Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 3059 You can’t hurt me!

Ling Yun felt a sharp pain in his ears. The demonic sound attack hit his soul directly, making his body feel weak for an instant.

You can't just continue to be affected by this magic sound, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

He quickly cast a spell in an attempt to ward off the magic sound.

I saw a transparent shield appearing next to him. The shield was covered with lines, and each line shone with blue light.

The magic sound hit the shield and made a loud noise, but the shield was not destroyed, but became brighter and brighter.

When Tian Wuhen and Mosai saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a cold sweat for Ling Yun.

"Ling Yun, are you okay?"

Tian Wuhen shouted.

Ling Yun smiled slightly: "It's okay, this attack can't hurt me."

After hearing Ling Yun's answer, Tian Wuhen and Mosai breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry Phantom also seemed to feel Ling Yun's strength, and it began to fight Ling Yun more carefully.

Ling Yun no longer held back. He used all his divine power to prepare for a powerful attack.

He clasped his hands together and began to chant a spell.

Then, his body began to glow, and the light became brighter and brighter until his entire body was surrounded by light.

Seeing this scene, Harry's phantom was obviously a little scared. It quickly retreated, trying to avoid Ling Yun's attack.

But Ling Yun didn't give it a chance to escape. He suddenly waved his hand, and a huge ball of light flew out of his palm and headed straight for Harry's phantom.

Although Harry Phantom wanted to avoid it, the speed of the light ball was so fast that it arrived in front of Harry Phantom almost in the blink of an eye.

The ball of light collided with Harry's phantom, instantly creating a strong explosion.

The entire ruins were enveloped by the energy of the explosion, forming a huge circle of light.

Tian Wuhen and Mosai were hit by the energy and flew out. They quickly stabilized their bodies and then looked at Ling Yun with concern.

Ling Yun stood there, although his face looked a little pale, but overall he was not seriously hurt.

He looked at Harry's phantom and found that it had been severely damaged by the attack of the light ball, with black smoke coming out of its body and it was still trembling.

But what is surprising is that it did not fall down, but instead let out a thundering roar, and its entire body began to glow with a dazzling red light.

Ling Yun saw this scene and knew that Harry Phantom was casting some kind of powerful spell.

He did not dare to neglect and immediately prepared to defend.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed color above the ruins, and a red cloud began to gather.

There were thunder and lightning in the clouds, and streaks of lightning were like dragons, hovering among them.

Tian Wuhen sighed: "This is...the wrath of thunder!

It's an ancient and powerful spell. I didn't expect Harry Phantom to master this kind of attack. "

Ling Yun took a deep breath, knowing that the next battle would be even more difficult.

He began to recite the spell, and a huge shield appeared around his body. The shield was covered with purple runes, and each rune shone with mysterious brilliance.

The energy of Thunder's Fury gradually gathered, and then bolts of lightning struck the ground from the red clouds. Each bolt of lightning had the power to destroy everything.

Although Ling Yun's shield was powerful, it still seemed very fragile in the face of the wrath of thunder. Bolts of lightning struck the shield, causing the shield to tremble continuously, as if it would be shattered at any time.

Tian Wuhen and Mosai were very worried when they saw this scene.

Mosai shouted: "Ling Yun, you have to be careful. This thunderous wrath is not trivial. You must find a way to deal with it as soon as possible!"

Ling Yun knew that the situation was serious, so he decided to try a new spell.

He clasped his hands together and began to recite an ancient mantra.

As his spells grew louder, his body began to glow with a golden light.

This light formed a sharp contrast with the red fury of thunder. The two powerful energies collided in the air, producing a huge explosion.

Harry Phantom was obviously a little surprised when he saw Ling Yun's attack.

It did not expect Ling Yun to have such a powerful spell.

But it did not give up, but instead increased the power of Thunder's Fury.

Ling Yun felt the increase in power and knew that he could not resist it with his current spells alone.

He decided to change his strategy and start casting another spell.

I saw him spreading his hands, and countless small golden arrows flew out from his palms.

These small arrows flew in the air, and then gathered into a huge golden arrow, heading straight for Harry's phantom.

