not end, it is not a big problem, after all, even if I miss the game, I can still … Rob. ”

After experiencing so much, in this world where the strong are respected, he can be regarded as completely understanding that survival of the fittest, only the strong can run amok in this world.

The Whitebeard Pirates are strong, so no one dares to provoke, and the end of daring to provoke him is… Destroy the entire headquarters of the Navy.

Now Nan Hao too.

Just like Karp said, Nan Hao is going to demonstrate now, to let others … Don’t dare to provoke him easily, or even dare not provoke.

The position of the four emperors is undoubtedly a good choice.

But the most important thing right now is the three devil fruits, and you must get your hands on them.

Come to think of it.

Nan Hao exhaled and walked towards the gate of the country of Wano, to this place where he came again after many years.


Two large knives stood in front of Nan Hao, sealing his way forward.

“Stay and show your passtoken.”

A guard asked.

“You can only enter with a peer token, isn’t it possible for anyone to participate?”

“Or do you say… What other significance is there? ”

Mentor Nanhao was a little puzzled, but he was also lazy, and said flatly: “I don’t, I’m not allowed to enter?!” ”

Speaking of this, Nan Hao’s tone became colder.

“Of course not, judging by your travel, you should also come to participate in the Sword Discussion Conference, except for me and the people of the country, only those who participate in the competition can enter.”

“And to make sure that someone fishes in troubled waters, I hope that Mr. can go to a hut on the left to confirm the information and get the pass token.”

“It’s not far, half an hour walk.”

A guard said lightly, in his opinion, there is no need for respect for guys without a pass token, maybe it is a punk from where, who wants to sneak in and fish in troubled waters.

Half an hour?

Hearing this, Nan Hao’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, this half an hour, he didn’t want to waste it, and… There is no need to waste.

“So, do you have a passtoken?”

Nan Hao asked calmly.

“Drink, are you questioning our identity?!”

The guard said disdainfully.

Nan Hao’s head was slightly tilted, and he had an undeniable expression, as if to say, you may not have.

“Cut, keep my eyes open.”

The guard took out a token from his arms and shook it in front of Nan Hao’s eyes with a proud expression.

However, at the moment when the peer token appeared.


Nan Hao’s eyes flashed purple.

Next second.

“Bang! Bang! ”

The two guards fell in response.

At the same time, two identical companion tokens appeared in Nan Hao’s hand, one put into the Ring of Time and Space, and the other was placed on his waist, and he walked straight in.

Just entered the gate, empty, but ten meters away there was a door.

However, this door was not guarded, so Nan Hao pushed the door open and walked in.

Looking around, there were all crowds wearing kimonos, and Nan Hao, who was walking on the street, looked a little different in his clothes, but he didn’t seem to care about him.

As for the reason, it is also inseparable from this sword conference.

Originally, everyone minded, but when more people came, they were not surprised.

Nan Hao roughly swept around, this is a lot of shops and restaurants, it should belong to the urban area, that is to say, the place where the Sword Discussion Conference was held, it is impossible to hold it here.

After all, there is no shadow of the sword, and there is great insecurity.

“You can’t blindly search, or ask the pirates as soon as possible, the effect may be better.”

Looking around the street, Nan Hao saw a pirate with his back to him and staring at the door that came in was in a corner, and without much thought, his body shook and came to him.

“Hey, ask you…”

“Captain Nanhao!”

And just as Nan Hao opened his mouth to ask, the latter shouted out happily.

“Fude, why are you here?!”

Nan Hao obviously didn’t expect that Fu would appear here.

“Captain, I’ve been waiting for you, the white-haired captain has already arranged a place to stay, let me wait for you here, and take you over as soon as I see you.”

Fude said with a smile, his face even more respectful.

For Nan Hao, he is absolutely respectful and reverent, and he regards it as his goal, not to mention transcendence, at least the pillar of continuous progress, the direction of alignment.

“Okay, then take me there.”

Nan Hao nodded.

“All right, Captain!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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