The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Coach, what about us?"

Several instructors had complicated expressions. They wanted to say something, but they kept their mouths shut.

As instructors, most of them were selected from the military. As soldiers, they deeply understood one truth, that is, obeying orders.

Although they felt that if they went all out, Qin Feng and others would not be able to resist the pressure of their momentum, but at this time, Lin Chong, the chief coach, had already spoken, and they could only choose to obey orders.

Soon, under their control, the momentum surrounding the high platform dissipated instantly.

And Qin Feng and the other four felt relieved instantly, but before they could react.


A momentum that was ten times stronger than before appeared and pressed down fiercely on them.

Lin Chong, whose body was floating in the air, looked down, and his deep eyes fell on Qin Feng and the other four. I don't know what he was thinking.

Facing the pressure of momentum far exceeding that before, even Qin Feng felt a strong sense of oppression at this time, and his body began to tremble slightly.

Without the slightest hesitation, he began to activate the spiritual power in his body, and in an instant, a dark energy surged out of his body.

With the resistance of spiritual power, Qin Feng instantly felt the pressure on his body drop suddenly. He gradually stabilized his body, and then took a deep breath, raised his feet and continued to walk forward.

On the other side, Jiang Yu and the other three also began to use their spiritual power. Jiang Yu was surrounded by light blue energy, and a strong chill emanated from her body.

And the man next to him had thick blue arcs on his body.

Although Jiang Yu and the other two had already begun to use their spiritual power to the fullest, they could only barely stabilize their bodies in the face of the pressure of this momentum, and could not continue to move forward like Qin Feng.

And the last Fang Yu's body was wrapped in a black energy. Like Qin Feng, he was still moving forward, but at this time, it can be seen that he also showed a solemn look on his face.

"Those two people are still moving their bodies!"

At this time, the students who had collapsed on the ground all set their eyes on Qin Feng and Fang Yu, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in their eyes.

To them, everyone is a genius, why can you two still stand, while we can only lie on the ground and can't even move.

For a moment, everyone was stimulated.

"It's not the limit yet!"

"God-level supernatural power, let me see how far you can go!"

Lin Chong in the air set his eyes on Qin Feng and Fang Yu, and then the next moment.


A more powerful aura than before surged out of his body and pressed down fiercely on Qin Feng and the other two.

Instantly, the moment they came into contact with this aura, their bodies began to tremble violently.


At this time, Lin Chong seemed to intend to completely stop the two, so before they could react, another aura fell fiercely.


At the same time, a beast roar rose on the scene, and black spiritual power flashed on Fang Yu's body at this time, and a huge beast shadow shaped like a rhinoceros covered his body, and the roar came from the beast shadow's mouth.

God-level beast transformation ability, black rhinoceros!

Although the rhinoceros phantom was summoned, Fang Yu's body was still shaking at this time, as if he would fall to the ground at any time.

"Open the door, open!"

On the other side, Qin Feng instantly opened the first gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, and suddenly an invisible airflow appeared around him.

However, under the pressure of that powerful aura, the airflow began to tremble like a candle in the wind, as if it would be extinguished at any time.

"Xiumen, open!"

Without any hesitation, Qin Feng's spiritual power surged and the Xiumen opened.

Qin Feng, who opened two doors in a row, barely resisted the pressure of this aura, and his trembling body gradually began to stabilize.


"Who is this guy!"

"It's okay that Fang Yu can block it, after all, he awakened a god-level ability, but who is this guy, who can actually be on par with Fang Yu!"

For a moment, many students trembled in their hearts, and their eyes were full of disbelief when they looked at Qin Feng.

"It's just a god-level ability, not just one person has it!"

Su Yu and others from Chuan City looked at Qin Feng in the front, their eyes full of excitement, as if they were the ones standing there.


There was Wei Hu, who was lying on the ground at this moment, with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

"God-level heterochromia, it's so strong!"

At this moment, Fang Yu, who was shaking, also showed a touch of surprise on his face. Although he still had a trump card that he hadn't used, his body had almost reached its limit. Even if he used the trump card, he could only stabilize his body at most, which was not very meaningful.

His eyes fell on Qin Feng. At this moment, he also wanted to see how far Qin Feng could go.

Not only him, at this moment, all the instructors on the high platform also focused their eyes on Qin Feng, and surprise and expectation appeared in their eyes at the same time.


Without paying attention to the gazes of the crowd, Qin Feng took a deep breath, his eyes slightly condensed, and in an instant, his dark eyes turned scarlet, and three black magatama slowly flowed in his blood eyes.

Qin Feng, who opened his Sharingan, burst out with pupil power, which merged with the spiritual power in his body.

Then, in full view of the crowd, he slowly raised one foot and then dropped it. Although the movement was extremely slow, his body actually moved forward one step.


In an instant, the whole place was silent, and all ten instructors showed incredible expressions on their faces.

"Losing a game at the beginning is not a good sign!"

Looking at Qin Feng's back, Fang Yu said in his heart, and a strong fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Lin Chong's face in the air was also slightly moved, but he quickly hid it.

At this time, he was also extremely shocked in his heart, but as a master and the head coach, he could never show it.

"Then I'll add some more to you!"

In an instant, the already extremely terrifying momentum began to rise at a terrifying speed at this moment. Under the bombardment of this momentum, it seemed that even the sky was about to be torn apart.


The violent momentum crushed the surroundings of the platform. In an instant, Fang Yu, who had just tried to stabilize his body, fell to the ground with a bang, and the huge rhino phantom on his body was also defeated in an instant.

Qin Feng also felt an extremely strong sense of oppression in an instant. The infinite impact force fell from the sky, as if he was going to crush him directly.

At this moment, Qin Feng's body began to tremble uncontrollably, as if he would fall to the ground in the next moment.

But at this moment, a strong and strange energy surged out of his body, and the three black magatama in his scarlet eyes rotated rapidly, and then gathered into a black triangular windmill pattern.

The Mangekyo Sharingan opened, and the powerful pupil power surged out crazily, combining with the spiritual power in the body to resist this terrifying sense of oppression.

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