Harry Phantom was caught off guard by this sudden attack, and the golden arrow penetrated its body directly, causing it to suffer considerable damage.

But the battle was not over. Although Harry's phantom was injured, it still refused to give up and prepared to unleash the fury of thunder again.

However, this time its attack target is no longer Lingyun, but the core of the ruins - the huge spar.

Ling Yun was shocked when he saw this scene.

Tian Wuhen also saw the purpose of Harry's phantom, and he hurriedly shouted: "Ling Yun, stop it quickly!"

Ling Yun nodded. He knew that time was tight and he could no longer hesitate.

I saw that his body began to glow. This light was different from the previous golden light. This time it was a dark blue light.

The dark blue light formed a huge vortex around Ling Yun's body. This vortex was full of powerful attraction, and even the thunderous fury of Harry's phantom was attracted into it.

Harry Phantom didn't seem to expect that Ling Yun would have such a powerful spell. After its thunderous fury was absorbed by the vortex, it seemed a little confused.

Ling Yun took the opportunity to cast another spell, called "Starfall".

He clenched his hands, then pushed them out suddenly, and countless stars fell from the sky, each of which was powerful and rushed straight to Harry Phantom.

Harry Phantom was caught off guard by this sudden attack. Although it tried to dodge, there were too many stars and the speed was too fast, and it was soon enveloped by them.

A huge explosion sounded, and the entire ruins trembled.

Tian Wuhen and Mosai were blown away by the energy, but they quickly stabilized their bodies and looked at Ling Yun with concern.

Ling Yun stood in place, and although his face looked a little pale, he was not hurt too much overall.

He looked at Harry Phantom and found that it had been severely damaged by the "Starfall" attack, but it still did not give up and was preparing to launch the final attack.

Ling Yun knew that he could not give Harry Phantom any chance, so he began to prepare for the final blow.

He took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Mosai, Tian Wuhen, let's attack together!"

Tian Wuhen and Mosai responded and each cast their strongest spells.

Three different energies met in the air, forming a huge ball of light, heading straight for Harry Phantom.

Although Harry Phantom was powerful, it seemed a little overwhelmed by the combined attack of three people.

It kept trying to escape, but the speed of the ball of light was too fast and it enveloped it in an instant.

Harry Phantom's offensive was indeed gradually weakening, and the red light on its body began to dim.

Each attack was no longer as fierce as before, and it was obviously damaged.

Mosai felt very uncomfortable when he saw this scene.

He looked at the figure in front of him who was once his best friend, and his eyes were moist.

He sighed softly and murmured: "Harry, why are you like this..."

Tian Wuhen saw Mosai's appearance and felt quite sympathetic in his heart.

He walked to Mo Sai, patted his shoulder gently, and comforted him: "Mo Sai, I know you feel bad, but Harry is no longer the same as before.

What you see is just his phantom, the product of his demonization.

If we don't defeat it, the real Harry will never be rescued."

Mo Sai took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

He looked at Ling Yun and said: "I know you are right, but I really can't bear to do it.

Although this phantom is not the real Harry, I am still so familiar with its demeanor."

Ling Yun looked at Mo Sai with a very serious expression: "Mo Sai, we can't delay important things because of personal feelings now.

Only by defeating this demonized phantom can we find the real Harry and free him from this pain."

Mo Sai took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

He knew Ling Yun was right, and he couldn't hesitate any longer.

Harry's phantom seemed to have sensed the determination of Ling Yun and Mo Sai. It roared and began to gather the remaining energy in its body, preparing for the final counterattack.

Harry Phantom's "Dark Wave" is powerful, like a black hole that absorbs everything around it.

Once you are sucked in by this force, it is very likely that you will never be able to get out again.

Tian Wuhen and Mosai also felt the horror of this attraction, but they did not give up, but increased the output.

However, under Lingyun's continuous spells, Harry Phantom's "Dark Wave" actually began to rebound, and the energy originally absorbed gradually dissipated.

Seeing this, Mosai quickly chanted a spell and hammered Harry Phantom with the "Thunder Hammer".

This hammer was extremely powerful, and the power of thunder gathered at one point, directly hitting Harry Phantom's chest.

