Awakening the Eternal Heaven-Swallowing Art

Chapter 458 Imperial Capital, Fengjing!

"This is the Black Dragon Army camp, not the Ancient City. If you use such dirty tricks, I can only tell you that you have come to the wrong place."

Yang Zhenwu said with a gloomy face: "Goodbye, I won't see you off!"

He knew that the powerful in this world were extremely dark, and there were countless similar things.

But these people in the Ancient City shouldn't run to him and be mean. Do they treat him, the great general of the empire, as a decoration?

Ren Yaoguang and the old man Jueyin waited, their faces were extremely ugly.

It's a pity that they also knew that today's action had failed.

Yang Zhenwu was already driving them away. If they refused to leave, the ending would definitely not be good.


When everyone in the Ancient City walked out, Ling Yun's cold voice sounded.

Feeling the fierce killing intent from Ling Yun, the old man Jueyin was not afraid and sneered: "Why, Ling Yun, you still want to kill me? Today, I represent the Ancient City of Desolation and am considered the envoy of the Ancient City of Desolation.

If you dare to kill me here, not only will you completely offend the Ancient City of Desolation, but you will also drag the Black Dragon Army into the water. Do you dare?"

Ling Yun looked at him: "I really don't dare."

Hearing this, the old man Jueyin laughed and walked out proudly.

The other people in the Ancient City of Desolation also laughed.

So what if Ling Yun is a genius? He was clearly framed by them, but he didn't dare to do anything to them and could only watch them leave.

After a while, the old man Jueyin came to the gate of the Black Dragon Army camp and stepped out.

Just when the old man Jueyin just walked out of the camp gate, Ling Yun took action.


Flying sword technique.

A fierce sword light broke through the air.

The old man Jueyin never thought that Ling Yun would dare to kill him.

Ling Yun's words earlier made him careless, thinking that Ling Yun really didn't dare to attack him, so he was completely unprepared.


Suddenly, Ling Yun's flying sword shot into the back of the old man Jueyin without any hindrance.

The old man Jueyin turned his head and stared at Ling Yun in disbelief.

Ling Yun said calmly: "In the Black Dragon Army camp, I didn't dare to kill you because I was afraid of implicating the Black Dragon Army, but now that you are out of the Black Dragon Army camp, then it's my own business if I kill you."

"How dare you."

"Ling Yun, you are looking for death."

Ren Yaoguang and other people from the Ancient City were all furious.

Ling Yun was openly killing the envoy of the Ancient City and provoking the majesty of the Ancient City.


At this time, Yang Zhenwu snorted coldly, "Whatever you want to do, you can do it in the Black Dragon Army camp, but if you dare to step into it, you will be punished by military law."

Hearing this, the faces of everyone in the Ancient City flushed instantly.

Not everyone can master the long-range attack method of "flying sword technique". If they want to deal with Ling Yun, they must get close.

But how could they get close to Ling Yun without entering the Black Dragon Army camp?

Obviously, Yang Zhenwu was protecting Ling Yun.

The old man Jueyin, who was already fatally injured, was furious when he heard what Yang Zhenwu said. He vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Not long after, his breath was cut off.

The old man Jueyin was a half-step martial saint, and it was not so easy to die.

But he was severely injured by Ling Yun yesterday, and his injuries had not recovered. Now his heart was pierced, so he could not support it anymore.

"General Yang, I will report today's events to the city lord truthfully."

Ren Yaoguang said with a gloomy face.

"Very good, when you report to City Lord Chen, please pass on a message for me, saying that although Yang is not as good as him, he is not a fool who allows him to play tricks."

Yang Zhenwu said coldly.

Feeling Yang Zhenwu's murderous intention, Ren Yaoguang shuddered, did not dare to stay any longer, and left quickly.

After the people from Huanggu City left, Zhao Qier said, "General, Ling Yun killed the envoy from Huanggu City, will it be okay?"

Yang Zhenwu sneered, "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Huanggu City should have given an explanation for slandering Ling Yun this time. The death of this old man Jueyin is just right. Chen Yulou can't say anything."

Zhao Qier and others were relieved immediately.

Afterwards, Yang Zhenwu looked at Ling Yun and smiled, "Master Ling, well done."

He is a soldier, and he likes people who are decisive and quick in killing.

Before, he thought Ling Yun was going to let Jueyin go, and he was a little unhappy.

In his opinion, a real man should repay kindness and revenge. If there is hatred, but he is afraid of power and dare not take revenge, he will look down on it.

But now it seems that Ling Yun is better than he thought.

Ling Yun not only wants to take revenge, but also takes a way not to drag down others.

"Haha, Master Ling did a great job."

"This kind of shady guy deserves to die."

"Old Man Jueyin? Just from the name, he is not a good guy. It's a good killing."

The soldiers around cheered for Ling Yun.

"Thank you, General Yang, thank you, all the soldiers."

Ling Yun bowed.

He found that the Black Dragon Army was really good to him.

On the way, with the protection of the Black Dragon Army, Ling Yun did not encounter any obstacles.

Three days later.

The team arrived at the outskirts of the capital of Da Zhou smoothly.

"The army cannot enter the capital without permission. Your Highness, Master Ling, and Xiao Ning, Yang will not see you off."

Yang Zhenwu said cheerfully.

Ling Yun and others also returned the greeting.

Then, they did not stop and walked towards the capital.

This capital of Da Zhou is worthy of being the imperial capital, with extraordinary style.

The city wall is 30 meters high, and you can feel a magnificent momentum from a distance.

Through conversations with Zhao Qier and others, Ling Yun learned that the capital was called "Fengjing" and had a population of over 100 million.

This was the center of all civilizations in the East, including martial arts, commerce, and alchemy.

Ling Yun felt it more deeply than others.

Others were only shocked by its grandeur when they saw Fengjing.

Ling Yun was observing the city's defense formation.

In Ling Yun's view, the strength of a city was not determined by its walls or its size, but by its defense formation.

The more powerful the defense formation, the more resources it would require to set up and maintain it.

With Ling Yun's ability, he could completely set up a formation that surpassed the ninth grade.

But it was useless.

First, he couldn't find so many resources and materials. Second, even if he set up successfully, he couldn't maintain this formation with the power he had now.

Last time, he set up a seventh-grade Seven Killing Mist Formation in Xinglin Garden, which cost tens of millions of spirit stones.

According to Ling Yun's observation, the defense formation of Fengjing was of the ninth grade.

Then, to set up this formation, at least hundreds of billions of spirit stones are needed.

In addition, tens of billions of spirit stones are invested every year to maintain the operation of the formation.

Even in the Great Zhou, only the Imperial Capital can afford to set up this formation, which requires the power of a country to support.

For this reason, even the city defense formation of the Ancient City is only of the eighth grade.

It can be seen that the Ancient City, as one of the top ten forces, cannot afford the consumption of the ninth grade formation.

When Ling Yun was observing, the team had already arrived at the city gate.

Seeing that it was the prince's guard of honor, the guards at the city gate looked respectful and did not dare to stop them at all.

Immediately, Ling Yun followed Zhao Qier and others and stepped into the first city of the East easily.

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