Tian Wuhen was not to be outdone, and cast "Ice Thousand Blades", and countless ice blades fell from the sky, shooting at Harry Phantom like hail.

The attacks of the three people arrived almost at the same time. Harry's phantom was beaten badly. Cracks appeared on its body, and crackling sounds came from the cracks, like the sound of glass breaking.

"End it!"

Ling Yun shouted, and used all his strength to perform "Flip the World" again.

Under the impact of the powerful divine power, the cracks of Harry's phantom became larger and larger. Finally, the whole body began to crack like a broken ceramic.

With a loud bang, Harry's phantom was completely shattered and turned into a ball of black smoke, which was then absorbed by Ling Yun's "Flip the World" and completely dissipated in the air.

The entire ruins suddenly became quiet, with only the sound of the wind and the panting of the three people.

At this moment, there seemed to be some more powerful magic circle hidden under the altar, emitting a few blue lights from time to time, giving people a weird and mysterious feeling.

"Harry, he must be here!"

Mosai quickly walked to the altar, pinched his fingers and began to cast a spell, hoping to break the magic circle and find Harry.

However, when his divine power touched the altar, a strong rebound force instantly surged out, directly bounced him out and fell heavily to the ground.


Tian Wuhen screamed and rushed to help him up.

Ling Yun walked to the altar, concentrated and observed for a moment, then began to chant a spell, and divine power flowed in his hands.

He was trying to analyze the operating principle of this magic circle.

After a while, Ling Yun stopped the spell, turned to Tian Wuhen and Mosai and said: "This is an extremely complex sealing array. It uses the four major laws of the Hunyuan world to seal it. I guess it is to protect or To imprison something.

However, simple attacks cannot break it. "

Mosai asked anxiously: "Then what should we do? I can feel Harry is here!"

Ling Yun pondered for a moment, then continued: "I think this magic circle should have a switch or trigger mechanism. If we find that mechanism, we can unlock the seal and enter the altar."

Tian Wuhen clenched his fists: "Then let's find him quickly, we can't let Harry suffer anymore."

Mosai nodded, but asked worriedly: "Ling Yun, you said that this magic circle utilizes the four laws, so will opening it cause any catastrophe?"

Ling Yun said seriously: "I'm not sure about this, but we have to take the risk and give it a try.

Moreover, I think the existence of this magic circle is a threat in itself, and we cannot let it continue to exist. "

Tian Wuhen and Mosai nodded in agreement.

In a corner of the ruins, Ling Yun discovered a strange stone tablet. The stone tablet was engraved with some ancient runes. There was a bottomless divine power hidden in the runes.

Ling Yun used his divine power to explore the stone tablet, and then said to Tian Wuhen and Mosai: "I found it, this should be the switch of the altar!"

However, when their divine power came into contact with the stone tablet, the runes on the stone tablet suddenly flashed, releasing a powerful backlash force. The three of them were instantly mercilessly knocked out by the backlash force.

Ling Yun and the others were knocked back several steps, and blood spilled from their mouths.

The sealing circle didn't seem to be easily broken, and its protective power was stronger than the three expected.

Ling Yun licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and thought for a moment.

He shook the dust sword in his hand and began to chant another mysterious spell. Divine power rolled around him, forming a huge magic circle totem.

The totem resonated with the sealing array on the altar, and the divine power between the two began to collide fiercely.

The air was filled with purple-green arcs, as if time and space were distorted by the impact.

"Ling Yun, what are you..."

Tian Wuhen exclaimed.

Ling Yun took a deep breath and said, "This is the 'Heaven-Splitting Array'.

Specifically used to crack some complex magic circles.

However, it requires huge divine power to perform this formation, and I may only have one chance. "

The three of them joined forces, with a sea of ​​divine power, and instantly formed a huge magic circle totem. There were various strange runes on the totem, and each rune contained powerful power of law.

With the input of the three people's divine power, the totem became brighter and brighter, until finally, it suddenly crashed into the sealing circle of the altar.

A huge roar sounded, and the entire ruins were shaking. Smoke and dust were everywhere, as if the sky was falling apart.

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